Claims - Manual


This page helps you to understand how to use claims module in VA App.  


Please Install these modules from VA Market in ERP before continuing.  

  • Workforce Management – + 

  • Claim Management –  + 

  • Web service –  + 

This document help you to understand how to use Claims module in VA Mobile App.  

You can download mobile application from Google and Apple store by clicking below images .  






After login into the VA App click on Claims module in Welcome Dashboard screen. 


It will display Claims Home screen with three following options at the bottom of the screen: 

  • History (By default History is selected) 

  • Receipts 

  • New Claim 



By default user can see Claims in current month, Filter icon at the top right corner. 


In History screen Claim record will be displayed with following details: 

  • Status icon of that record 

  • Claim Type 

  • Submission No 

  • Total Amount with Currency (If available) 

  • Right Arrow icon 




Click on Filter icon it will display "Apply Filter" pop up with following options: 

  • Choose Status : All, Drafted, In Progress, Approved, Rejected 

  • Choose Month(s) : Current month name, Previous Month, Previous 3 Months, Previous 6 Months (By default current month is selected) 

  • Reset button 

  • Done button 


Click on Done button after selecting required options then pop up will be closed and display records based on the selected filter options. Click on Reset button to clear the selected filter options 




Click on Drafted status Claim record then it will display Not Submitted screen with following details: 

  • Edit icon 

  • Cancel icon 

  • Claim Type, Requisition Amount, Total Amount section in blue colour 

  • Start Date 

  • End Date 

  • Description 

  • Attached receipts will be displayed (if available) with File icon, File Name, Size, File Type, Line ID, Download icon, Delete icon 

  • If selected record is created with Requisition then Selected Requisitions section will be displayed with Requisition records 

  • Claim Submission Lines section with Currency, Amount, Start Date, Type, Purpose, Edit icon details (or)  "No Sub Claim Found" message if Sub Claim line record is not available 

  • Create and Submit buttons at the bottom in blue colour. Submit button will be disabled if submission record is not available 

Click on Create button it will display Receipts tab and allow user to create the new Submission record. Click on Submit button it will be redirected to Home screen then display "Submitted for Approval" message and status icon of that record will changed to "In Progress" icon 



In Progress: 

Click on In Progress status Claim record then it will display Submitted screen with following details: 

  • Cancel icon 

  • Claim Type, Requisition Amount, Total Amount section in blue colour 

  • Start Date 

  • End Date 

  • Description 

  • Attached receipts will be displayed (if available) with File icon, File Name, Size, File Type, Line ID, Download icon, Delete icon (read-only mode) 

  • If selected record is created with Requisition then Selected Requisitions section will be displayed with Requisition records 

  • Claim Submission Lines section with created Sub Claim lines with Currency, Amount, Start Date, Type, Purpose details  

  • Create and Submit buttons at the bottom in read-only mode 




Click on Approved status Claim record then it will display Approved screen with following details: 

  • Cancel icon 

  • Claim Type, Requisition Amount, Total Amount section in blue colour 

  • Start Date 

  • End Date 

  • Description 

  • Attached receipts will be displayed (if available) with File icon, File Name, Size, File Type, Line ID, Download icon, Delete icon (read-only mode) 

  • If selected record is created with Requisition then Selected Requisitions section will be displayed with Requisition records 

  • Claim Submission Lines section with created Sub Claim lines with Currency, Amount, Start Date, Type, Purpose details  

  • Create and Submit buttons at the bottom in read-only mode 





Click on Rejected status Claim record then it will display Rejected screen with following details: 

  • Edit icon 

  • Cancel icon 

  • Claim Type, Requisition Amount, Total Amount section in red colour 

  • Start Date 

  • End Date 

  • Description 

  • Attached receipts will be displayed (if available) with File icon, File Name, Size, File Type, Line ID, Download icon, Delete icon 

  • If selected record is created with Requisition then Selected Requisitions section will be displayed with Requisition records 

  • Claim Submission Lines section with Currency, Amount, Start Date, Type, Purpose, Edit icon details 

  • Create and Submit buttons at the bottom in blue colour. Submit button will be disabled if submission record is not available 

Click on Create button it will display Receipts tab and allow user to create the new Submission record. Click on Submit button it will be redirected to Home screen then display "Submitted for Approval" message and status icon of that record will changed to "In Progress" icon 




Click on Receipts then it will display Receipts screen and Receipts option will be highlighted.  


Receipts screen contains the following details:  

  • Receipts Collection box it shows uploaded files 

  • From Gallery button 

  • From Camera button 

Click on From Gallery button it will allow the user to add files from Device. Selected files will be displayed in Receipts Collection box. 




Click on From Camera button it will allow the user to capture the receipts and Flash option also will be available. 

After capture the receipt it will display preview of that receipt. If user click on DELETE button then it will show confirmation message to delete that receipt. If user clicked on DONE button then it will save that file and display capture options. Captured files will be displayed in Receipts Collection box. 




To delete any receipt from the Receipts Collection box, select that receipt then it will display Delete icon at the top right. Click on that Delete icon after selecting the receipts then it will delete the selected receipts and display message "Deleted successfully". 



