Service and Maintenance (VA075_)








Aug 12, 2024


  1. Update the Service Maintenance Form to fetch tasks directly from the Task tab. Note that the previous linkage between the Task Group tab and the Task tab no longer exists in the Work Order tab and Field Service Request tab. Adjust the form accordingly to reflect this change. 

  2. Enhance the service maintenance form to allow users to sort tasks based on Request Date, Target Date, and Task Name, providing improved usability and efficiency. 

  3. Enhance the service maintenance form by adding two new filtering options: Customer Name and Task Status, to filter the tasks. 

  4. Implement the Price Assessment form functionality in which user can select the Task Groups from task group popup and Add that desired Tasks with Products and also add Spare(charge/Product) parts in it manually and user can change Quantity, Price, Tax manually and Save Quotation by clicking on the Save Quotation button. 

  5. Change card view name VA075_EquipmentMaster to Equipment  Master 

  6. Maintenance Work Order(New) Window 

    • Updated Sequence of Task Schedule and Task Activity Tab on Maintenance Work Order(New) Window 

    • Updated Tab Index of Task Schedule button  

    • Updated Sequence of Checklist, Maintenance Tools and SparePart/Service Tabs on Field Service Request 

  7. Card View : Updated Card View Names of Maintenance work order and Maintenance work Schedule Window. 

  8. Added Field Section Group in Task tab of Field Service Request(New)  Window. 

Bug Fixing: 

  1. Bind Zoom window on Task, Skills, Group Serviceable, Task Serviceable tab on VA075_TaskGroup window 

  2. Resolved Issue of Advanced Tab on Maintenance Work Order(New) and Field Service.

  3. Bug fixes for Price Assessment form.

Jul 18, 2024


  1. Changes in Field Service Request Print Format  

  2. Created New Window which is combination of some screens) 

Window – VA075_ServiceMaintenanceSetup 

Tab – Service Maintenance Setup, Maintenance Group, Priority Level, Cause Code, Service Types, Cost Center, Counter, Problem, Maintenance Strategies, Maintenance Activity, Assign Document Type, Resource Type, Resource, Unavailability, Resource Product, Work Center, Skills, Group Member, Resource Skills, Product Skills 

  1. Created New Window which is the Replica of Task Group (VA075_TaskListGroup)) 

Window – VA075_TaskGroup 

Tab - Task group, Task, Checklist, Maintenance Tools, Task Serviceable Product, Skills, Group Serviceable Product 

  1. Window – VA075_MaintenanceWorkOrder 

Tab – Work Order, Task Details, Checklist, Maintenance Tools, Spare parts/Services, additional Details, Work Log, Requisitions, Task Schedule 

Description - Created new window which is replica of Maintenance Work Order  

  1.  Window – VA075_MaintenanceWorkSchedule 

Tab – Maintenance Work Schedule, Task, Checklist, Maintenance Tool, Spare part/Service, Schedule History 

Description - Created new window which is replica of Maintenance Work Schedule 

  1. Window – VA075_EquipmentMaster  

Tab –  Equipement,Equipment Components,Equipment Details,Equipment Run Time,Maintenance Work Schedule,Schedule History,Task 

Description - Created new window which is replica of Equipment Master 

  1. Window – VA075_EquipmentMasterSetup 

Tab –  Equipement, Equipment Components, Equipment Details, Equipment Run Time,Maintenance Work Schedule, Schedule History, Task 

