User Manual- Team Forecast



Team Forecast is a window used by various sales team to submit a forecast for the upcoming periods as to which products and how much quantity they intend to sell based on the previous experiences and open orders available. This makes it easy for the organization to prepare budgets for next year and also revise the requisite targets for each team. 


Once all the teams have entered their respective forecasts the supervisor, area manager or the superior looking after their activities shall consolidate all the records and create a consolidate record making changes based on the past experiences or present market conditions. 


To generate the Team Forecast as per the organization’s expectation there are some pre-requisites: 

  1. All the Roles should be available in the system. 

  2. All the login users should be available in the system with relevant role assignments. 

  3. Organizations should be available in the system. 

  4. Document types should be available in the system 

  5. Currency Should be defined in the system 

  6. Calendar should be bind on the organization 

  7. Payment Method and Payment Term should be available in the system. 

  8. Price List should be available in the system. 

  9. Products and Charges should be available in the system 

  10. If any Product is being manufactured then the respective BOM components should be defined in the system. 


Before user can start forecasting there are few basic components should be available in the system for a smooth flow of the forecasting process. 


First define the Sales Region which has been assigned or shall be assigned to each sales team. To open the Sales Region window, follow the menu path given below or a user can Directly search for “Sales Region” 

Menu Path: - Menu > Sales Management > Sales Setup > Sales Region 

Find below the print shot to open the Sales Region window from the menu as per given path: 

Fig 1
Fig 2

Enter or select the following information at the Sales Region window: 


  • Tenant’ and ‘Organization’ fields will be auto-populated based on the user login credentials. In case the user having access to more than one Organization, then the system will allow the user to make the change in the Organization to create the record for other Organizations. It is recommended to login with the respective Organization to generate the record. 

  • Enter the unique Search Key for each region or system will generate one while saving the record. 

  • Enter the Name along with the Description

  • Enter Sales Rep who shall be responsible for handling the said region. 


Next in the order is to define a Team which will be actually serving on the ground level and interacting with the Customer. To open the Team window, follow the menu path given below or a user can Directly search for “Team” 

Menu Path: - Menu > Company and Global Setting > Company Structure > Team 

Find below the print shot to open the Team window from the menu as per given path: 

Enter or select the following information at the Team window: 


  • Tenant’ and ‘Organization’ fields will be auto-populated based on the user login credentials. In case the user having access to more than one Organization, then the system will allow the user to make the change in the Organization to create the record for other Organizations. It is recommended to login with the respective Organization to generate the record. 

  • Enter a Name for the Team. 

  • Define a Supervisor for the team. 

  • Save the record. 


Once the team has been created, all the members of the team are to be defined. 


Once the basic records are created now respective teams can create their forecasts in Team Forecast window. To open the Team Forecast window, follow the menu path given below or a user can Directly search for “Team Forecast” 

Menu Path: - Menu > Sales Management > Sales Planning > Team Forecast 

Find below the print shot to open the Team window from the menu as per given path: 

Enter or select the following information at the Team Forecast window: 


  • Tenant’ and ‘Organization’ fields will be auto-populated based on the user login credentials. In case the user having access to more than one Organization, then the system will allow the user to make the change in the Organization to create the record for other Organizations. It is recommended to login with the respective Organization to generate the record. 

  •  Enter the ‘Document No.’ manually or system will generate at the time of saving the record. 

  • Enter Description and Comments ,if any, for the respective record. 

  • Enter the Transaction Date on which the forecast is being made. 

  • Account Date will be updated automatically, but same can be changed by the user if any forecasts are being made for future periods. 

  • Period is updated accordingly by the system. 

  • Select the Sales Region for which the forecast is being done. 

  • Select the relevant Price List which includes the sale prices for goods intended to be sold. 

  • Currency is updated automatically based on the selected price list. 

  • Define the Currency Type being used for the conversion of Currency. 

  • Select the Representative. 

  • Select the Team for which the said forecast is being done. 

  • Supervisor will be updated based on the selected team, in case the Supervisor is not available, any team member can be selected as the Supervisor. 

  • Copy Lines is used to copy existing Team forecast records for the selected sales region. 

  • Complete Button freezes the record and doesn’t allow any further editing. In case any changes are to be made the user needs to Re-activate the record and then make the required changes. 

  • To post the Team forecast document click on Not-Posted Button. 

Forecast Lines can be created using Generate Lines From button 


 Following options are available on Generate Line form : 


  1. Organization – The system shows the Organization for which Team Forecast is being generated. 

  2. Period – This field enlists all the Period upto the current period, so if any previous orders are to be entered then the same can be done using this option. 

  3. Include Sales Order – This Check box is used to include the processed sales order available in the system. 

  4. Document Type – The system will show all the document types associated with Sales Order. Lines will be created for all the processed sales order against the selected Document Type. 

  5. Include Open Sales Order - This Check box is used to include the undelivered sales order available in the system. 

  6. Open Sales Order – User can select the sales order which are ought to be taken into the forecast as the delivery is intended to take place in future. 

