User IP Address


Introduced new field labeled ‘User IP Address’ has been added to the User Management window for enhanced security measures. 

From now on, the system will cross-reference the user's IP address prior to login. 


When creating a user, administrators will notice a new field named "User IP Address" as shown in above image. 

This field is required to input the user's IP address into this field. Subsequently, during login attempts, the system will verify whether the user's system IP matches the one specified in the "User IP Address" field.


‘User IP Address’ feature remains hidden until the user manually activates it within the User Management window.


  • IP matches with login user system: If a user attempts to log in from the same system with the IP address specified for that user, they will successfully access the VA system. 


  • IP does not match with login user system: If a user tries to log in from a different system using the specified IP address assigned to them, they should be prevented from accessing the VA system.