Description - Created new window which is replica of Equipment Master Setup

Jul 11, 2024


  1. Window:- Document Types 

Tab:-  Document Types 

Table:- C_DocType  

Field:- Field Service Quotation 

Note:- Field Service Quotation checkbox created on header Tab Of Document Types 

Window:- Sales Quotation 

Tab:- Sales Quotation Line 

Field:- Task 

Table:- C_OrderLine  

Column added:-  VA075_Task_ID 

Note:- Task Field Added in Sales Quotation Line tab 

Window:- Sales Quotation 

Tab:- Sales Quotation 

Field:- Field Service Request 

Table:- C_Order 

Column added:- VA075_FieldServiceReq_ID 

Note:- Field Service Request  Added in Sales Quotation Header tab 

Window:- Charge 

Tab:-  Charge 

Field :- Travel Charge 

Table:- C_Charge  

Column added:- VA075_TravelCharge 

Note:- Travel Charge Field Added in Header Tab 

Window:- Field Service Request 

Tab:- Task 

Field:- Task Chargeable, Resource Chargeable, Travel Chargeable, Travel Charge, Travel Charge Amount 

Column added:- VA075_TaskChargable, VA075_ResourceChargable, VA075_TravelChargeable, VA075_TravelChargeId, VA075_TravelChargeAmount 

Note:- Five Fields are added on task Tab Task Chargeable and Resource Chargeable and VA075_SRStatus --- 2 Lov Values added (Invoice Generated, Quotation Generated 

Window:- Requisition 

Tab:- Requisition 

Field:- Field Service Request 

Table:- M_Requisition 

Column Added:-VA075_FieldServiceReq_ID 

Note:- Task Field is added in Header Tab 

Window:- Field Service Request 

Tab:-  Spareparts/Services 

Fields:- Requistion Req, Requistion 

Table:- VA075_WorkOrderComponent  

Column:- M_Requsition_ID,VA075_RequistionReq 

Note:- Added two new Fields on Field Service Request Window of Sparepart/Services 

  1. (Need to Remove Mandatory Overwrite From Field Level on Task Assignment on header Tab) 

Window:- VA075_TaskAssignment 

Tab:- Assigned Task 

Field:- Task Name 

Note :- When user enters the Adhoc Task then Task Name field will be Non-Mandatory else it will be Mandatory. 

  1. When a user clicks the "Generate Sales Order" button on the FSR window, a new Sales Order should be created with the Sales Quotation reference. 

  2. If resource not binded on Task Line of Field Service Request window than Requisition Of that line should not be created. 

  3. When a user clicks the "Generate Requisition" button on the FSR window, a new requisition should be created with the selected parameters. Each spare part line of each task should then be saved as a Requisition Line when the requisition is generated. 

  4. When a user selects a Price List on the Field Service Request window, the value of the Currency field should be set accordingly. 

  5. On the Field Service Request Window, when a user selects a Customer, the values of the Location, Contact, Price List, and Payment Method fields should be automatically set according to the details associated with that customer. 

  6. On the Field Service Request window, when a user selects an asset, the Asset Guarantee Date should be automatically set based on the corresponding data fetched from the Asset window for the selected asset. 

  7. Window – VA075_MaintenanceWorkOrder 

    Tab – Work Order, Task Details, Checklist, Maintenance Tools, Spare parts/Services, additional Details, Work Log, Requisitions 

    Description - Created new window which is replica  of Maintenance Work Order  

  8. Window – VAS_ProductCategory 

    Tab – Product Category 

    Field- Equipment Category 

    Description - New Window structure design  

  9. Note: Created new window which is replica  of Field Service Request 

    Window: field Service request (New) 

    Tab:  1.Field Service Request 


    3.Task Schedule 



    6.Maintenances Tools 


    8.Additional Details 

    9.Delivery Orders 

    10.Invoice Details 

    Description: Tabs, fields,  created. 

  10. (Needs to create  two fields on Addition Details tab and Header tab Equipment category and Equipment) 

    Window:- VAFAM_Asset (Need to create two fields Equipment and Equipment Category on Addition Details tab) 

    Tab:- Additional Details 

    Note:- Add two new fields on this tab which is related to Is Equipment and Equipment Category 

  11. New Crystal Report Print Format has been developed for 

    Window: Field Service Request (New) 
    Tab: Field Service Reque

  12. Window – VA075_MaintenanceWorkSchedule 

    Tab – Maintenance Work Schedule, Task, Checklist, Maintenance Tool, Sparepart/Service, Schedule History 

    Description - Created new window which is replica  of Maintenance Work Schedule

Jun 7, 2024


Need to add Service Type Field on Field Service Request on Header Tab 

Window:- Field Service Request 

Tab:- Field Service Request 

Field :- Service Types 

Note:- Added  new Field on header tab and Bind Validation Based on the particular Organization.

