UM-Auto Data Marking

1. Auto Data Marking

Vienna Advantage introduces a new process of transferring master configuration and other crucial master data from one database to another, offering a fast and straightforward solution. The system will automatically identify and mark the master data that user insert in the system to migrate purpose..

However, auto data marking will occur for those screens, which have table type of ‘Master’ under the Database Schema. For other types of screens, if a user can open the screen and create the record but system will not consider those screens for auto data marking.

To map a role with a tenant, a user has two options: they can either create a new tenant or assign the role to an existing one. To create a new tenant, follow the steps below:

1.1.1        Creating a new tenant

  1. Log in as the Superuser (System Admin)

  2. Go to menu and search for “Initial Tenant Setup”

  1. Create a Tenant by updating the details within the form.

  1. Enter the details for creating a Tenant.

  2. Click on the  “Done” button



1.1.2        Creating a New Role

To create a new role mapped with the tenant, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Role’ window from the menu.


  1. Open the Role window.

  2. Enter the details into the Role window & save the record

1.1.3        Mapping Roles to Created Tenants (User)

  1. Navigate to the User window from the menu.

  1. Open the User window.

  2. Navigate to the user record.

  3. Open the record and proceed to the “User Roles” tab

  4. Map the role to the respective user within this window

2. Data Marking File

Once all the configuration is complete, the user should navigate to the Data Marking File, where they create a new file with a specific name and assign a particular role as needed.

To Go to the Data Marking File, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Data Marking File" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Data Marking File screen will appear at the top of the search results: 

  • Click on the “Data Marking File Screen” to open the " Data Marking File " from the menu.



  • Once the Data Marking screen opens, the user have two options whether to Add New file and View Existing Files. 

2.1    Add New File

  1. Once the Data Marking Screens open, click the "Add New File" button to create the file.

  2. After clicking on the ‘Add New File’ button, a new screen will appear on the user’s screen as mentioned below screenshot:


a)       It requires the user to choose the role for which they generated the record.

b)     From the dropdown, the user must choose whether to select a new or existing file. If the user selects “Create New”, they have to provide the name of the new file.



c)      On the other hand, selecting "Select Existing" from the dropdown means the user chooses a file that hasn't been processed yet. The data from this file is then imported for another role that was created previously.

NOTE: The default file name displayed includes the Prefix “DM” followed by today’s date plus a random number , but the user has the option to change it.  


  1. After filling in all the required information, click the ‘Save’ button to save the record.

  1. Once the record is saved and another user is working with the same role, then they receive the information message as mentioned below:


  1. After saving the record, a recorder indicator appears at the top of the user’s screen, indicating that the data created by the user for import is recorded in the created file, as shown in the screenshot below:


NOTE: When the file is marked as inactive, the recorder will automatically stop.

NOTE: User can access the Data Marking File window by clicking on the plus button located on the top left side, where the recorded file is displayed.


2.2    View Existing File

  1. When the Data Marking Screens open, click the "View Existing File” button to view the file.

  2. After clicking on the “View Existing File button”, a new screen will appear on the user’s screen as shown in the screenshot below:

  1. In this screenshot, users can check the file status. If the data from a file has been imported into another role and a new file is subsequently created, the "processed" checkbox is automatically set to true.

NOTE:  Once the "Processed" checkbox is set to true, that file is not used for recording purposes.


3. Marking Data

Once the user defines the file name and starts the recorder, they need to create the data for import.

When new records are saved or updated by login users with this role, all configurations will be automatically marked with the created Marking file.

Let’s illustrate this with the example of the “Product” screen.

image-20240529-062012.png Product

3.1    Product

To Go to the Product Screen, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Product" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Product screen will appear at the top of the search results: 

  1. Click on the “Product” to open the " Product "Screen from the menu.


  1. Once the Product screen opens, the user has to click on “New Record” for creation of record in VA System.


  1. User needs to enter the name of the Product.;

  2. Select Product Type and Tax Category from the dropdown.

  3. Click on Save button for saving the changes.


  1. Users can check the marking by clicking on the “tick icon” in the action panel, as shown below.


  1. A pop – up window will open on the screen.

  1. By default, the checkbox of the file name “DM_23 May2024_123836” is set to true, allowing the user to uncheck it if they do not want to mark this data for import.

