Action Log History


This document helps the user to understand the behaviour and functionality of Action Log functionality. The main purpose to introduce action log is to keep track of all the reports viewed or downloaded by users. Apart from reports, if a user downloads an attachment or report from Archive viewer, then these activities will also be recorded in Action Log.

Product Version and dependency 

This feature is supported by 'Vienna Advantage Framework <>

How to Use 

In order to enable this functionality, user must set value of "SAVE_ACTION_LOG" key's value to 'Y' in "System  Config" window. User can view "System Config" window using "System Administrator" role. Once this value is set to "Y", then VIENNA Advantage Framework will automatically start saving action log for login users. 

This functionality is accomplished by using two windows: 

  1. System Config 

  2. Session Log 


System Config  

In System Config window, a new key (SAVE_ACTION_LOG) is introduced  and default value for this key is "N". If user wants to use this new functionality then user must set value of this key to "Y".  

Session Log 

In this window, a new tab (Action Log) is introduced in which user can view action performed in each session by the user. 

Field Name 



This field defines the session in which this activity is performed. 


This field defines the role with which user has performed this activity. 


It defines the table on which this activity is performed. 

Document Zoom 

It defined the Record_ID on which this action is taken. 

Created By 

This field defines the login user who performed the action. 

Created On 

 This field saves the date and time on which this action is taken. 


It defines the entity from where this action is initiated.  
These actions are: 

  1. Window 

  2. Form  

  3. Menu 

Action Origin 

This field saves the name of entity from where this action is initiated. An action can be originated from window, form or menu. So this field will save the name of origin. 
E.g :- Sales Order 

Action Type 

This field defines the type of action performed. Two type of actions can be performed: 

  1. View 

  1. Download 


This field contains any other information like process name, type of file viewed or downloaded.  
In case of attachment, it will save name of attachment file downloaded.