Window's Composite View


Composite View on window is introduced to display more than one tab at a time. Composite View support tabs inside parent tab and a user can read-write data in both tab same time.  


Product Version and dependency 

Composite View feature is supported by the below-mentioned modules:  

  1. Vienna Advantage Framework Version- 

  2. Vienna Advantage Base Files – 


After modules update "Composite View" checkbox will display on the "Window, Tab & Field" window. This checkbox will switch window view from default to composite as shown in the below screenshot.  

Enable Composite View 

To enable Composite View, the user needs to follow below-mentioned steps; 

  1. Log in with system administrator role  

  2. Open "Window, Tab & Field" window  

  3. Select the desired window and check "Composite View" checkbox  

  4. Run "Cache Reset" process from menu  

  5. Open window on which composite view is enabled  

  6. Composite View will split the window into two parts top and bottom as shown in the below screenshot.  

  1. The user can adjust the height of the bottom tab by drag and drop.  

  2. The first tab will be displayed in the top section and other tabs will be displayed in the bottom section. In the bottom section, only the immediate child tabs of the selected tab will be available for editing, the rest of the tabs will be displayed as read-only.  

  3. If a user wants to edit the grandchild of the selected tab, the user must re-click on the selected tab. This will move the selected tab on top. The rest of the child will remain in the bottom section. As shown in the below screenshot after clicking on the "Contact Details" tab, the same tab move on top and its child remain at the bottom. 

  1. If any tab with smaller "Tab Level" is placed after higher "Tab Level". When user double click on tab with smaller "Tab level", then tab will be moved to top and tab with higher "Tab Level" will not show neither on top nor in bottom section. Below is the example with "Alert" window. In this window "Tab level" are set  0, 1, 2 and 1 from left to right. 

  1. When user double click on "Alert Rule Condition" tab, same tab will move on top and "Alert Recipient" tab will disappear as shown in below screenshot. 

  1. If a user wants to perform any other action (search record, navigate from one record to another or perform any action of right panel) in the bottom tab. The user has to bring the bottom tab on top first by re-click on the tab's name in the bottom section.  

Below are the list of feature supported by bottom section of composite view: 

  1. New Record 

  2. Undo Changes 

  3. Delete Record 

  4. Save Record 

  5. Refresh Data 

  6. Toggle View 

  7. Link Button (if any) 


Note: It is recommended to set proper "Tab Level" on Tab section of "Window, Tab & Field" window.