User Manual – Payment Allocation


When a payment creates for an invoice, it automatically creates view allocations against the invoice schedule. However, if a user created a payment record manually, they can also make any number of allocations as long as the total allocation amounts are within the payment’s amount. In this case, an allocation can cover all or part of an invoice line’s balance. So, here in the document we will explain how user can allocate invoices, cash journals , GL journal and payments using Payment Allocation form in Vienna Advantage. 

Payment Allocation Form 

To open the Payment Allocation form, navigate to Menu> Financial Management> Bank Management> Payment Allocation Form or search for Payment  Allocation Form in search utility available in the menu itself. 

Below is the screenshot of Payment Allocation Form. 

Left panel of form shows filter parameter  for Payment, Invoice, Gl journal and cash journal records. 

1.1      Parameters Description 

Organization: User can select the organization in this field. Payment, Invoice , GL journal and cash journal grid shows the record of selected organization only. All active Trx organizations will show in this parameter. 

Business Partner: User can select the business partner in this field. Payment, Invoice , Gl journal and cash journal grid shows the record of selected business partner only. 

Currency: User can select the currency in this field. Payment, Invoice, Gl journal and cash journal grid shows the record of selected currency only. All active my currencies will show in this parameter. 

Allocation From: User can select the dropdown value as Cash journal, invoice, payment and GL journal. Selected grid will show in right panel of form. 

Allocation To: User can select the dropdown value Cash journal, invoice, payment and GL journal. Selected grid will show in right panel of form. 

Multicurrency: User can mark this checkbox true if want to do the allocation of records of different currency. When user will mark this checkbox true, conversion date parameter shows at the end of the left panel of form.  

Payment, Invoice, Gl journal and cash journal grids show records of different currency in selected currency according to conversion rate present on selected conversion date field. 

Conversion Date: This field appears when Multicurrency checkbox is true. Grid shows records according to conversion rate present on selected conversion date. User can select the records from Payment / cash journal/Gl journal  grid only if record’s account date match with selected conversion date. Otherwise system will give message “Please select record with same account date and conversion date”.` 

Allocation Org: User can select the organization in which user want to create the view allocation. 

Transaction Date:  It is read only field and for informative purpose. Here system set highest transaction date from all the selected records and View Allocation will create under same ‘Transaction Date’. 

Account Date: It is a read only parameter only for informative purpose. 

Case 1: Invoice to Payments Allocation 

In this case system will update the invoice and payment on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected payment records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Payment account date as account date. 


Case 2: Invoice to Cash journal Allocation 

In this case system will update the invoice and cash journal on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected cash journals records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Cash Journal account date as account date. 


Case 3: Invoice to Invoice Allocation 

In this case system will update the invoice and invoice reference on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected invoice records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the conversion date as account date. 


Case 4: Invoice to Invoice and invoice to payment Allocation 

In this case system will update the invoice and invoice reference on view allocation line. Also system will update the invoice and payment on view allocation line with same View Allocation record. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected payment records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Payment account date as account date. 


Case 5: Invoice to Invoice and invoice to cash journal Allocation 

In this case system will update the invoice and invoice reference on view allocation line. Also system will update the invoice and cash journal on view allocation line with same View Allocation record. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all  selected cash journals records as  account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Cash Journal account date as account date. 


Case 6: Journal to Payments Allocation 

In this case system will update the journal and payment on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected payment records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Payment account date as account date. 


Case 7: Journal to Cash journal Allocation 

In this case system will update the journal and cash on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected cash journals records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Cash Journal account date as account date. 


Case 8: journal to Invoice Allocation 

In this case system will update the journal and invoice on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all selected invoice records as account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the journal account date as account date. 


Case 9: Invoice to Invoice and invoice to journal Allocation 

In this case system will update the invoice and invoice reference on view allocation line. Also system will update the invoice and journal on view allocation line with same View Allocation record. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all  selected  journals records as  account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the Journal account date as account date. 


