Framework Enhanced Features

Enhancement Features In Framework Version 

Product Version and dependency 

New features are supported by the below-mentioned modules:  

  1. Vienna Advantage Framework Version - 

  2. Vienna Advantage Base Files – 

1. Font Style for Font Images (Support on list control) 

In Vienna Advantage, we have option to add font images. Now in this release we have added option of Font Style for font images which are currently support for List control. Before this release, user can link fonts images with list control but user has no option to provide style on these fonts. In this release, Vienna has provided option to add style on fonts which support in list items. To achieve this, Vienna has introduced a new field on image window having name “Font Style”.  

On image window, user can add style properties in font style field for font mentioned in font field. Whatever properties user will mention in font style, all these properties will be applied respective font. Then user can link that font with item of list. Now if this list item is displayed in card view or grid view or header panel, font style will be applied by system. 

2. New Record View 

In this release, Vienna has introduced an option for the end user to choose the layout to enter new record. In order to achieve this, Vienna has introduced a new field in “Tab” tab of window, tab & field. 

Field Name: - New Record View 

This field contains two options: 

  1. Single Row Layout 

  2. Grid Layout 

If user wants to enter new records in any tab of any window in single record view, then user can set value of New Record View field to Single Row Layout. After this no matter in which view user is working on that tab, when user clicks on new record button, tab will be switched to Single Row Layout. 

Similarly if user wants to enter new records in grid view, user can set value of New Record View field to Grid Layout. 

If user left this field blank and user working in grid, new record will be displayed in grid view otherwise system will switch to single view on click of new record. 

3.Add New Record 

In this release, Vienna has provided option to choose “Add New” option from drop down or search control’s menu. When user clicks on menu of drop down or search control, then system will show “Add New” option after zoom option.  

When user will click on Add New, System will open respective window with new record button pressed by system. Layout of new record in window will depend on the value of New Record View field. 

4.Overwrite length of Column 

In Vienna Advantage, when user creates a column, system asks the user to enter length of data that this column will store. If that column is linked with any field, then user can overwrite the length of data that can entered into that column. For this a new field is introduced on “Field” Tab of Window, tab & Field. 

Example: Suppose you have created a column of string type having length 100.After some use of that column, due to some reason you want to restrict users to enter maximum 50 characters, then you can set Field length in overwrite section of Field tab. System will not allow the end user to enter more than 50 characters in that field. If you set field length more than 100, then system will truncate value to 100 characters because field length does not change length of column in physical DB. So overwrite field length will work only if field length is less that column length. 

Enhancement Features In Framework Version 

Product Version and dependency 

New features are supported by the below-mentioned modules:  

  1. Vienna Advantage Framework Version - 

  2. Vienna Advantage Base Files – 


  1. Card View Enhancements 

Vienna Advantage has enhanced card view functionality for better use. To see latest enhancements please click: Card View Enhancements 


  1. SSE Implemented 

Vienna Advantage has Implemented Server Side Events. For detail please refer Server-Sent Events. 


  1. Default Tab Layout 

In Vienna Advantage, before this release user has two default view for window- Single Row Layout and Multirow Layout. User can select one of these from "Single Row Layout" checkbox on Tab of window, tab an d Field. 

In this release, Single Row Layout checkbox is replaced with "Default Tab Layout" list.  This list has 3 options: 

  1. Single Row View 

  2. Multi Row View 

  3. Card View 


When user choose Single Row View in tab, and open window from menu then system will open window in single record view. If Multi Row View is selected, then system will display grid view when user open that window. If card view is selected as default tab view, then when user open window, system will display card view.  

If any card is set as default card and user selected Card View as "Default Tab Layout", then that card will be displayed in card view by default. If no card is selected as default card, then whichever card comes first in card list, that card will be displayed by default. 


  1. Image Field Enhancement 

In Vienna Advantage, till now user can upload image on window using image control but these images can only be viewed from Single view and header panel. from this release onwards, image will be visible in grid also. By default, images in grid are will be displayed with round background. User can set background according to their need. 

In order to change background, user can use HTML Style field from window, tab and field. 

Above setting is to remove background of image in grid. if user want to remove background of image, then style properties must begin with @img::. 


  1. Back Button  

Vienna Advantage has introduced back button in toolbar in windows which can be used to navigate back to grid view or card view from single view. 

Whenever user clicks on hyperlink text to navigate from grid view to single view OR clicks on edit icon on card to navigate from card view to single view, then system will enable back button in toolbar. When user clicks on back button, it will navigate back to respective grid or card view. 

