Card View Enhancement


Enhancement Features In Framework Version 

  1. Card Dialog enhancement  


We added some new features in the card dialogue are given below: 

  1. Exclude group 

  2. Sort Order Field 

  3. Save And Apply 

  4. Save 

All the above feature is shown in the below image  



  1. Exclude group 

 Here we provide the feature to exclude a group from card view by unchecking the checkbox. 

For Example: 

Before exclude   


After excluded 


Now excluded “Rate 3” group as shown above and impact shown below 



Now you can see that the “Rate 3” group is not displayed. 


  1. Sort Order Field 

Vienna Provided an option to set an order of records in card view. For this Vienna has introduced a new field on card view dialogue having the name "Sort Order Field". Sort Order Field dropdown have all the field of the target window tab. You can choose any field according to requirement and then there are two icons to set sort order (Ascending OR Descending). Users can click on any of these icons and then click on the "ADD" button. Then that selected field will be displayed under "Sort Order Field" with its sort order and cross icon. Users can remove fields from sort order by clicking on the cross icon. When a user clicks on the "Save" Or "Save and Apply" button, then the sort order will be saved in the database and will be reflected in the respective card. 

NOTE:- Vienna Allowed a maximum of 3 fields to set the sort order of data in card view. 


  1. Save And Apply  

Here Vienna give the functionality “Save And Apply” to save changes of card and then apply changes on card view. When user change something in existing card or create a new card and clicks on "Save and Apply" button, then changes of card view dialog will be saved in database and then dialog get closed and effect of these changes will be reflected on Card View in window. 


  1. Save 

 If User wants to edit or create multiple cards without closing and opening Card View Dialog again and again, then user can use Save button to save changes in database. On click of save button, System will save all the changes of card in Db and shows card view dropdown to choose another card for editing. 


  1. Card view enhancement  


  1. Group Count 

In this version we provide Group Count on the header of group next to the group name as shown in image below. This count represents total number of record present in that group.  



  1. Show Empty Group 

In this version we provide the feature to show empty group as shown in below image if particular group don't have records in current page. User can drag any card from another group to empty group. 




  1. Card view Window 

We added two new fields on the card view window 


Field Name   


Excluded Group 

This column is use to hide group from card Layout. This field stores search keys of list item separated with comma(,). 

Sql Order by 

The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection.