Card View (User Manual)


Vienna Advantage has enhanced functionality of the card view, with this release we have introduced Card Wizard and card template functionality.  

User can easily new card with the help of card wizard  as per their requirement. Now for create card user has not required knowledge of html & css. He just use the properties provided in the Card Wizard tool, adding cell in the card just by clicking the button, directly link the fields in the card layout.  Easy navigate between different design section. Applied color based on condition, Group card record. Set sort order on card view in easy way.  User can create card view by choosing exiting template provided by System Administrator or create card from scratch.  Provided View card template screen where user can view all card template, filter the card based on categories. User can create multiple card view on a single window and easy to navigate between the card view 

Further, user can create card template by using system administrator role and the card template created by system administrator role will available to all tenant users.  Now creating card temple is too easy with Template Card wizard, where user can create different kind of card template as per their requirement and assigned with template categories. 

The System Administrator can apply default cards on windows which will be default available on window to users under all tenants. 

 Pre-requisites for Card view: 

  • Vienna Advantage Framework 

  • Vienna advantage base file version 


For detail knowledge of card view functionality please go through below section in sequence 

  1. Template Category 

  2. Template Wizard  

  3. Card Wizard 

  4. Card View UI 

  5. Default Card