

Previously there was no provision in the system to send mail to all the users of specific roles on update and save of request. For this, we have introduced "Role" field on "Request Type" window and "Allow notification on save", "Mail Template" is taken on 'Request Type' window.  

If a user wants to send a notification when a record is already saved and updated. Then a user can use "Send Notification" button introduced on 'Request' window. 


  1. New Field "Role" is introduced on 'Update notification' tab of 'Request Type' window  

  2. New checkbox "Allow notification on save" and "Mail Template" field is introduced on 'Request Type' window  

  3. New button "Send Notification" is introduced on Request window  


Functionality of "Mail Template" on  'Request Type' window. 

Case 1: When "Mail Template" is attached on 'Request' and 'Request Type' window. 

System send mail/notification to the users on update and save  on 'Request' window with the template which is attached  on 'Request 'or 'Request Type' window. Template of Request window is preferred over template of 'Request type' window.  


Case 2: When "Mail Template" is not attached on 'Request' and 'Request Type' window. 

System send mail/notification without template to users on update and save on 'Request'  window. 


Functionality of "Allow notification on save" checkbox on 'Request type' window. 

Case 1: When "Allow notification on save" is checked  

When user update and save changes on 'Request' window, system send mail/notification to the users. 


Case 2: When "Allow notification on save" is unchecked 

When user update and save changes on 'Request' window, system not send mail/notification to the users. 


Functionality of "Role" field  on Update notification' tab of 'Request Type' window. 

When user  update and save changes on 'Request' window. System send the mail/notification to the users of Role which is mapped on 'Request Type' window. Depending on role Settings 3 case arises which are discussed below. 


 Case 1: When access to all organization checkbox is true on 'Role' window. 

In this case, system send mail to all the users of role which are mapped on 'Request Type' window. 


Case 2: When access to all organization checkbox is false and Access to User organization checkbox is true on 'Role' window. 

In this case, system wi send mail to users  of role who have access of request organization. 


Case 3:When both  access to all organization checkbox and Access to User organization checkbox is false on 'Role' window. 

In this case, system  send mail to role users who have access of organization which is mapped on 'Access Org' tab of 'Role' window and is same as 'Request' organization. 


Functionality of "Send notification" button  on 'Request ' window. 

Case 1: When mail template is attached on 'Request' and 'Request Type' window 

When user will click on "Send Notification" button, system send mail/notification to the users with the template which is attached  on 'Request 'or 'Request Type' window. Template of Request window is preferred over template of 'Request type' window.  


Case 2:When "Mail Template" is not attached on 'Request' and 'Request Type' window 

When user make any change on 'Request' window system record history in 'History' tab of 'Request' window. After this when user will click on "Send Notification" button system send mail/notification without template to users even if "Allow notification on save" checkbox is unchecked.