Jun 4, 2024


  1. Changes done on Maintenance Work Order screen, when Work Order is created with reference of Work Schedule then set the value of field VA075_WorkOrder_ID and  VA075_TaskListGroup_ID on Task tab. 

  2. Changes done on Maintenance Work Order screen, when Task created through Create Task form than set the value of field Resource Assign date on Task tab if resource is binded on the task. 

  3. Need to hide the Fields and Set the default Logic on Work Schedule Field in task Tab.

Window:- Work Schedule 

Tab:- Task 

Fields:- Work Schedule and Task Group 

Note:- Set the Default Logic of Work Schedule and hide both the Fields Work Schedule and Task Group From work schedule window of task tab.

  1. On Maintenance Work Order, Field Service Request and Maintenance Work Schedule screens, When task is created through Create Task form than set the value of field VA075_WorkOrderTask_ID, VA075_FieldServiceReq_ID and VA075_WorkSchedule_ID  on Task tab respectively and  also set the value of field  VA075_TaskListGroup_ID on Task tab.

  2. Required to add a new field Line No on Maintenance Group , Task Group Products and Resources screens. 

Window - Maintenance Group , Task Group Products and Resources 

Tab – Skills , Task skills , Skills 

Field – Line No  

Note -  Created new field Line no on Skills tab for Maintenance group ,Resource and Task Group products screen. 

  1. Window:-Maintenance Work Order 


    Field:-Work Order ,Task Group 

    Note:-Hide both field and set default logic on Work Order 

    Window:-Field Service Request 


    Field:-Field Service and Task Group 

    Note:-Added new field in back end and set default logic and hide task group field 

    Window:-Field Service Request 

    Tab:-Field Service Request 

    Field:-Generate Quotation, Quotation Reference ,Sales Order, Order Reference, Generate Invoice, Invoice Reference, Create Task 

    Note:-Added all new fields on Field Service Request tab  

  2. On Resource window on header tab need to mark ui mandatory as set default Value as Don't Track on Resource Tracking Field) 

    Window:- Resource 

    Tab:- Resource 

    Field :- Resource Tracking 

    Note:- This fields needs to be  UI Mandatory and Mark the value "Don't Track" as default. 

  3. When Task Assigned through Add Task form from Project and Request window than set UOM field value on Task Assignment window which is fetch from product. 

  4. On Task Assignment Window when user select Price List than set currency field value  on the basis of selected Price List. 

  5. On Task Assignment Window when user select Product or Charge than set UOM field value  on the basis of selected Product or Charge. 

  6. On Task tab of Task Group screen value of Task estimate hours field after decimal should not be greater than 59.

  7. New Task info. screen is required with the following details.

Screen- Task Master 

Fields-Task Code,  Task Name, Task Estimate (In Hours) 

Note- New Info Window Create with this Fields.

  1. Created new screen, tab, and fields  

Window: Project 

Tab: Project 

Field: Assign task 

Note- New Field is created in the tab of respective window. 

  1. Created new screen, tab, and fields 

Window: Task Assignment 

Tab: Assigned Task 

Field: Task ID, Task Schedule, Task Completion, Project Phase, Project Task, Location, Invoice, Approved, UOM 

Column: Value_Searchkey, VA075_TaskSchedule,VA075_TaskCompletion, C_ProjectPhase_ID, C_ProjectTask_ID, C_BPartner_Location_ID, C_Invoice_ID, IsApproved, C_UOM_ID 

Note: These fields are newly created , header panel and also icons are bind with all fields. 

