UI Element
Vienna Advantage provides three UI elements for user data input:
Window UI
Forms UI
Process Parameter Dialog UI
1. Window UI:
Window is an auto generated UI element, the layout design of the window is generated by Application Dictionary base on the rules set by user. As per the user request, window is generated on the fly by AD (Application Dictionary).
Window is an interface for user to enter data for any entity or transaction in the system. It contains at least one tab and further tab contains labels/fields for user data input/output. User set rules for generate window with more than one tab according to the requirement.
For generate window, no need to write any code. Windows generated by AD has covered with basic functionality like Add/Update/Delete records as well as covered with more advance functionality like Search, Advance Search, Attachment, Chat, Letter, Email etc. Below is the example of window UI.
Toolbar And Keyboard Shortcuts
Tool bar Icon | Action | Shortcuts |
Undo Record |
New Record |
Delete Record |
Save Record
Refresh Record |
Report |
Print Report
Other Window Action keyboard shortcuts
Advance Search | ALT +A |
Simple Search | ALT+F |
Close Window | ALT+X |
First Record | ALT + Left Arrow |
Next Record | ALT+ Down Arrow |
Previous Record | ALT+UP Arrow |
Last Record | ALT+ Right Arrow |
Toggle | ALT+T |
Card View | ALT+V |
Open Menu | ALT + M |
Close Menu | Escape |
Help | F1 |
Tab Navigation | Ctrl + Alt + Left OR Right |
Next page | Alt + pg dn |
Previous Page | Alt + pg up |
First Page | Ctrl + Alt + pg up |
Last Page | Ctrl + alt + pg dn |
Window Navigation | Ctrl + Space |
Logout | Alt + L |
Composite View New | Ctrl + Alt + N |
Composite View Undo | Ctrl + Alt + Z |
Composite View Delete | Ctrl + Alt + D |
Composite View Refresh | Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Composite View Save | Ctrl + Alt + S |
Composite View Toggle | Ctrl + Alt + T |
Toolbar icon detail is as below
This icon is use for undo the changes before save.
This icon is used for Add New Record in the window
This icon is used for delete the selected record, it may be single selected record or multiple selected record
This icon is used for refresh the record. On press this icon it will again fetch the fresh data from database and show on the screen.
Report: When user will open the report it will show as below way
There multiple option on the report as mentioned below
Most of the option icons are self-expletory. Here few icon explain as below
This icon is used for download csv format of report. Just user click on this icon and file is ready for download.
This icon is used for export pdf format of report
On export pdf file it will show the pdf file as below.
Here you see on the top right hand side paging information like
Page 1 (1,1) 0f 140 (14,10)
The number outside from the bracket represent the start page and end page of the report. And number inside the bracket show the record set and page number
Page "First Page (Record Set, Record Set Start Page Number) of Last Page (Last Record Set, Record Set Last Page Number)"
This icon is for keep Archive of the report. User can archive the file and on latter can retrieve the report form Archive section.
To open the Archive section
Go to Menu, Type "Archive Viewer"
Select the Archive Viewer from Menu it will open the below form. Here user can see all the archive report.
This icon is related to advance search. User can search the record in report. When user will click this icon it will open a below pop up
User can search the item on click Add filter and choose related filed and value for searching purpose
This icon is for setting purpose. User can change the display order of field in the report and can customize the report according to his requirement, can hide fields and do some other customize setting.
This icon is used for Report format. User can link the report and process on related tab on filed "Process" and the report link with selected Report and Process will execute on press this icon.
2. Form UI:
Form UI Element is used for custom UI designed layout, when user requires different layout (other than auto generate window layout by AD) according to his requirement.
The layout of the form is not auto generated by the Application Dictionary as in the case of Window, Here user design the layout from scratch and assign to application dictionary. Here user must have the knowledge of how to code in Vienna Advantage Framework.
3. Process Parameter Dialog UI:
In Vienna Advantage Framework user can create process. If any process has parameters, then at the time of run that process, system will open a process parameter in a left panel for input the parameter value. Detail description provided in Process Creation Section.
Below is the Process UI Example