Point of Sale Restaurant (VA019_)

Point of Sale Restaurant (VA019_)







Jun 30, 2019

1. Added validation for modifier quantity it should be greater than zero.

2. While doing inactive in station items window we are skip the product check validation.

3. Added New Callouts on area Tab on Organization and warehouse columns.

4. Added New Callouts on Stations Tab on Organization and warehouse columns 

Oct 18, 2018

1. Zoom out - Bind course window on va019_course table.

Jul 12, 2018

1. Added validation for modifier quantity it should be greater than zero.

2. While doing inactive in station items window we are skip the product check validation. 

3. Added new column VA019_IsDeliveryBoy  on VAPOS_TerminalUser  Table and  field on Terminal  user window. 

4. Added AD_User_ID column in VA019_DriverLog table. 

5. Hide tab driver( b_bpratner) and added new tab driver(VA019_teminalUser),show only delivery boys. 

6. Hide Or Inactive driver and driver log order tabs on Employee Master window. 

7. Hide Delivery boy checkbox on Employee Master window.

Mar 14, 2018

1. Add Callout on column AD_Org_ID in VA019_Area Table. 

2. Add Callout on column AD_Org_ID in VA019_Area Table. 

3. Add Callout on column AD_Org_ID in VA019_Stationline Table.