Tab: Task Schedule 

Fields: Approved, UOM  

Note: This Tab and all fields are newly created. 

 Window: Request 

Tab: Current Request 

New Tab: Assign Task Status 

Field: Assign Task 

Note- This field is newly created in the tab of respective window.and New Tab Introduce (Assign Task Status) 

 Window: All Request 

Tab: Request 

Field: Assign Task 

New Tab: Assign Task Status 

Note- This field is newly created in the tab of respective window.and New Tab Introduce (Assign Task Status)

  1. Created new screen, tab, and fields. 

Window: Task Master 

Tab: task 

Note- This window and tab  are newly created . 

Window- Time sheet Tracker 

Tab: Time sheet  

Note-New window is newly created with this tab.  

  1. Created new screen Task Group Products and  

Added five Tabs(Task Group, Group Serviceable Product, Task, Serviceable Product/Sparepart and Task Skill). 


Tab: Task Group 


Tab: Group Serviceable Product 


Tab: Task 


Tab: Serviceable Product/Sparepart 


Tab: Task Skill

Mar 29, 2024

  1. Need to hide fields from multirow sequence and single row from 

Mentioned windows(Task Group, Priority Level, Cause Code, Maintenance Group, Maintenance Activity, Service type, Downtime Reason, work center, Counter) 

  1. Unable to insert task on work order due to virtual column char limit, Increase virtual column character limit 15 to 50 on Maintenance Work Order window(Task Tab).

Mar 13, 2024

  1. Inactive two tabs Work log and Requisition because these are shown in tab panels so no need to show as tabs. 

Window : Maintenance work order 

Tab : Work log and Requisition 

Note :  Inactive two tabs Work log  and requisition by script and set screen width 65

Mar 1, 2024

1. Functional Location, Utility Window needs to be hide from Menu folder.

Window: Functional Location, Utility

Note: Hided through script from Menu

2. Description character limit should be up to 2000 characters.

Window: Priority Level, Maintenance group, Maintenance activity, Service type, Equipment application, Equipment category, Equipment class, Equipment rating, Counter, Skill, Resource Type, Resource, Service Request, Maintenance Work Order, Maintenance Work Schedule.

Tab: Priority Level, Maintenance group, Maintenance activity, Service type, Equipment application, Equipment category, Equipment class, Equipment rating, Counter, Skill, Resource Type, Resource, Service Request, Work Order, Maintenance Work Schedule.

Table: VA075_Priority ,VA075_MaintenanceGroup,VA075_MaintenanceActivity, VA075_ServiceTypes, VA075_EquipmentApplication,VA075_EquipmentCategory, VA075_EquipmentClass, VA075_EquipmentRating, VA075_Counter, S_ResourceType, S_Resource, VA075_ServiceRequest, VA075_WorkOrder, VA075_WorkSchedule

Field: Description

Note: Description field limit change to 2000 characters on field level

3. Fields Renaming on MWO Screen
Window: Maintenance work order
Tab: Task Schedule
Table: VA075_WOTaskSchedule
Field: Schedule Date/Time from and Schedule Date/Time to
Note: Rename fields Schedule Date/Time from=Schedule Time from and Schedule Date/Time to=Schedule Time to

4. Make Travel Time Spent and Time Spent Fields Read Only
Window: Field Service Request
Tab: Task Group and Task
Table:VA075_WorkOrderTaskGroup and VA075_WorkOrderOperation
Field: Travel Time Spent and Time Spent
Note: Read only mark true on field level for Travel Time Spent and Time Spent fields

5. Maintenance tool Line No Unique key constraints required
Window: Field Service Request and Maintenance work schedule
Tab: Maintenance Tools
Table: VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool and VA075_WorkScheduleMaintenTool
Field: Line No.
Note: Mark Unique checkbox true and copy checkbox false at column level