Once the product is created then user needs to go to the Price tab. To Go to the Price tab, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the Product screen from main menu of the VA System. > Click on Price tab.> Product Price tab will open.

Once the Price tab will open, user needs to click on the “New record” button for creating the record.


  1. Select the Price List version from the dropdown and enter the List Price, Limit Price and Standard Price.

  2. Click on save button to save the changes.


Let’s illustrate this with another example of the “Tax rate” window.

image-20240529-063946.pngTax Rate

3.2  Tax Rate

To open the window, navigate to the menu, type “Tax Rate” and select it as shown in the screenshot below:


Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Tax Rate" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Tax Rate screen will appear at the top of the search results: 


  1. Tax Rate screen will be opened as shown below:


  1. Select the existing record to update the record in the Tax Rate header

  1. The User needs to update the Tax name and define the percentage of tax. Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.

  1. Users can check the marking by clicking on the “tick icon” in the action panel, as shown below.

  1. A pop – up window will open on the screen


  1. By default, the checkbox of the file name “DM_23 May2024_123836” is set to true, allowing the user to uncheck it if they do not want to mark this data for import.

NOTE: All these created records are saved in the recorder with the file name “DM_23May2024_123836”

4 Generating Configuration Files

After all the marking is done, user has to generate the XML files so that the configurations can be moved to another instance. To do this,

  1.  There is a job in the menu with the name “Generate Configuration Files”, which users has to run from the tenant where the marking is done.


To Go to the Generate Configuration Files Screen, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Generate Configuration Files" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Generate Configuration screen will appear at the top of the search results: 



  • Click on the “Generate Configuration Files ” option in the menu to open the "Generate Configuration Files Screen"

  1. On this screens, there are two buttons displayed i.e.

Ø  Generate: By Clicking on the Generate button, new XML Configuration files will be generated and then user can download newly generated file.

Ø  Download: Users can download the previous generated files, if new files are generated.

  • By default, the last imported file is shown in the Select Module, but the user needs to manually select the file from the dropdown where created records are recorded.


  • After selecting the file, user needs to click on the “Generate” button as mentioned below:

  • By Clicking on the “Generate” button, new XML Configuration files will be generated, and an info message appears on the user’s screen as mentioned below:

  • Once the Configuration XML Files are generated, the download button will be enabled on the user’s screen as mentioned below:

  1. This job will pick all the markings done by the user and will generate XML files

  2. A .zip file should be downlaoded with name “VADM638520647391828652_638520690537386177”

  • After this, the user needs to click on the download button, indicating that the user can download the newly generated file.

  • Users can verify their record data within the respective module files.

  • All the created records are recorded into the above file.

NOTE: In this downloaded file all records are recorded along with the parent linkage. For example, if the user creates a record on the product screen, then the product record is imported along with the product category, UOM, tax category, organization, etc.

5. Import Configurations

To import configurations on another link, please ensure that the ‘Auto Data Marking’ module should be installed.

  1. Users should login with different user on another link where the configuration needs to be imported.

  2. Check if there is a page/form available in the menu named “Import Configurations” as shown in the image below.


To Go to the Import Configuration Screen, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Import Configurations" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Import Configurations screen will appear at the top of the search results: 

  • Click on the “Import Configuration” to open the " Import Configurations Screen " from the menu.


