RFQ (Request For Quotation) Enhancements


In this enhancement, Vienna introduces the Document Type, Document Status & Total Amount field and Create Lines From Requisition & Complete functionality on RFQ Header. Charge and Line Amount field on Line Tab and Line Amount on Quantity Tab on RFQ screen. 



Request for quotation (RFQ) is a business process in which a company requests a quote from a Suppliers/ Vendors for the purchase of specific products or services. An typical RFQ involves more than the price per product or service such as payment terms, product specification and details etc. 

  • User can select Document Type for Request For Quotation in RFQ screen which can use to set the document sequence. 

  • Users can add Charge on RFQ line. 

  • User can also create RFQ Lines with the reference of Requisition from the Create Lines From Requisition form. 

  • Line Amount field is added on the RFQ Line tab and Quantity Tab on RFQ screen to calculate line Amount for each line and Total Amount of the RFQ.  

  • Complete functionality introduced to process the RFQ document. 


Enhancement on RFQ screen 


In document type, user have to select Request For Quotation as document type which is created with Request For Quotation (RFQ) as Document Base Type.  

VA System update document status field based on the current status of the record. 

This process is used to process the RFQ document and update the document status. Once the document status is set to "Complete," users will be able to run the Create & Invite process, Rank Response Process and create a purchase order Processes 


This form is used to add RFQ lines and records on Quantity tab with the reference of the Requisition lines. By clicking on the "Create Lines from Requisition" button, users can select open lines of the Purchase Requisition based on search criteria. Once the lines are available on the grid, users can select one or multiple Requisition lines  to generate the RFQ lines with Quantity. 

Total Amount:  
VA System updates Total Amount field based on sum total of Line Amount field in Line tab. 



User can also add charge on the RFQ line. 

Line Amount:  
VA System updates Line Amount field based on sum total of Line Amount field in Quantity tab. 


Line Amount:  
VA System updates Line Amount field based on multiplication of Quantity and benchmark price. 


Enhancement on Vendor Response screen 

In this enhancement, Vienna introduces the one new tab on Vendor Response screen with name i.e. RFQ Response as header tab. RFQ Response tab is used to group all the vendor response against one RFQ.  

Along with this one new process added in the menu i.e. Create RFQ Response Header to create header of Vendor Response for already existing records before installing Vienna Advantage Standard module with Version:  

Note: To Run Create RFQ Response Header process is one time activity for already created Vendor Responses for respective RFQ's.