Document Sequence


Vienna has functionality to define different Document Sequences to different Document Types according to one requirement. The user may edit or create a new Document Sequence. 

In this version Vienna introduce to create document sequence according to organization wise. Also, bring new feature to restart document sequence on the first day of the year. 


Menu \ Company and Global Settings \ Transactional Documents Setting \ Document Sequence 


Enhancement version 1.1 

  • New fields and checkbox that taken on Document Sequence header are Organization level, Restart sequence every Year, Append Year as Prefix, Org Column and Date Column

  • New tab ‘Sequence No’ introduced on this window which is child of Document Sequence header Tab. 


Create New Document Sequence 

  1. Open ‘Document Sequence’ window. 

  2. Add new record on Sequence tab.  

  3. Enter a Name and optionally a Description for this Document Sequence. 

  4. Select the Auto Numbering checkbox. The Auto Numbering checkbox indicates if the system will assign the next number automatically. 

  5. Record ID checkbox is read-only(Internal Use). 

  6. Enter Increment for this Document Sequence. The Increment indicates the number to increment the last document number by to generate current next sequence number. 

  7. Enter Current Next for this Document Sequence. The Current Next indicates the next number to use for this document after use same is incremented with defined value in increment field 

  8. Enter a Prefix and Suffix, if desired, for this Document Sequence. The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number.  The Suffix indicates the characters to append after to the document number. 

  9. The Organization Level indicate sequence can be defined for organization wise. If Organization Level checkbox is checked then you will have a Org Column field. It is recommended to use following Format text “AD_Org_ID”.  

  10. The Restart Sequence every year checkbox indicates that the document sequencing starting from number defined in field “Start No” on the first day of the year. If Restart Sequence every Year checkbox is checked then field Date Column, Start No and Append Year as Prefix will visible. 

  11. The Date Column indicates the date_column_name to be used for sequencing handling. For example, if user want to restart sales order document number every year base on order date then user needs to enter “DateOrdered” in Date Column field. 

  12. Append Years as Prefix checkbox indicates that year should be appended before the prefix in document number. For example;[PO201810005] where 2018 is year, PO is prefix and 10005 is document number. 

  13. Start No field indicates that starting document number for each year or If Organization Level checkbox is checked then for each organization document sequence will start with this number.  

If Org Column format is not correct. Document Sequence will according to predefined document sequence that is defined for the transaction window. 

If Organization Level or Restart sequence every Year  checkbox checked then   

Tab: “Sequence No” will editable and Current Next field on Tab: “Sequence No” used instead of header tab current next field. 

If  Date Column format is not correct. Document Sequence will not restart every year. 

Tab “Sequence No” will update automatically once first transaction is created in any org or year. However, user can create record manually. This tab will not allow to save duplicate record with same year with same organization. 

Tab “Sequence No” do not allow to delete any record. 


Enhancement version 1.2 

Adding support of Prefix and Suffix with document number at organization level. 

  1. New fields ‘ Prefix’, ‘Suffix’ and checkbox ‘Append Year as Prefix’ taken on sequence no. tab. 

  2. Checkbox  ‘Append Year as Prefix’ appears on sequence no. Tab if ‘Restart sequence every Year’ checkbox is true at Document sequence tab. 

How to use Prefix and suffix organization wise  

Follow the step from 1 to 13  under the section Create New Document Sequence 

  1. Go to Sequence no. tab. Select organization and current next. Enter a Prefix and Suffix, if desired, for this Document Sequence. The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. The Suffix indicates the characters to append after  to the document number. 

  2. Append Years as Prefix checkbox on document sequence indicates that year should be appended before to the prefix in document number on the basis of selected organization. For example;[PO201810005] where 2018 is year, PO is prefix and 10005 is document number. 


If anyone from the three fields Suffix/Prefix or Append Years as Prefix is defined at the Sequence No. tab. then System will pick all three fields value from the Sequence No tab otherwise pick information from Document Sequence Header. 

User need to create Document Sequence carefully. As most of the transaction window have constraint with combination of Document No, Business Partner and Document Type. 


Enhancement version 1.3 

In this version we are introducing new feature for maintaining separate document number for complete document. 

We have introduce below fields/checkbox on Document Type window. 

  • Overwrite Sequence on Complete (Checkbox)  

  • Overwrite Date on Complete (Checkbox)  

  • Document Sequence On Complete (Field)   


  • Settings and Use Overwrite Sequence on Complete (Checkbox)  & Document Sequence On Complete (Field)   


  1. Set Document is Number Controlled checkbox as true on Document Type window (for desired record)and select Document sequence under Document Sequence field. 

  2. Set Overwrite Sequence on Complete checkbox as true on Document Type window (for desired record) and select Document sequence under Document Sequence On Complete field. 

  3. When user create record in drafted stage, system set document number according to the document sequence selected in Document Sequence field in respective document type. 

  4. When user compete same record, system set (Overwrite/Replace) document number according to the document sequence selected in Document Sequence On Complete field in respective document type. 


When user Reversed/Void documents related to Material Receipt, Material delivery, AP Credit Memo, AP Invoice, AR Credit Memo and AR Invoice. System generates counter document with document number according to document sequence selected in Document Sequence field in the respective document type.   


