Style Logic


This Document helps user to understand use of 'Style Logic' field introduced on 'Field' tab of 'Screen Configuration' window. System support html style (static) for fields already. This field further enhance functionality to apply dynamic style on field based on dependent expressions same as Read only Logic and Display logic on field Tab. 

Product Version and dependency 

This feature is supported by the below-mentioned modules:  

  1. Vienna Advantage Framework Version - 

How to Use 

  1. Login with 'System Administrator' role. 

  2. Open 'Screen Configuration' window. 

  3. Search and select any window, for example Invoice (Vendor) and move to Field tab. 

  4. Here, New field is introduced "Style Logic". 

Format for Style logic is Fixed. User have to enter logic in following format. 


Expression[Logic] ? CssStyle [separator] 

Expression:= [@context@] [operand] [value]  

Logic:= [&,|]  logical AND , OR 

CssStyle:= [color| background | FontStyle] 

Separator:= Comma[,] 


For Example: 

  1.   @Name@='Peter'?color:red;backgroud:yellow; 

  2.  @Name@='Peter' & @Age@ >32?color:blue; 

  3.  @Age@>50?Color:red;,@Age@>40?color:blue;backgroud:yellow;,@age@>20?color:green; 

3rd one is example of multiple conditions separated by comma. The very first condition that is true returned by the logic. 


  1. Enter the style logic for Business Partner field.  




  1. Save the record and close the window. 

  2. Now Login with Client admin or User role. 

  3. Open Invoice Vendor Window. Here notice the Appearance for Business partner control is changed when style logic condition is true. 

And style logic is also applied on multirow view of window for Business partner. Description field have style logic also. 



  1. Read Only field, Mandatory Fields and link column has higher preference than style logic.