6. Able to save the BD Range From and BD Range To on value at zero. It should contain minimum 1 day value.
Window: Equipment Rating
Tab: Equipment Rating
Field: BD Range From and BD Range To
Note: Set minimum value 1 on both fields at column level

7. On maintenance tool tab, same product can be added multiple times. It should be unique.
Window: Maintenance work order , Field Service Request and Maintenance work schedule
Tab: Maintenance Tools
Table:VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool ,VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool and VA075_WorkScheduleMaintenTool
Field: Product
Note: Mark Unique checkbox true at column level

8. On MWO>sparepart tab Charge amount Field should be read only.
Window: Maintenance work order
Tab: Spare part tab
Table: VA075_WorkOrderComponent
Field: Charge Amount
Note: Apply Read only logic on charge amount field at column level

9. Time Spend and Travel Time should be read only

Window: Field Service Request

Tab: Task Group and Task

Table: VA075_WorkOrderTaskGroup , VA075_WorkOrderOperation

Field: Time spent , Travel Time Spent

Note: Mark read only checkbox true on Time spent ,Travel Time Spent field

10. Amount field read only

Window: Maintenance Work Order

Tab: Task

Table: VA075_WorkOrderOperation

Field: Amount

Note: Mark read only checkbox true on Amount field

11. Copy Record on MWO Screen Should not be there in Right Action Panel

Window: Maintenance Work Order

Note: Make a New Record in Action Tab in Screen level and hide copy record from it .

12. On maintenance tool tab, same product can be added multiple times. It should be unique.
Window: Maintenance work order , Field Service Request and Maintenance work schedule
Tab: Maintenance Tools
Table:VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool ,VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool and VA075_WorkScheduleMaintenTool
Field: Product, Tenant , Organization, Field service request , schedule task
Note: Mark Unique checkbox true at column level for tenant, organization , product , VA075_WorkOrderOperation_ID, VA075_ScheduleTask_ID columns

13. Changes done to Set WO Task Status and Solution data on Work Log tab from Work Order Tab when click on Update Status Process of work order tab of Maintenance Work Order Window.

14. Inactive two tabs Work log and Requisition because these are shown in tab panels so no need to show as tabs. 

Window : Maintenance work order 

Tab : Work order 

Note :  Inactive two tabs Work log and requisition and set screen width 65

15. Validations on Requisition screen> Maintenance Work Order field.  

Maintenance work order field only fetch those records from MWO screen where same organization is selected in Requisition screen. 

Window :Requisition 

Tab : Requisition 

Field : Maintenance Work Order 

Note : Apply Data validation on column level

1. Added Work Order Tab Panel on Work Order Tab of Maintenance Work Order window to show Down Time Hours, Task Estimated Hours, Cumulative Task Hours, Expense Amount, Currency, Cause Code, Work Order Status, Solution, Status Updated At and Progress Bar Percentage on Work Order tab panel.

2. Added Tab Panel on Requisition Tab on Maintenance Work Order window to show Requisition Number, Requisition Date, Document Status that record on Requisition tab panel.

3. Added VA075_WOTaskStatus and VA075_Solution columns in VA075_WorkLog table and Added Solution and WO task Status Fields in the Work Log Tab of Screen VA075_WorkOrder to show solution and Work order status of the Document in Work Log Tab.

4. Added two Columns on VA075_WorkLog Table

Column Name:VA075_Solution

Column Name:VA075_WOTaskStatus


Tab Name: Work Log

Fields :WO Task Status, Solution

Note: Added two fields on the work log tab.

