Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a technology that enables a browser (client) to receive automatic updates like text-based event data from a server via HTTP connection.  

The logic behind SSE is to create a seamless avenue for the browser to automatically receive data from the server without explicitly asking for it. This construct makes working with real-time data very efficient, as it uses just one long-lived HTTP connection, 


Step to Use SSE in framework (Developer Only) 

  1. Register and deregister the SSE in the form you wish to use by the code given below. 


VIS.TestForm.prototype.init = function (windowNo, frame) { 

        this.frame = frame; 

        this.windowNo = windowNo; 


        // Register SSE 



            VIS.TestForm.prototype.dispose = function () { 


             // Unregister SSE 



On server code in class file, add below code inside method to broadcast or unicast message with unique Event 

// For Broad Cost 

SSEManager.Get().AddMessage((<<Session_ID>>,<<message>>,<<Unique Event>>,SSEManager.Cast.BroadCast); 

// For Unicast 

SSEManager.Get().AddMessage(<<Session_ID>>,<<message>>,<<Unique Event>>,SSEManager.Cast.Unicast); 

// For Example 

SSEManager.Get().AddMessage(ctx.GetAD_Session_ID(), " server Started  ", "DEMOS", SSEManager.Cast.BroadCast); 

Here “Server Started” is broadcast message  and “DEMOS” is Unique Event Name that user /dev will receive on client side in js form file. 

Add the below code on the form to receive the message which is unicast or broadcast 

 this.onmessage = function (data) { 

            /* Event should be unique */ 

            if (data.Event == "DEMOS") { 

 var msg= data.Message; 

                // Write your Code 