Enhancement Features In Framework Version 

Product Version and dependency 

New features are supported by the below-mentioned modules:  

  1. Vienna Advantage Framework Version - 

  2. Vienna Advantage Base Files – 


  1. Menu UI for PC 

  • Overview 

The Menu display is changed, the above UI shows the new UI Menu comes under in this version. 

Menu is broadly divided into four columns section 

  • First main column :  Show all the main Parent Folder 

  • 2nd and 3rd Column: Show the child item of selected parent folder. 

  • 4th column: Show the setting folder of selected Parent Folder. 


As shown in above image, all the parent items are displayed in left side (1st Column). When user clicks on any parent item, all its child are displayed on right side. For example, in above image Company and Global Settings has child folders(summary Level nodes) like Company Structure, Transactional Documents Setting, Global Setting and Utilities Setup. All these folders further contains child items which are displayed under them.  


Except Merge Entities folder, all items of first level child subfolders are displayed directly and  second level child subfolder item not show here directly. If user wants to see items of these subfolders, then click on plus icon in front of second level child subfolder. 


Child level subfolder will shows according to defined sequence in 2nd and 3rd column in appending way. Any subfolder with least sequence numbers among its siblings are displayed in 2nd column.  Subfolder with 2nd least sequence are displayed in 3rd column. After that, Subfolder with 3rd least sequence are displayed in 2nd  column and 4th least sequence are displayed in 3nd column and so on.  


4th column is reserved for setting items. In this release, Vienna has provided option to  mark any folder as Setting item. Purpose of setting item is to collaborate all the configuration items and display them separately (in 4th Column) in menu.  

For example in above pic, Utilities Setup is marked as Setting item in menu screen. In order to mark any folder as setting folder, Vienna has provided new checkbox on Menu screen. 

When you click on this checkbox for any subfolder, that subfolder displayed in 4th column. 


  • Display Image with Menu Folders 

Vienna has also provided option to show image with Summary level items in menu. For this Vienna has provided Image dropdown in Menu screen.  

User can choose any image to link with summary item. Vienna suggest to choose images with fonts linked to them as fonts provide better performance than images.  


  • Show all items 

Vienna has also provided option to see all items at once. For this, user has to click on Header of menu. In above image, when user click on Menu2, all the items will be displayed together. It will help user to find any item of menu along with its parent folders.  

In this image, all menu items are displayed together.  If user want to see any particular folder's items, then that user can click on that folder on left section. 


  • Filters 

User can apply filters on menu as it was working before. Once a filter is applied, its effect will be visible on whatever folder you will select from left section (1st column) and on all items as well.  If user has selected any folder from left section and apply filter then that folder's item will be filtered. After that if user click on any other folder from left section OR clicks on Menu header, then applied filter will be applied to these items automatically unless user remove filter manually.  


  • Favorite Items 

User can mark any non-summary item as favorite item by click on 3 dots displayed in front of it. When user clicks on 3 dots, a context menu will appear and on that user can click "Add To Favorite" to add item in favorite list. If any item is marked as favorite item, then a star icon will be displayed in front of that item. If user wants to remove any item from favorites, then click on 3 dots, context menu appears having option "Remove Favorite". Click on that item and item will be removed from favorite list. 

NOTE:- All non-summary items should be child of summary level items. If any non-summary item don't have parent, then that item will not be displayed in menu. 


  1. Menu UI   for Mobile Device 


  • Overview 


As shown in above image, all the parent items are displayed in menu by default. When user clicks on any parent item, then parent item and its siblings hide and its child are displayed in menu. If user wants to return to the main menu, then user has to click on back button with folder name displayed at top of tree items.  


In above image, Company and Global Settings has child folders (summary Level nodes) like Company Structure, Transactional Documents Setting, Global Setting and Utilities Setup. All these folders further contains child items which are displayed under them. Except Merge Entities folder, all items first level child subfolders are displayed. Merge Entities subfolder is a second level child subfolder and show with plus icon. If user wants to see items of these subfolders, then click on plus icon in front of that subfolder. 


  • Show all items 

Vienna has also provided option to see all items at once. For this, user has to click on Header of menu. In next image, when user click on Menu2, all the items will be displayed together. It will help user to find any item of menu along with its parent folders.  

In this image, all menu items are displayed together.  If user want to see any particular folder's items, then user has to click on back button displayed with name of each parent item. 


  • Filters & Favorite Item 

Work is the same way as described above 

NOTE:- All non-summary items should be child of summary level items. If any non-summary item don't have parent, then that item will not be displayed in menu. 


