Validate Table Columns

1. Overview

Process to check whether there is any mismatch in table's column in Application Dictionary and in Database. New Process Available in Menu with name "Validate Table Columns" and on Table and Column window, new button as "Validate Table" introduced. Now user can check while creating tables in Vienna Advantage on single button click if there is any issue with table's Column (e.g. any column is not synched).  

2. Validate Table on Table and Column window 

New Button introduced on Table and Column window with name "Validate Table" as shown in the image below (Pic. 2.1).  

Pic: 2.1

On "Validate Table" button click, it will show one popup, where all column details will be listed, specifying whether there is any mismatch in columns of the table in Database and Application Dictionary as shown in image below (Pic. 2.2). If any column is missing in either Database or in Application Dictionary, it will show that column in Italic and in Red Color as shown in Image below for "C_JournalType_ID" Column for "Test" Table.  


3.Validate Table and Columns process in Menu 

To validate table, apart from Table and Column window, user can also run the process from Menu, where Tables must be selected for validation, multiple tables can also be selected. On process result it will show all the tables that are selected in the parameter for validating columns against table as shown in image below. Representation will be same as displayed on the process linked on Validate table button on Table and Column window. 

In the image below, process shows result for 2 tables selected in parameter I.e. C_Year and M_Substitute. 
