Support Ticket (VA092_)







Aug 21, 2024


  1. Note-window Restructuring  

    Development- Change card view name 

    Window: VAS_Request 

    Tab-Assigned Request 

    Description- change the card view name of VAS_Request to Request Priority. 

  2. Note-window Restructuring  

    Development- Set the static color of card view 

    Window: VAS_Request 

    Tab-Assigned Request 

    Description- changes of card view. 

  3. Development- New window create VAS_Request which is replica of Request window 

    Window: VAS_Request 

    Tab: Assigned request, Survey response 

    Field: Survey response, Request topic, Root case  

    Description: Created Card view, Header, Tab and fields

Dec 22, 2023

Resolved issues on PostgreSQL database: 

1. Filters on left hand side of Support Ticket form was not working.

2. After submitting the tickets on Support Ticket form, System was allowing the user to undo the selection of the Submitted tickets.

3. While creating Request from Support Ticket form - if no Role and Sales Rep is linked on the Request Type then system will get Role and Sales Rep from Request Topic.

Dec 7, 2023

On Request Type Window

Window- Request  Type  

Tab- Request Type  

Field – Sales Rep and Role   

Note:-Mark this Field as Non Mandatory From Column Level 


Window – All Request  

Tab – Request  

Field- Request Topic  

Note :- Newly Field Created Request Topic  


1. Create Header panel For View Request and Request Windows

Nov 15, 2023

1. Resolved issue on Support Ticket form, After adding the new ticket the system will now display all tickets raised by users instead of filtering the data according to the selected Topic. 

2. Changes done to set Tag (Request Topic path) value on Request in case request is created from window and Request Topic is selected.

Oct 3, 2023

1. Window: Request Topic 

Tab: Request Topic 

Note: Added Request Topic Code Field. 

2. Window: Request 

Tab: Current Request 

Note: Removed Data marking for Quick Search and assign it with Request Topic field on Current Request tab of Request screen.

Jun 30, 2023

Jun 22, 2023

May 31, 2023

May 2, 2023

Dec 2, 2022