Message Display as a Popup Window
Vienna Framework provides some message pop up for different purpose.
VIS.ADialog.warn(“key”,isMsgOnly,extraMsg) // show warning
Here Key is culture specific message key in database
VIS.ADialog.ask(“key”,isMsgOnly,extraMsg) // use to show confirm message it shows browser based popup“key”,isMsgOnly,extraMsg ) // Info
VIS.ADialog.error(“key”,isMsgOnly,extraMsg) //Error
VIS.ADialog.confirm (key, isMsgOnly, extraMsg, header, callback) {}
//This function is use to show confirmation pop-up. This function will available after install Vienna Advantage Framework Version or latter from VIENNA Market.
For example:
VIS.ADialog.confirm("DeleteRecord?", true, "", "Confirm", function (result) {
if (result) {
// Do your Task
Here callback function will return true if user press OK button of confirmation pop-up otherwise it returns false. So Developer can write logic according to return value.