New Claim: 

Claim Header Tab 

Click on New Claim it will display New Claim screen with following details: 

  • Claim Type field 

  • Date parameters 

  • No Requisition, Requisition buttons (By default "No Requisition" option is selected and highlighted in blue colour) 

  • If user select Requisition option then available requisition records will be displayed on basis of selected Claim Type & Currency with Amount with currency, Requisition ID and Created On details 

  • Currency field 

  • Description field 

Click on Save & Next button after enter the required details then will save the details and move to Receipts tab with confirmation message "Claim Header created"  




Receipts Tab 

Receipts tab will be displayed with following details: 

  • Submission No 

  • Claim Type 

  • From Gallery button 

  • From Camera button 

  • Receipts Collection box it shows uploaded files 

  • Convert to PDF check (Enable this check box to convert selected image files into a single PDF file. This check box will be deselect if we select PDF files) 

  • Skip 

  • Next button 

Select required receipts and click on Next button then user will be moved to Sub Claim tab. 

By clicking on Skip user can move to next tab without selecting any receipts. 




Sub Claim Tab 

Sub Claim tab will be displayed with following details: 

  • Submission No 

  • Gallery icon with selected receipts count 

  • Selected Claim Type 

  • Currency field (Display the available conversion currencies of the selected Currency in Header. If user select conversion currency other than Header Currency then entered Amount will be converted into Header Currency rate and display in Total Amount field) 

  • Amount field 

  • Purpose field 

  • Sub Claim Type field 

  • Date fields 

  • Display selected Claim Type related fields 

  • Description field 

  • Next button 

Click on Next button after entering the required details then moved to Review tab with confirmation message "Subclaim created" 



Review Tab 

Review tab will be displayed with following details: 

  • If receipts selected then it will upload the files and display the progress at the top 

  • Submission No 

  • Claim Type 

  • Created Sub Claim line with Currency, Amount, Starte Date, Type and Purpose details 

  • Create button 

  • Submit button 


Swipe the Sub Claim line record to the right side then Edit button (In blue colour), View button (In green colour) will be displayed. 

Click on Edit button then it will be redirected to Receipts tab and allow to edit the Sub Claim line details from Receipts tab. 


Click on View button then Sub Claim Details screen will  displayed. 



Sub Claim Details 

Sub Claim Details screen will be displayed with following details: 

  • Back arrow at the top left corner 

  • Type 

  • Purpose 

  • Amount 

  • Start Date 

  • End Date 

  • Description 

  • Attachments section 

  • (i) If receipts selected in Receipts screen then it will display files with File Type icon, File Name, Download icon, Size, File Type, Line ID. If we swipe the attachment then Delete button is available in red colour and allow to delete the attachment 

  • (ii) If no receipt selected in Receipts tab then "No Attachment Found" message will be displayed 

Click on Download icon to preview attached file in Chrome and download the file then it will display confirmation message "File downloaded" 


Click on Back arrow to redirect to Review tab. 

Click on Create button in Review tab then it will redirect to Receipts tab and allow to add Sub Claim line. Click on Submit button then Claim record will be submitted for approval and redirected to History screen with message "Submitted for Approval". Status of this record will be In Progress. 



Travel Claim: 

Claim Header Tab 

Click on New Claim it will display New Claim screen with following details: 

  • Select Travel option from Claim Type dropdown list 

  • Date parameters 

  • Destination From, Destination To field will be displayed after Travel Type selected 

  • On the selection of Travel Type, Currency Requisition button will be automatically selected and display the Requisition records based on the 

           default currency 

  • Currency field 

  • Description field 

Click on Save & Next button after enter the required details then will save the details and move to Receipts tab with confirmation message "Claim Header created"  




Receipts Tab 

Receipts tab will be displayed with following details: 

  • Submission No 

  • Claim Type 

  • From Gallery button 

  • From Camera button 

  • Receipts Collection box it shows uploaded files 

  • Convert to PDF check (Enable this check box to convert selected image files into a single PDF file. This check box will be deselect if we select PDF files) 

  • Next button 

Select required receipts and click on Next button then user will be moved to Sub Claim tab. 




Sub Claim Tab 

Sub Claim tab will be displayed with following details: 

  • Submission No 

  • Gallery icon with selected receipts count 

  • Selected Claim Type 

  • Currency field (Display the available conversion currencies of the selected Currency in Header. If user select conversion currency other than Header Currency then entered Amount will be converted into Header Currency rate and display in Total Amount field) 

  • Amount field 

  • Purpose field 

  • Sub Claim Type field 

  • Date fields 

  • Time fields 

  • Travel Type field 

  • Destination From and Destination To fields (These fields will be auto filled from given Address details in Header tab) 

  • Description field 

  • Next button 

Click on Next button after entering the required details then moved to Review tab with confirmation message "Subclaim created" 




Review Tab 

Review tab will be displayed with following details: 

  • If receipts selected then it will upload the files and display the progress at the top 

  • Submission No 

  • Claim Type 

  • Created Sub Claim line with Currency, Amount, Starte Date, Type and Purpose details 

  • Create button 

  • Submit button 


Swipe the Sub Claim line record to the right side then Edit button (In blue colour), View button (In green colour) will be displayed. 


Click on Create button in Review tab then it will redirect to Receipts tab and allow to add Sub Claim line. Click on Submit button then Claim record will be submitted for approval and redirected to History screen with message "Submitted for Approval". Status of this record will be In Progress.