5. Add tabs on Mentioned window:
Screen: Maintenance Group, Resources, Skill, Equipment Master
Tab: Group Member, Skills, Equipment Product, Spare parts/Services (New).
Create New Tables: VA075_GroupMember, VA075_ResourceSkills, VA075_ProductSkills
Field: Organization, Maintenance Group, Resource, Active, Description, Skill, Skill Level, Product, Asset Product, Quantity, UOM(New), Related Product, Related Product Type


a. Add display logic in related product type field. When selected “Spare part” & “Service” in Lov of related product type then to display fields “UOM” and “Quantity".

b. Add values in Skill field LOB

c. Marking Asset Product, Tenant, Org, skill unique.

d. Add validation on Asset/Services Tab when asset product checkbox is true select product from asset table and when false select products from product table.

e. On Resource window make asset/service tab read only.

f. Add query in SQL Where on sparepart/services tab. Show only Spare parts and services values records.

g. Add read only logic on IsAssetProduct checkbox.

h. Add validation in RelatedProductType field of Equipment master window's Spareparts/Services tab. Show only Spareparts and service option in LOV.

i)Mark Tenant, Organization, Maintenance Group, Resource fields unique in Group Member tab of Maintenance group window.

6. Create fields on mentioned tabs:

Screen: Resource, Field Service Request, Maintenance work order

Tab: Resource, Task Schedule

Fields: Base Location, Resource Tracking, Longitude, Latitude, Resource, Current Travel Estimate.

7. Create New Table: VA075_SMViewSets


a. Add read only logic on Resource field. If there is any value in Actual start date/time, Actual End date/time, Travel Start Date/Time, Travel End Date/Time In Task Schedule tab of Resource window.

b. Add read only logic in Resource field on task tab of Resource window.

c. Add default logic on resource field of task schedule tab. Fetch data from resource field of task tab.

d. Add Organization based validation on resource field of task schedule tab.

e. Add display logic on suspend reason field. If suspend checkbox is true then display suspend reason.

f. Renaming of Actual start date/time, Actual End date/time, Travel Start Date/Time, Travel End Date/Time fields.

g. Mark read only checkbox true in Actual hours, Schedule Hours, Travel Estimate(in hours).

Dec 18, 2023

1. Write Separate DROP VIEW and changes in System date field for VA075_MAINTENANCEWORKORDER_V, VA075_WORKSCHEDULE_V, VA075_WORKORDER_V PostgreSQL 15. 

2. Zoom also not working on Service Request Tab on Service Request  

Window: Service Request 

Tab:  Service Request 

Field: Component Asset 

Note :Bind Zoom window on this field of Equipment Master

3. Component Asset was not filtering data according to Asset

Window: Equipment Master  

Tab: Asset Component 

Field:  Component Asset 
Note: Updated Reference key of Component Asset  

4. Total Task estimate should not be copied from copy record functionality. While creating new record. 


Tab-Task group 


Field – Total Task Estimate (In Hours) 


Note: Total Task Estimate (In Hours) are getting copied. 

5. Data should be filtered as per selected Org.


Tab-Work Order 


Field – Maintenance activity 


Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization. Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

6. Window – VA075_WorkSchedule 

Tab- Maintenace work schedule 



Field –work center 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

7. Window – VA075_WorkSchedule 

Tab- Maintenace work schedule 



Field – Service types 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

8. Window – VA075_Counter 

Tab- Counter 



Field - UOM 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

9. Window – VA075_EquipmentClass 

Tab- Equipment Class 



Field - Priority 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

10. Window – VA075_WorkOrder 

Tab- Task 



Field - Resource 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

11. Window – VA075_WorkSchedule 

Tab- Sparepart/Service 



Field –Charge 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization

12. Window – VA075_WorkSchedule 

Tab- Maintenace work schedule 



Field –Maintenance stratergies 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

13. Window – VA075_WorkSchedule 

Tab- Maintenance work schedule 



Field –Priority 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

14. Window – VA075_ServiceRequest 

Tab- Service Request 



Field - Work center 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

15. Window – VA075_ServiceRequest 

Tab- Service Request 



Field –Maintenance Group 

Note-The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

16. Window – VA075_FieldServiceReq 

Tab- Field Service Request 




Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

17. Window – VA075_ServiceRequest 

Tab- Service Request 



Field –Downtime Reason 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

18. Window – VA075_ServiceRequest 

Tab- Service Request 



Field – Service type 

Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization 

Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization 

19. Window – Field Service Request 

Tab- Field Service Request 

Field – Asset Components 


Handle the issue of asset component currently on this Field asset data Is coming  so make change according to selected Asset the asset Component Should be come. 

