Window Context

Window context stores information of window, tab and selected record’s data. Window number (winNo.) and tab number (tabNo.) are used to get data from context.  Here window number is unique number assigned to window by Vienna Framework and tab number is sequence number of tab in that window.

Window info that can be fetched using window number is described below. 




winNo.| WindowName  

It Shows name of window whose winNo. is passed.  “WindowName” is fixed key to get window name of window. 

For Example: 2|WindowName == User 

You can get this information like VIS.context.getWindowContext(2,"WindowName"). Here 2 is window number assigned to window. 


Tab info that can be fetched using window number and tab number is described below. 






It Shows primary key of AD_Tab corresponding to the WinNo. and TabNo. 

winNo.|TabNo| Name  


It Shows Name of AD_Tab corresponding to the WinNo. and TabNo. 

winNo.|TabNo| AccessLevel  


It Shows Data Access Level of AD_Tab corresponding to the WinNo. and TabNo. 



It Shows primary key of AD_Table_ID corresponding to the WinNo. and TabNo. 

2|0|AD_Table_ID == 114 

You can get this information like VIS.context.getWindowTabContext(2,2,"AD_Table_ID"). Here 1st parameter is windowNo, 2nd parameter is tabNo. and 3rd is key. 


You can get information of selected record of current window from context. Window info that can be fetched using window number is described below. 






It will give data saved in current record for that particular column. 

For Example: 1|AD_User_ID == 1005528 

You can get this information like VIS.context.getWindowContext(2,"Name")  //here Name is a ColumnName whose value want to get. 

Here 1st parameter is windowNo, 2nd parameter is columnName whose data you want to fetch.