  • After clicking on Import Configurations from the menu, a new screen will appear on the user screen, which contains three fields, as displayed in the image below:

5.1 Select File: Users need to choose the exported XML files, and it will accept “.zip” files only.

5.2  Import Data: This field is mandatory. Users must select one of the following options

5.2.1  Insert Only: This option is used to import only newly created master data.

5.2.2  Insert and Update: This option is used to import new records and existing records based on specific criteria (Export_ID, Unique columns, Search Key columns) following the market logic of “Other Customization” or already updated record to be skipped.

5.3  Import Button: Clicking this button initiates the import configuration process. The configurations found in the selected XML files will be imported into the tenant where the user is logged in. After completion, the user will be presented with a log file similar to the one displayed at the end of module installation. This log file allows the user to verify whether everything was imported successfully.

NOTE: User must select either “Insert Only” or “Insert and Update”, to enable “Import” button.

5.2.1      “Insert Only” for the Import Process

Certainly, here’s an explanation of how to import a file using the “Insert Only” option in the import process:

  1. Select the file by browsing from the system


  1. Select the ‘Insert Only’ option under Import Data to specifically import new records.


  1. Click on the Import button.

  2. The Import Configurations process is started.


  1. After completing the process , a pop- up window will appear.

  1. This log file allows the user to verify whether everything was imported successfully.

  2. Here, we can download the log  & server log files to check if the record data was imported successfully

  3. Close the pop-up window & exit the Import configuration page.

5.2.2    “Insert and update” for the Import Process

Certainly, here’s an explanation of how to import a file using the “Insert and Update” option in the import process:

  1. Select the file by browsing from the system


  1. Select the ’Insert and Update’ option under Import Data, which allows user to import new records and updated (existing) records based on specific criteria like Export _ID, Unique columns and Search key columns.


  1. Click on the Import button

  2. The Import Configurations process will be started.

  1. After completing the process, a pop- up window will appear.


  1. Here, we can downlaod the log  & server log files to check if the record data was imported successfully.

  2. Close the pop-up window & exit the Import configuration page.

6. Imported Records

Once the log file is downloaded, user needs to check whether the created records are imported successfully on another link.

Now User needs to go to the Product and Tax Rate screen and check whether the created records are imported on the link.

6.1    Product

To Go to the Product Screen, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Product" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Product screen will appear at the top of the search results: 

  1. Click on the “Product” to open the " Product "Screen from the menu.

  1. Once the Product screen opens, the user needs to search for the record using the Product name i.e., “Milton Bottles- 250 ml”.

  1. The record has been successfully imported onto another link, along with the Price tab data as shown in the screenshot below:


  1. Data under the destination link will be created with the same values as the configuration link for all fields.

6.2 Tax Rate

To Go to the Tax Rate Screen, the navigation path is given below:

Go to the main menu of the VA System. > Find the Search Utility in the menu. > Type "Tax Rate" into the Search Utility. > Press Enter or click the search icon. > The Tax Rate screen will appear at the top of the search results: 


  1. Click on the “Tax Rate” to open the " Tax Rate” Screen from the menu.

  2. Once the Tax Rate screen opens, the user must search for the record with the Tax Rate name i.e., Surcharge Rate 13%

  1. The record has been successfully imported onto another link, as depicted in screenshot above, and the data under the destination link will be updated with the same values as the configuration link for all fields.

NOTE: This would be working in a same way for the other master screens as well whether they have a single tab or multiple tabs.

NOTE: The Configuration import logic follows a prioritized order as define in the code: 

  • Firstly, the system checks for the presence of an Export_ID. It compares the Export_ID in the XML file with records in the production link. If a matching Export_ID is found, the system updates the corresponding record; otherwise, it inserts a new record into the production link.


  • The second priority is given to unique columns within the production link where the configuration is being imported. If imported data matches existing data in these unique columns, the system updates the record. If no match is found, it proceeds to the third priority.


  • The third priority involves the search key column in the table. If the value in the production link matches the value in the XML files, the system updates the record. However, there is an exception when the “Search Key” column is not unique. In cases where multiple records share the same search key in the production link, the decision to insert or update depends on the first priority, which is the “Export_ID”.