  1. Progress bar control 

 In the new update we introduced new reference Progress Bar on Column Tab of ‘Table and column (Database Schema)’ window. It will accept number and up to 2 decimal places like (0.00). 

After create column with this reference and then create respective field it will show like below image  in single view.   

Further to change the control value you have to drag icon as shown in below image to Right or Left 

Dragging it to the left will decrease the value and dragging it to the right will increase the value. By default min value is 0 and max value is 100. 

In grid mode, it looks like below image 


  • HTML style will not be applied to this control. HTML style is visible only in grid mode. 

  • Style Logic (introduce new property in this release) will not be applied to this control. Style Logic is visible only in grid mode. 


  1.  Switch Toggle 

we have provided feature to show checkbox as switch button. To achieve this provided a new filed Show as switch button on Column Tab of ‘Table and column (Database Schema)’ window as shown in below. 

If this “Show as switch button” is checked, Yes-No control show as switch button otherwise show as normal checkbox as shown in below. 

  1. Auto suggestion 

 Added auto suggestion feature only for ‘Search Control’. User does not need to do any setting. It   will start suggesting by passing at least 2 characters in length as shown in below. 

User can select item either using mouse click or by selecting up and down key and press enter. 

  1. Window action 

Now, in this version we have provided feature to show window action as field on window. It will work same as action shown in right panel of the window. 

Step to show window action column: 

  • Login with System Administrator Role 

  • Select target record on window: Table and column (Database Schema) 

  • Add new column with reference “Button” on Column Tab of ‘Table and column (Database Schema)’ window. 

  • Length should be 3. 

  • Select reference Key as “_windowAction”. 

  • Set search key in default logic as given in List validation tab. For example: for chat ‘CHT’ 

  • Mark isLink checkbox true. 


  1. Icon, Text only  option with Button and Link Button 

For Button reference control system now support to show Icon only , Text only  or both.  

To use this option user has to make some combination on Field tab. 

Two properties of Filed are used for these settings. 


Show Icon 

Field Only 




False (default) 

Show Text Only For  Button 



Show Icon And Text For Button 



Show Text Only For Button 



Show Icon Only for Button 



  • Buttons 

  • Link Buttons 

  1. Window support dynamic style for fields. For detail please refer to Style Logic 

  2. Support inclusion or exclusion unknown(null) values in Record Data Access 

Enhancement Features In Framework Version 

  1. Font size in Grid mode has been increased. 

  2. Support Identifier on Image reference column in window: Table and column (Database Schema)-> Column Tab 


In this version introduced new option that user can set identifier on  Image reference column and then same image will be visible on window where this table is used for reference purpose only in grid mode in the same way as currently shown other identifiers column value.  

For example if user will set identifier on Image Column with seq 1  

     and on Name column with seq 2 


then the both Image and Name will display in the grid column on target window where this table is used for reference.  

Now  for any record, if image is not available in the main table, then system will display image with first character of next identifier, like in case of above example will show first character of name as image. 

In the below pic, for example purpose Business Partner (Customer/Prospect) Column show with Image and Name, here on C_BPartner table have two identifier Image and Name. 

  1. Supported Image with reference (List): New fields "List Display Option" introduced in Data Type Reference window. If user uses list validation, then List Display Option appears. User can choose from three Options: 

A. Show Image and Text 

B. Show Image 

C. Show Text 

On List Validation tab, Image field is introduced. User can link image with list items. Based on setting of List Display Option of 1st tab, data will be displayed in grid(Multiview) of window for list. 

For example in the below pic, Delivery Type is Lov with display setting "Show Image and Text" 

  1. New Features in Header Panel. To check new features, go to enhancement section of Header Panel  (Web view) 


  1. Show column as Toggle Link column for navigate into single layout: Now, in this version we have provided feature to show toggle link column to navigate into single layout. Now user can easily navigate to single layout on select respective record, toggle link column value.  

For example, in the below pic, Document No is a Toggle link column 

Rules to show Toggle Link column: 

  • The selected identifier column of a table will show as a Toggle Link Column 

  • If multiple identifier exist then the column which will show first in grid (having minimum MR Seq No) will be set as toggle Link Column.  

  • If no identifier column will found in a table then default first column in the grid become toggle link column. 

  1. New Feature added to Print invoice based on Invoice Report which is selected on Customer master window and also translated on the bases of customer language. 


  1. Added functionality on BI reports to pass another field value as @ColumnName@ to filter the report. 


  1. Show Button reference as link button based on IsLink setting . If Islink and IsRightLink both checked then button appear in right pane as window action button(worked as before).