Case 10: Cash to Cash Allocation 

Earlier it was not there in the system. In this case system will update the cash journal and cash journal reference on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all  selected cash journals records as  account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the cash journal account date as account date. 


Case 11: Payment to Payment Allocation 

In this case system will update the payment and payment reference on view allocation line. 

When multicurrency is false: System will set the latest account date from all  selected payment records as  account date. 

When multicurrency is true: System will set the payment account date as account date. 

1.2      Grids description 

Right panel of the form shows the grid view of payment, cash journal , journal and invoice records. Grids load the data after the selection of business partner and organization. Below are the explanation of all the columns of grids.     Payment Grid 

Payment grid shows the completed and closed unallocated payments of selected business partner and organization. This grid has filters Document Type, Document Base Type, Search, From Date and To Date. 

Below is the screenshot of Payment grid. 

Organization: This column shows the organization of payment record. 

Account Date:  This column shows the account date of payment record. 

Document No. : This column shows the document no. of payment record. 

Document Base Type: This column shows the document base type of payment record. 

Trx Currency: This column shows the currency of payment record. 

Currency Type: This column shows the currency type of payment record. User can allocate records having same currency type. 

Amount: This column shows the total amount of payment record. 

Converted Amount:  It shows  transaction amount in selected currency. If transaction currency and currency selected on form is same amount and converted amount will be same 

Open Amount: This column shows the unallocated amount of payment record in selected currency. 

Applied Amount: User can enter the amount less than or equal to open amount to allocate with other payment or invoice records.     Invoice Grid 

Invoice grid shows the completed and closed unpaid invoice schedules of selected business partner. This grid has filters Document Type, Document Base Type, Search, From Date and To Date. 

Below is the screenshot of Invoice grid. 

Organization: This column shows the organization of payment record. 

Account Date:  This column shows the account date of payment record. 

Document No. : This column shows the document no. of payment record. 

Invoice Schedule Date. : This column shows the due date of Invoice schedule. 

Document Base Type: This column shows the document base type of invoice record. 

Trx Currency: This column shows the currency of invoice. 

Currency Type: This column shows the currency type of payment record. User can allocate records having same currency type. 

Amount: This column shows the due amount of invoice schedule. 

Converted Amount: It shows  transaction amount in selected currency. If transaction currency and currency selected on form is same then amount and converted amount will be same. 

Open Amount: This column shows the unallocated amount of payment record in selected currency. 

Discount Amount: This column shows the discount amount on the invoice schedule. User can enter the discount amount less than or equal to open amount. 

Write off Amount: User can enter the write off amount less than or equal to open amount to allocate with other payment or invoice records. 

Applied Amount: User can enter the amount less than or equal to open amount to allocate with other payment or invoice records. 

Invoice Pay schedule: This column shows the ID of invoice schedule.     Cash Journal Grid 

This grid shows the completed and closed unallocated cash journal lines having cash type business partner. This grid has filters Document Type, Document Base Type, Search, From Date and To Date. 

Below is the screenshot of cash journal grid. 

Organization: This column shows the organization of cash journal record. 

Account Date:  This column shows the account date of cash journal record. 

Receipt No. : This column shows the voucher no. of cash journal record. 

Trx Currency: This column shows the currency of cash journal record. 

Currency Type: This column shows the currency type of cash journal record. User can allocate records having same currency type. 

Amount: This column shows the total amount of cash journal record. 

Converted Amount: It shows  transaction amount in selected currency. If transaction currency and currency selected on form is same then amount and converted amount will be same 

Open Amount: This column shows the unallocated amount of cash journal record in selected currency. 

Applied Amount: User can enter the amount less than or equal to open amount to allocate with invoice records.     GL Journal Grid 

Grid shows the completed and closed  unallocated journal lines having account type asset and liability (allocation related checkbox true). This grid has filters Document Type, Document Base Type, Search, From Date and To Date. 