20. Header panel Changes For Field Service Request 

21. Need to wrap up all the Field Values For Field Service Request 

22. Window – Work Schedule 

Tab - Maintenance Tool 

Field- Line 

Table - VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool 

Column - LineNo 

Note- Line Field Mark as Read Only 

Every Line should be Unique and right now it is editable and Can Provide Same no  as the Existing One. 

23. Window- Work Schedule 


Field- Line 

Column - LineNo 

Note:- Line Field Mark as Read Only 

Every Line should be Unique and right now it is editable and Can Provide Same no  as the Existing One 

24. Window -  Work Order 

Tab – Work Order 

Field – Work  Schedule 

Column – VA075_WorkSchedule_ID 

Note:- Bind Validation on this Field 

Data Validation to provide based on Organization selected on screen Maintenance Work Order Currently showing all record is showing  

25. Window- Equipment Master 

Tab- Expense 

Field-Inventory use 

Column-  M_Inventory_ID  

Note:- Zoom window is not working map it on inventory use window.

26. Window-Field Service Request 

Tab-Field Service Request 

Field – Service Request status 


Note: Request status are getting copied. 

Should not copy these fields. 

27. Window-Field Service Request 

Tab-Field Service Request 

Field – Request Date 


Note: Request date are getting copied. 

Should not copy these fields. 

28. Window:-Field Service Request 

Tab:-Task Schedule 

Note:-Able to create schedule after task is performed. If task is performed then task schedule cannot be added. 

29. Window:-Maintenance work order 

Tab:-Work order 


Column:- M_Warehouse_ID 

Note:-Warehouse field should be on read mode in maintenance work order. it Should be read only

30. Window-Field Service Request 

Tab – Task 



Field- Task  

Note:- Bind Zoom window of task Group Window on Field 

When we zoom this Field it will take to maintenance Work Order So it Should be Bind With Task Group Window. 

31. Window – Service Request 

Tab – Service Request 

Table – VA075_ServiceRequest 

Column - Description 

Field Name- Description 

Note:- Mark Always Updatable Checkbox False 

Currently Able to edit description after completion of Doc, then mark always updatable checkbox False so the document will complete then no field in it should be available for edit.  

32. Window – Field Service Request 

Tab – Field Service Request 

Table – VA075_FieldServiceReq 

Column - Description 

Field Name- Description 

Note:- Mark Always Updatable Checkbox False 

Currently Able to edit description after completion of Doc, then mark always updatable checkbox False so the document will complete then no field in it should be available for edit.  

33. Window – Work Order 

Tab-Work Order 




Note:-Mark Always Updatable Checkbox False 

Currently Able to edit description after completion of Doc, then mark always updatable checkbox False so the document will complete then no field in it should be available for edit.  

34. Window- Work Schedule Maintenance 

Tab-Maintenance Work Schedule 



Field - Description 

Note:-Mark Always Updatable Checkbox False 

Currently Able to edit description after completion of Doc, then mark always updatable checkbox False so the document will complete then no field in it should be available for edit.  

35. Window – Equipment Master 

Tab-Equipment Details 


Columns- VA075_InstallationDate,VA075_EquipmentManufacturerVA075_EquipmentModel,VA075_ManufacturingDate 

Fields- Date of Installation, Date of Manufacturing, Model, Manufacturer 

Note:- Mark mandatory UI as True 
If user choice to provide details of Equipment then it should be mandatory to Fill Installation and Manufacturing Details  

36. Window-Service Request 

Tab-Service Request 



Field- Project 

Note :- Bind Zoom Window on Project Field 

When we zoom this Field it will take to Opportunity Window So it Should be Bind With Project Window so when we zoom it then it goes to Project Window. 