When user Reversed/void the document with Doc Base Type as Material Movement, Material Physical Inventory, AP Payment and AR Receipt. System will create counter document with its original document number suffix with caret (^) symbol  e.g. 10000^ 


When Order (any window linked C_Order table) is reactivate, system will not change the document number on completion. 


How to use Overwrite Date on Complete 

  • Set Overwrite Date on Complete checkbox as true  

  • When user complete the records of previous date, system replace document date with current date. 


For Example: 

  • If Overwrite Sequence on Complete and Overwrite Date on Complete checkbox is set as true 

User creates record on 01 Aug, 2019. System will create a document with document number defined on Document Sequence on Document type window. After that user complete the record on 15 Aug, 2019. System fetches document number according to Document sequence  in Document Sequence On Complete field in respective of document type for complete record and system changes the date 01 Aug, 2019 to 15 Aug, 2019 

  • If Overwrite Sequence on Complete checkbox is set as false and Overwrite Date on Complete checkbox is set as true 

User creates record on 01 Aug, 2019. System will create a document with document number defined on Document Sequence on Document type window. After that user complete the record on 15 Aug, 2019. System will not change the document number and it changes the date 01 Aug, 2019 to 15 Aug, 2019 


System replace Following Previous date with current date. 

  • Ordered Date with current Date on C_Order table. 

  • Movement Date and Account Date with current Date on M_InOut table. 

  • Date Invoiced and Account Date with current Date on C_Invoice table. 

  • Movement Date with current Date on M_Movement and M_Inventory table. 

  • Document Date and Account Date with current Date on GL_Journal table. 

  • Transaction Date and Account Date with current Date on C_Payment table. 

  • Document Date with current Date on M_Requisition table. 


If Transaction Date and Account Date is future date, System replace only transaction date with current date and keep  Account Date as it is. 

Overwrite Sequence on Complete and Overwrite Date on Complete are handle in following Doc Base Type: 

'MMR'- Material Receipt 

'MMS'- Material delivery 

'SOO'- Sales Order 

'POO'- Purchase Order 

'BOO'- Blanket Order 

'APC'- AP Credit Memo 

'API'- AP Invoice 

'ARC'- AR Credit Memo 

'ARI'- AR Invoice 

'MMM'- Material Movement 

'MMI'-Material Physical Inventory 

'GLJ'- GL Journal 

'APP'- AP Payment 

'ARR'- AR Receipt 

'POR'- Purchase Requisition 


Enhancement version 1.4 

In this version we are introducing below mentioned feature. 

  • Restart Sequence Number Every Month 

  • Append Month After Year 


We have introduce below fields/checkbox on Document Sequence window. 

  • New checkbox required at Document Sequence window "Restart Sequence Number Every Month" 

  • New checkbox required at Document Sequence window "Append Month After Year" this  checkbox will be also required on Document Sequence line. 

  • Field  name needs to rename from "Year" to "Year & Month" 

  • New field required on Document Sequence Header with name "Year & Month Separator". This would be string field. We do have system element available "Separator" us this to create column.  

  • New field required on Document Sequence header with name "Year and Month Format". This field will have reference list bind with following Value (YYYYMM and YYMM) 

Display Logic & Validation 

  • "Append Month After" Year checkbox will display when "Append Year as Prefix" check will be True (On Header and line) 

  • If "Restart Sequence Number Every Year" checkbox is true "Restart Sequence Number Every Month" checkbox will show  

  • "Year & Month Separator" will always display, as this field will be consider if data is getting picked from "Document No" Tab 

  • "Date Column" Will be mandatory when "Restart Sequence Every Year" checkbox is true 

  • "Year & Month Separator" will only come into picture when "Append as Year" and "Append Month After Year" 

  • If "Restart Sequence Every Year" and "Restart Sequence every Month" checkbox are True. System will give preference to Restart Sequence every Month. 


Changes in existing features 

  • "Append Year as Prefix" check always display. Right now year gets appended to document number once "Restart Sequence Number Every Year" checkbox is true. With this version user would be able to append year with document number in any case. 

  • Date Column field  will show every time. If User do not want to repeat document number still user will be able to append year and month 


 Enhancement Version 1.5  

In this version we are introducing below mentioned feature.  

  • New field introduced "Prefix(Year & Month) and Doc No separator" 

  • "Prefix(Year & Month) and Doc No separator" will display when "Append Year as Prefix" check will be true (On Header)  

  • If this field have any value, this value will show in document number.  

For example: (- ) is added on Prefix(Year & Month) and Doc No separator, document number will look like PO2020-12-100. 


Enhancement version 1.6 

In this version we are introducing below mentioned feature. 

  • Maintain Separate Transaction for Document No. 


DB Changes 

  • New checkbox added at Document Sequence window "Maintain Separate Trx". 


How it works 

By Default the checkbox will have false value on Document Sequence window. 

If User set this checkbox value as true, It will restrict the system to maintain separate transaction for document no. 


In this case system will skip the generated document sequence if current record is not saved. if it is ON, then next drafted order created with skipped number like first order created with doc number 100001 and second one with 100003. 100002 will skipped due to rollback. For performance point of view keep it ON.