Default Role's Form


The Role Window allows you to define the different roles that users will have. Roles control access to windows, tasks, reports, etc. You may add additional roles to control access for specific functionality or data. 

To define Roles in Vienna Advantage System, Login with Admin or SuperUser login credentials and chooses Admin Role of Client. To Open Role window navigate to Menu > System Admin > General Rules > Security > Role or User can search the Role window by typing the same in Search Utility on Menu itself. 

By default we provide user: IdeasIncAdmin and Role: IdeasIncAdmin as an Administrator role in our demo database. 



In this release system provide new feature, to set default form action for specific Role. On login In Vienna Advantage, system shows same default home page to every user. Now in the system user can set any specific Form as default Form for a particular Role.  

Now on login, system open default Form if defined  on login role, so instead of default homepage user will see default Form set to his Role. To achieve this functionality we  have introduced two new fields in Role window i.e Form Action field and Disable Menu & Home Page checkbox.  Purpose for these two fields is given below: 


Field Name 


Form Action 

This field is displayed as drop down and shows all active forms that are linked with login role in Form Access Tab of Role window. Choose desired form that you wish to open by default at the time of login, so that user can directly navigate to that form. Whenever any user refresh or logins with that particular role, linked form will be displayed by default. 

Disable Menu & Home Page 

This field is displayed as checkbox. If user checked this checkbox, then all user who login with this role will not be able to see icon related to  menu icon, info icon and home page icon, icons will not visible to this role. User will also will not able to see close icon on the form if used default header in the form. However if user left this checkbox unchecked, then he will be able to see the selected form as well as other icons also. But if only checkbox is selected and not the from then user can only access the home page.