Payment Allocation


This form is used for allocation of invoice with invoice, invoice with payment, payment with payment and cash journal with invoice. Previously system was creating the view allocation in login organization. Now, we have added few parameters. 


Enhancement in Version 

  1. The "Invoice" and "Payment" sections were enhanced with a new filter. By selecting the payment method in the filter, the user can isolate transactions that are related to the payment method.  

  1. Other organizations' transactions can now be allocated using the new features. It is now possible to allocate payments/ cash journals made by one organization to invoices created by another organization or vice versa. System will list all the transactions created in another organization for the selected business partner by selecting 'Inter-Company' Checkbox. 

  1. Other business partners' transactions can now be allocated using the new features. It is now possible to allocation payments/cash journals made for one business partner to invoices created for another business partner or vice-versa. System will list all the transactions created for business partner whose relation has been defined and ‘Inter-Business Partner’ checkbox is selected.  


Here are the steps to set up two Business Partners as a Relationship: 

  1. Search ‘Partner Relation’ in the menu or follow the path: Partner Relationship Management > Partner Relation. 

  2. Create a new record and select Business partner for which relation to be defined and related business partner. 

  3. Select ‘Pay-from address’ checkbox and ‘invoice-To-Address’ checkbox. 

Enhancement in previous versions 

  1. New parameter ‘Organization’ is added on payment allocation form. Now the view allocation will create in selected organization. 

  2. Removed the Date parameter and added new parameter Transaction Date and it is read only and for informative purpose. Here system set highest transaction date from all the selected records and View Allocation will create under same Transaction Date

  3. New parameter ‘Account Date’ is added on payment allocation form. It is a read only parameter and for informative purpose. 


Case No. 



Invoice to Payments Allocation 

  1. When multicurrency is false: System will set the highest account date from all  selected payment records as account date. 

  2. When multicurrency is true: System will set the  Payment account date as account date. 

Invoice to Cash journal Allocation 

  1. When multicurrency is false: System will set the highest account date from all  selected cash journals records as account date. 

  2. When multicurrency is true: System will set the  Cash Journal account date as account date. 

Invoice to Invoice Allocation 

  1. When multicurrency is false: System will set the highest account date from all  selected invoice records as account date. 

  2. When multicurrency is true: System will set the conversion  date as account date. 

Invoice to Invoice and invoice to payment Allocation 

  1. When multicurrency is false: System will set the highest account date from all  selected payment records as account date. 

  2. When multicurrency is true: System will set the  Payment account date as account date. 

Invoice to Invoice and invoice to cash journal Allocation 

  1. When multicurrency is false: System will set the highest account date from all  selected cash journals records as account date. 

  2. When multicurrency is true: System will set the  Cash Journal account date as account date. 

  1. New parameter ‘Conversion Date’ is taken on payment allocation form and displays when user mark the Multicurrency’ checkbox true.                                                          

In Invoice grid system shows the converted amount according to conversion rate present in system on selected ‘Conversion Date’. User can only allocate the payment/cash journals , if ‘Account Date’ of the payment/cash journals matches with selected ‘Conversion Date’. 

  1. New column ‘Account Date’ is taken in Payment/Cash journal and Invoice grids for informative purpose.