Upgrade Front End Libraries

1. Enhancement 

1.1 Overview 

Vienna Advantage Framework has updated following front end libraries. 

  1. JQuery v3.4.1 

  2. Bootstrap v4.3.1 

  3. JQuery UI v1.12.1 

2. Product Version and dependency 

 Vienna has provided extension in Vienna Advantage Base Files Version 

  1. Vienna Advantage Base Files- 

  2. Vienna Advantage Framework- 

3. Implementation and Backward Compatibility 

Update Vienna Advantage Base files from market. It will automatically replace existing libraries with these new libraries and Framework will start using these libraries. If you still want to use existing libraries then please follow these steps: 


  1. Login with System Administrator Role 

  2. Open System Config window. 

  3. Find record having data 'FRONTEND_LIB_VERSION' in name field. 

  4. In that record, set Value to 2. 

  5. Re-login 

System will start using previous version of these libraries. 

In future, if you want to use new version of these libraries then follow the same steps and set value to 3 in step 4.