Below is the screenshot of GL journal grid. 

Organization: This column shows the organization of  journal record. 

Account Date:  This column shows the account date of  journal record. 

Document No. : This column shows the voucher no. of  journal record. 

Account: This column shows the account of Gl journal line. 

Trx Currency: This column shows the currency of  journal record. 

Currency Type: This column shows the currency type of  journal record. User can allocate records having same currency type. 

Amount: This column shows the total amount of  journal record in selected currency. 

Open Amount: This column shows the unallocated amount of cash journal record in selected currency. 

Applied Amount: User can't edit the applied amount. Open amount = Applied amount 


  • User can't allocate two records of different currency type. 

  • On deselection of payment record/ cash journal record system does not update the account date parameter and create the view allocation with this date. 
    After that if user make invoice to invoice allocation this account date update on the created view allocation instead of account date of invoice. 

  • Select the record of 500 open amt and enter the applied amount 200. now on filtering the invoice grid from Invoice Filter system shows the selected invoice in grid with applied amount 500 not picking the changes made before.  

  • Cash line is created with reference of Invoice, on completion of cash journal system creates the view allocation document. Now on void of this view allocation doc system mark allocated checkbox false on cash journal line. This cash line is  not showing on payment allocation. 

 Use cases 

  1. Invoice to Payment allocation 

For example : Customer had  two unpaid invoice schedule of 200 USD and 300 USD. There is receipt of 500 USD. Now select these invoice schedules and receipt record on payment allocation form and click on Process button. After this view allocation document no.  appears on screen. System will update paid amount on invoice schedules and will mark payment record allocated. 

User can also allocate invoice and payments of different currency b marking multicurrency checkbox true.  

  1. Invoice to cash journal allocation 

For example : Customer had  two unpaid invoice schedule of 200 USD and 300 USD. There is  cash receipt of 500 USD. Now select these invoice schedules and receipt record on payment allocation form and click on Process button. After this view allocation document no.  appears on screen. System will update paid amount on invoice schedules and will mark cash record allocated. 

User can also allocate invoice and cash journal of different currency b marking multicurrency checkbox true. 

  1. Invoice to invoice allocation 

For example : Customer had  two unpaid  AR invoice schedule of 200 USD and 300 USD. There is credit memo  of 500 USD. Now select these invoice schedules  on payment allocation form and click on Process button. After this view allocation document no.  appears on screen. System will update paid amount on invoice schedules  

User can also allocate invoice and cash journal of different currency b marking multicurrency checkbox true. 

  1. Payment to Payment allocation 

For example : Customer had  a unallocated payment of 200 USD . There is unallocated receipt of 200 USD. Now select Payment in Allocation from and Payment in allocation To field . Select these record on payment allocation form and click on Process button. After this view allocation document no.  appears on screen. System will update will mark payment record allocated. 

User can also allocate payments of different currency b marking multicurrency checkbox true.  

  1. Invoice to Invoice and invoice to payment Allocation 

For example : Customer had unpaid  AR invoice schedule of 200 USD, credit memo of  500 USD and a payment of 300 USD. Now select these invoice schedules and payment  of payment allocation form and click on Process button. After this view  allocation doc no. appears on screen. System will update paid amount on invoice schedules  and will mark payment record allocated. 

  1. Invoice to Invoice and invoice to cash Allocation 

For example : Customer had unpaid  AR invoice schedule of 200 USD, credit memo of  500 USD and a cash payment of 300 USD. Now select these invoice schedules  and payment on payment allocation form and click on Process button. After this view allocation document no. appears on screen. System will update paid amount on invoice schedules and will mark cash record allocated. 

  1. Invoice to journal 

For example : Customer had  two unpaid invoice schedule of 200 USD and 300 USD. There is debit journal of 500 USD. Now select these invoice schedules and journal record on payment  allocation form and click on Process button. After this view allocation document no.  appears on screen. System will update paid amount on invoice schedules and will mark journal record allocated