Alert Enhancement

Alert Overview: 

Alerts can be set to send information to users at specific times or when specific conditions are met. The goal of alerting is to quickly identify the status of the business, the status of the respective screen, or both in order to achieve a business outcome. If we want to know the status of our business, what is pending, and where we are in the process, we can't check these activities in the system manually. It takes a lot of time, and we can't be sure that we do it in the correct way.  

The alert allows us to define some pre-defined SQL statements. So that system would match that SQL statement, and the result would be sent as a notification to the pre-defined user or role.  

The alert in the system lets people know about something that has happened in the past, is happening now, or needs to be done. 


Alert Processor should be created into the system. 

Schedule should be created into the system. 



Vienna Advantage introduces a new feature of generating SQL query by using SQL Generator button in alert rule subtab under alert window. The system will automatically generate the SQL query by selecting the respective window/tab/field. 

Step 1: Open an alert window from the menu. Below is the screenshot to open an alert window. 



Step 2: Window would open by default grid view. Below is the screenshot. 



Step 3: Click grid toggle button to show in single view. Below is the screenshot.


Step 4: Below is the screenshot to show in single view. 


Step 5: Click a new record and provide the relevant information in respective fields. 

  1. Enter name of alert in name field. 

  2. Bind alert handler. 

  3. Enter the subject of alert. (User choice) 

  4. Enter the alert message. (User Choice) 

Step 6: Move to alert rule subtab. 

Step 7: There are two ways to create a alert rule. 

7.1: Write SQL query directly. 

7.2: Using SQL generator to generate SQL query

Step 8: Click sql generator icon to write sql query or generate sql query with the help of sql generator. 

Step 9 (Case 1): System will open one pop up where we select sql icon to write a sql query. 


Step 10: Once user write a sql query to achieve the requirement. User would click “Test SQL” button to run the sql query. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 11: If the written query is right. System will show the output. Below is the screenshot. 

Step 12: If the written query is wrong. System will show the message that “Invalid Query. Below is the screenshot. 


Note 1: If User use SQL to write the SQL query, SQL generator would automatically non editable. 

Step 13: User would click SQL generator button to generator SQL query. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 14: System will show some option to select the window, tab and field. 


Step 15: User would click window/Tab name search icon to select the window with tab. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 16: System will open pop up to list all the window along with tabs in the search pop up. User would select the window along with tab to fetch the values. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 17: User would select the window along with subtab. 



Step 18: User would click the field/column name to select the field for selected window along with tab. System will list out all the fields. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 19: User would select multiple fields to fetch the values. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 20: System will automatically generate sql query while selecting fields. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 21: User would click test query to execute the query. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 22: System would enable the save button to save the query. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 23: system will show the message that “Saved Successfully”. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 24: System generates the sql query automatically. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 25: System saved the sql query in automatically in alert rule tab after user click save the button. 


Step 26: If user wants to fetch data from multiple window or tab. User would use joins option to select the multiple windows. Below is the screenshot. 


Note 2: When we select second window or tab. Two windows should have linkage. Otherwise system wont show the data. Example sales order window has column called “C_Order_ID” (Primary key of sales order)and if we second window as shipment customer. Shipment customer window is also having “C_Order_ID” (Foreign key). C_Order_ID is linkage column of both windows. Likewise, we do for all the windows. 

Step 27: User would click + icon to select multiple window or tab along with fields. 


Step 28: Here the user would select primary key of first table. Primary key explanation has given in Note 3. Please kindly look it. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 29: User would select the foreign key of window or tab. Foreign key explanation has given in note 2. Please kindly look it. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 30: User would click add join button to update the SQL query. System automatically does while clicking add join button. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 31: User would see the sql generated automatically by system adding a linkage. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 32: If user wants to add some where condition. User would use filter option. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 33: User would select the field, operator and value and then click add filter. Below is the screenshot. 











Step 34: User would click “Add Filter” button to add the filter (where condition) in sql query. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 35: If user wants to add sort the data by ascending or descending. User would click “Sort +” icon. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 36: If user wants to sort the data. User would select the field and click “Add Sort” button to add the sort (order by) in sql query. Below is the screenshot. 


Step 37: User would move to “Alert Recipient” tab to add the user or role to send the notification once the alert is triggered.