37. Window – Work Order 

Tab - MaintenanceTool 

Field- Line 

Table- VA075_WorkOrderMaintenanceTool 


Note- Line Field Mark as Read Only 

Every Line should be Unique and right now it is editable and Can Provide  

Same no  as the Existing One 

38. Window- Work Order 


Field- Line 


Note:-Line Field Mark as Read Only 

Every Line should be Unique and right now it is editable and Can Provide  

Same no  as the Existing One 

39. Window- Field Service Request 

Tab- Task 

Field- Task End Date/Time 

Column- VA075_TaskEndDate 

Table- VA075_WorkOrderOperation  

Note:-Remove Read Only Logic For VA075_TaskEndDate Column 

User Needs to Edit the Field ,So right now it is Read Only Form 

40. Window- Work Order 

Tab- Task 

Field- Task End Date/Time 

Column- VA075_TaskEndDate 

Table- VA075_WorkOrderOperation 

Note:-Remove Read Only Logic For VA075_TaskEndDate Column 

User Needs to Edit the Field ,So right now it is Read Only Form 

41. Window – Service Request 

Tab – Service Request 

Field- Request No. 

Column- Document No 

Table – VA075_ServiceRequest 

Note: – Mark Mandatory UI as False on Document No Column 

42. Window- Field Service Request 

Tab- Task 

Field- Task 

Column- VA075_Task_ID 

Table- VA075_WorkOrderOperation 

Note :-  Bind Validation VA075_ValidTask on VA075_Task_ID 

43. Window - Maintenance Work Order 

Tab- Maintenance Work Order 



Field -Reuse Schedule 

Note:- Apply display Logic on Field Reuse Schedule 

44. Window-Field Service Request 

Tab- Field Service Request 




Note:- Bind Validation VA075_Asset_Record on A_Asset_ID Column

45. Bind the Callout on Fields service Req window Request date, Expected date, Actual Up time date for valid dates.

46. Changes done for fixing the issue on WO update status for setting the status to service log. 

47. Changes done for setting the update status dropdown on Field Service req Window same as WO 

48. Worked over setting the Task group child travel time count on parent and header tab. 

49. Changes done for setting the update status dropdown on Field Service req Window same as WO. 

50. Verified the working of Task performed checkbox on Task Group tab. 
51. Window – Maintenance work order 

Tab – Task Schedule 

Note – Applied display logic – If the data will be available in resource field then this tab will be enable otherwise it will be in disable mode. and Read only logic as per requirement.   

52. Window- Work Schedule  

Tab- Task  

Field- Skill  


Table- VA075_ScheduleTask  

Note – Bind  ValidationVA075_SkillVal  

53. Window-Work Order  


Field- Skill  


Column- C_Skill  

Note-Bind Validation VA075_SkillVal  

54. Window – Equipment Category  

Tab- Equipment Category  

Field-Serial no Cntrl  

Table -VA075_EquipmentCategory  

Column- M_SerNoCtl_ID 

Note:- Bind Validation VA075_SerialControlValiDation

Oct 6, 2023

Sep 25, 2023

Sep 8, 2023

Sep 1, 2023

Jul 27, 2023

Jul 6, 2023

Jun 24, 2023 

Jun 14, 2023 

Jun 7, 2023 

May 26, 2023 

May 3, 2023 

May 1, 2023

Apr 27, 2023 

Apr 14, 2023 

Mar 28, 2023 

Mar 28, 2023 

Feb 21, 2023 

Feb 17, 2023 

Jan 24, 2023 

Dec 22, 2022 

Jul 26, 2022 

Jun 17, 2022 

May 19, 2022 

Mar 25, 2022 

Mar 17, 2022 

Feb 9, 2022 

Nov 9, 2021 

Aug 12, 2021 

Aug 10, 2021 

May 31, 2021 

Feb 16, 2021