User Manual - Leaves


This document help you to understand how to use Leaves module in VA Mobile App.  

You can download mobile application from Google and Apple store by clicking below images .  









After login into the VA App click on Leaves module in Welcome Dashboard screen. 


Leave Dashboard screen will be displayed with following details: 

  • My Team (Available for supervision/managers) 

  • Pinned Leave Types with Availed, Balance details 

  •  Browse All button 

  • Recent Leaves with Selected Days, Selected Dates, Leave Type, Status (APPLIED or APPROVED or REJECTED or CANCELLED). If no record is available then it will display "NO RECORD FOUND" message 

  • Filter icon (By default "All" will be selected) 

  • DRAFTED(XX) (If available) 

  • APPLY FOR LEAVE button 




My Team: 

Click on any Team Member icon then Dashboard screen of that Team Member will be displayed with following details: 

  • Selected Team Member name with Profile icon and Joined date 

  • Pinned Leave Types with Availed, Balance details 

  •  Browse All button 

  • Recent Leaves with Selected Days, Selected Dates, Leave Type, Status (APPLIED or APPROVED or REJECTED or CANCELLED). If no record is available then it will display "NO RECORD FOUND" message 

  • Filter icon (By default "All" will be selected) 

  • DRAFTED(XX) (If available) 

  • APPLY FOR LEAVE button 


Click on GO BACK button to redirect to Leave Dashboard screen. 




Leave Report: 

Click on Browse All button then user moved to Leave Report screen. 

Leave Report screen will display all available Leave Types with Availed, Balance details and pinned Leave Types will be marked with Pin icon. 

User can pin min 2 or max 5 Leave Types. If user try to deselect Leave Types less than 2 then it will not allow to deselect and if user wants to select more than 5 then error message "You can pin min 2 or max 5 items" will be displayed. 


Click on GO BACK button to redirect to Leave Dashboard screen. 





By default "All" option will be selected and display all created Leave Types. 


Click on Filter icon it will display available Leave Types and select the required option then it will display records of selected Leave Type 




Click on APPLIED status Leave record then it will display Leave Details screen with following details: 

  • Leaves request status, requested days and dates. This section should be displayed in blue colour 

  • Leave Request Timeline details 

  • More Information section with Leave Type, Attachment, Days selected for leaves details 

  • GO BACK button 

  • CANCEL LEAVE button in read only mode 





Click on APPROVED status Leave record then it will display Leave Details screen with following details: 

  • Leaves request status, requested days and dates. This section should be displayed in green colour 

  • Leave Request Timeline details 

  • More Information section with Leave Type, Attachment, Days selected for leaves details 

  • GO BACK button 

  • CANCEL LEAVE button 





Click on REJECTED status Leave record then it will display Leave Details screen with following details: 

  • Leaves request status, requested days and dates. This section should be displayed in red colour 

  • Leave Request Timeline details 

  • More Information section with Leave Type, Attachment, Days selected for leaves details 

  • GO BACK button 




Click on CANCELLED status Leave record then it will display Leave Details screen with following details: 

  • Leaves request status, requested days and dates. This section should be displayed in grey colour 

  • Leave Request Timeline details 

  • More Information section with Leave Type, Attachment, Days selected for leaves details (Cancel icon will be displayed in leave line) 

  • GO BACK button 




Request Leave: 

Click on APPLY LEAVE REQUEST button and will be display Request Leave screen with following details: 

  • Display Calendar with Forward and Backward icons. By default it will display current month (Availed dates will be highlighted in grey colour) 

  • First Half, Second Half, Full Day options with radio buttons. By default Full Day option will be selected 

  • Leave Type dropdown field 

  • Attachment Field with icon 

  • Comment field 

  • GO BACK button 

  • CREATE LEAVE button 


Add required details and click on "CREATE LEAVE" button then it will display progress at the top of the screen and display "File uploaded successfully". "CREATE LEAVE" button will be changed to "SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL" and display "Days selected for leave" section with selected dates. If user click on GO BACK button at this stage then it will redirect to Leave Dashboard and that record will be display in DRAFTED section. 



User can edit the "Days selected for leave" section and click on "SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL" button. It will display Updated successfully message and redirected to Leave Dashboard screen, display "Suspended for Supervisor Approval" message. 


Created leave record will be displayed in Recent Leaves with APPLIED status. 




Click on DRAFTED(XX) button in Leave Dashboard screen and it will display "Drafted Leaves" screen Drafted Leaves screen will display all "DRAFTED" status leave records with Delete icon and GO BACK button. 


If click on Delete icon of any leave record then it will display confirmation after clicking on OK it will redirect to Leave Dashboard screen with "Deleted successfully" message. 


Click on any record then it will display Edit Leave Lines screen with following: 

  • Leave details with selected leaves days, Leave Type, Comment, Edit icon, Delete icon 

  • Leave details with selected dates and allow user edit 

  • GO BACK button 



Click on Edit icon then it will display "Edit Leave Header" screen. 



Edit the required details and click on UPDATE button. It will redirected to Edit Leave Lines screen, if user updated Attachment then it will show progress at the top and display Updated successfully message.  


Click on "SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL" button. It will display Updated successfully message and redirected to Leave Dashboard screen, display "Suspended for Supervisor Approval" message. 


Updated Leave record will be displayed in Recent Leaves with APPLIED status. 




Cancel Leave Request: 

Click on APPROVED status record in Leave Dashboard screen then select particular date leave or all leaves and click on "CANCEL LEAVE" button, then it will redirect to Leave Dashboard screen and display "Suspended for Supervisor Approval" message. 

It will display Hour Glass icon to that requested leave for cancellation. 


If that cancellation request is Approved then cancel icon will show beside the selected day and if that request is rejected then it will revert back to APPROVED status