  7. Include Opportunity – This Check box is used to include opportunities which are potential Customers and might be converted into sales in near future. 

  8. Opportunity – User can select the opportunities with this option. 

  9. Product Category –Lines will be created of all the products available for the selected Product Category. 

  10. Budget Quantity – Enter the quantity of products so added. 

  11. Delete and Regenerate Lines – This will delete the exiting lines and recreate the lines based on option selected. 

  12. OK Button – When user enters the details at the form and then click on the OK button then the system will close the form and generate the forecast lines. 

  13. Apply Button – When user enters the details at the form and then click on the Apply button then the system will not close the form and generate the forecast lines. 

  14. Cancel Button – When user clicks on the Cancel button then system will close the form without any event. 


 Lines can also be created manually on the Line tab. Follow the steps below: 

  •  Line No. is generated automatically by the system 

  • Select the Trx organization. 

  • Select the Product or Charge as applicable. 

  • On selection of Product, if it is a manufactured product the Bill of Material check box is marked true automatically. 

  • UOM is updated based on the product selected. 

  • BOM Use, BOM and Routing is updated automatically, in case more than one is available then the same can be updated by the user itself. 

  • Enter the Forecast Quantity for selected product. 

  • Unit Price is updated by the system but same is editable and can be modified by the user. 


Note: This is a read only tab and not editable by the user. Lines on this tab are created based on the changes made in the original records. 


Once the basic records are created now respective teams can create their forecasts in Master Forecast window. To open the Team Forecast window, follow the menu path given below or a user can Directly search for “Master Forecast” 

Menu Path: - Menu > Sales Management > Sales Planning > Master Forecast 

Find below the print shot to open the Team window from the menu as per given path: 

Enter or select the following information at the Team Forecast window: 

  • Tenant’ and ‘Organization’ fields will be auto-populated based on the user login credentials. In case the user having access to more than one Organization, then the system will allow the user to make the change in the Organization to create the record for other Organizations. It is recommended to login with the respective Organization to generate the record. 

  •  Enter the ‘Document No.’ manually or system will generate at the time of saving the record. 

  • Enter Description and Comments ,if any, for the respective record. 

  • Enter the Transaction Date on which the forecast is being made. 

  • Account Date will be updated automatically, but same can be changed by the user if any forecasts are being made for future periods. 

  • Period is updated accordingly by the system. 

  • Select the relevant Price List which includes the sale prices for goods intended to be sold. 

  • Currency is updated automatically based on the selected price list. 

  • Define the Currency Type being used for the conversion of Currency. 

  • Select the Representative. 

  • Bulk Adjustment is used for adjusting Quantity on multiple lines based on product category or it can also be used any particular product. 

  • Copy Lines is used to copy existing Master forecast records for the selected sales region. 

  • Complete Button freezes the record and doesn’t allow any further editing. In case any changes are to be made the user needs to Re-activate the record and then make the required changes. 

  • To post the Team forecast document click on Not-Posted Button. 

Forecast Lines can be created using Generate Lines From button 


Following options are available on Generate Line form : 

  1.  Organization – The system shows the Organization for which Team Forecast is being generated. 

  2. Period – This field enlists all the Period upto the current period, so if any previous orders are to be entered then the same can be done using this option. 

  3. Include Sales Order – This Check box is used to include the processed sales order available in the system. 

  4. Document Type – The system will show all the document types associated with Sales Order. Lines will be created for all the processed sales order against the selected Document Type. 

  5. Include Open Sales Order - This Check box is used to include the undelivered sales order available in the system. 

  6. Open Sales Order – User can select the sales order which are ought to be taken into the forecast as the delivery is intended to take place in future. 

  7. Include Opportunity – This Check box is used to include opportunities which are potential Customers and might be converted into sales in near future. 

  8. Opportunity – User can select the opportunities with this option. 

  9. Forecast- Used to create Lines from Team Forecast. 

  10. Product Category –Lines will be created of all the products available for the selected Product Category. 

  11. Budget Quantity – Enter the quantity of products so added. 

  12. Delete and Regenerate Lines – This will delete the exiting lines and recreate the lines based on option selected. 

  13. OK Button – When user enters the details at the form and then click on the OK button then the system will close the form and generate the forecast lines. 

  14. Apply Button – When user enters the details at the form and then click on the Apply button then the system will not close the form and generate the forecast lines. 

  15. Cancel Button – When user clicks on the Cancel button then system will close the form without any event. 



Lines can also be created manually on the Forecast Line tab. Follow the steps below: 

  •   Line No. is generated automatically by the system 

  • Select the Trx organization. 

  • Select the Product or Charge as applicable. 

  • On selection of Product, if it is a manufactured product the Bill of Material check box is marked true automatically. 

  • UOM is updated based on the product selected. 

  • BOM Use, BOM and Routing is updated automatically, in case more than one is available then the same can be updated by the user itself. 

  • Enter the Forecast Quantity for selected product. 

  • Unit Price is updated by the system but same is editable and can be modified by the user. 



Note: This is a read only tab and not editable by the user. This tab contains the reference of transactions from which the lines are created on Forecast Line.