User Manual – POS Order


This document helps you to understand the functionality of Sales Order with a Target Doc Type= POS Order. 

Sales Order  

The Sales Order is an order issued by a business or sole trader to a customer. A sales order may be for products and/or services. 

Sales Order 

To open sales order window navigate to Menu> Order Management > Sales Order or search for Sales Order in search utility available in Menu itself 

  • In Sales order window, Tenant and Organization will be auto populate, based on user role & access and user can change the organization to create organization specific record. 

  • Document No. will be auto generated after save the record. 

  • User can add Description for the record. 

  • User need to select the Target Doc type, Date ordered, Date promised and Customer.  

  • After selecting the Customer name, Invoice to Bpartner, location, Bill to location, User/Contact , Ship customer, Price List, Currency and Payment term will come automatically according to selected Customer.  

  • User need to select warehouse, Representative, Currency type, Payment method and Inco Term. 

  • User can select Activity, Project, Campaign and opportunity as reference, if purchase order is created against any references. 


Sales Order Line 

After entering all the details of Sales order header tab, user need to define the product details on Sales Order Line tab 

  • In Sales order line tab Tenant, Organization, Order number, Vendor name, Partner location, Date promised and Date ordered will be auto populated based on selected record on header tab. 

  • User need to select the Product name, to select the product name enter the name in Product text column or click on the search icon. 

  • Once the product added in the Sales Order line product price will come automatically from the Price list defined on the Sales Order header. 

Sales order tax 

Order Tax tab gives the information regarding the tax details. This is read only tab, user can see the details but can’t edit or change any data. 

  • Tax - This shows the name of tax applied. 

  • Order - This is the Purchase Order number and date. 

  • Tax Amount – The amount which is applied for this order. 

  • Taxable Amount - This is the amount for which the tax is applied. 


  • Once user adds all the details of Sales order, SO needs to be completed. To complete Sales Order click on the “Complete” button available on the Sales Order header line.  

  • After clicking on the Complete button, new pop up will be open as shown in the below screen shot: 

  • Click on the “OK” button. Sales order completed successfully. After completion all fields of sales order would be freeze and user can’t change the details. 

  • After Completing the Sales order with a target doc type, system will create Shipment (customer) and Invoice automatically. 

  • Existing: If Payment Method= Cash then along with shipment and Invoice, system also creates Cash Journal for the respective order. 

  • New: If Payment Method is other then Cash, In this case system will generate Payment along with shipment and Invoice and show below message in the task bar. 


Successfully created: Receipt & doc no.: 600391 & Invoice No: 200362 & Payment: 401567 


Note: For Generating the payment, user needs to bind the Bank Account and Doc Type for Payment on POS Order document type. 


Shipment (Customer) window is used to define the material delivered to the Customer against Sales Order.  

For POS Order: After Completing the sales order, shipment gets generated and completed automatically. 

Shipment Line 

Invoice (Customer) 

Invoice customer Window allows creating the Customer Invoice Manually. User can generate the Invoice (Customer) in two ways. One user can generate Invoice (Customer) by “Generate Invoice (Manual)”, Generate Invoice or through Invoice (Customer) window. 

For POS Order: After Completing the sales order, Invoice gets generated and completed automatically. 

Invoice Line 


The Payments Window allows user to enter payments and receipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window. 

For POS Order: After Completing the sales order, Payment gets generated and completed automatically with a reference of above invoice. 

  • System will set Organization value same as Invoice Organization. 

  • Payment 'Document Type' will get fetched from the POS document type as defined in 'Doc Type for Payment' field. 

  • 'Bank Account' field will fetch the data from the POS document type as defined in 'Bank Account' field.