Msg According to Culture
To show messages within your programs, please uses Msg Class which depend on User Logged in language selection, Msg use the message table for this purpose. Msg class get culture specific message against Message key. For example “Tab” gets according to culture.
Programmatically you simply execute i.e.
For Client Side in JavaScript
VIS.Msg.getMsg("Tab"); // msg tranlastion
User can get Culture specific column name Also by execute
VIS.Msg.translate(VIS.Env.getCtx(), "ColumnName"); //database column translation
VIS.Msg.translate(VIS.Env.getCtx(), "Alias");
For Server Side in C#
Show Message from Message Window Use
VAdvantage.Utility.Msg.GetMsg(ctx, "MessageKey"); // Get Message from Message Window according to Login Language.
Show Message from System Element Use
VAdvantage.Utility.Msg.Translate(ctx, "ColumnName"); // Get Text of Column from System Element according to Login Language if not found then system will check the message window.