Default Values
#C_UOM_ID | Default Unit Of Measurement |
#M_Locator_ID | Default Locator |
#C_DocTypeTarget_ID | Default Document Type |
#GL_Category_ID | Default GL Category |
#C_TaxCategory_ID | Default Tax Category |
#C_Tax_ID | Default Tax Rate |
#AD_Tree_ID | Default Tree |
#C_BankAccount_ID | Default Bank Account |
#C_CashBook_ID | Default Cash Book |
#C_ConversionType_ID | Default Currency Type |
#M_ReturnPolicy_ID | Default Return Policy |
#REPORT_PAGE_SIZE | Default page size for reporting. It can be set in System Configuration window. By default it is 500. |
#BULK_REPORT_DOWNLOAD | If Y then, system allow to download multiple pages of report on one click. It can be set in System Configuration window. BY default it is N. |
#C_Country_ID | Default Country. System will check login language and then find country having country code matched with login language’s country code. If any country has same country code then system will set it as default country. |
#ShowClientOrg | Not Used |
#ShowMiniGrid | Not Used |
#TraceFile | Not Used |
#TraceLevel | Default trace level of log on client side. It can be set in preference. By default it is off. User can see log on client side from preference according selected trace level. |
#ClientOrgLevel | Default setting for showing Tenant and Organization fields in window. You can change this setting from preference. If Level is 0, then system will show both Tenant and Organization fields. If 1, then only Tenant will be displayed. If 2, Only Organization will be displayed. If 3, both fields will be hidden. |
#WorkSpacePageSize | Not Used |
#WindowPageSize | Default Page size for window. It specifies number of records that will be displayed on one page of window. It can be set in User Preference. By default it is 50. |
#PrintNativeDigits | Default setting to print native digits. By default it is true. Print native digit in reports according to selected language. In current version working for Iraq language. |
#AutoLogin | Not Used |
#StorePassword | Not Used |
#CacheWindow | Default setting for window caching. It can be set in preference. By default it is true. In this case all open windows will cache on client side. |
#PrintPreview | Not Used |
#StdPrecision | Default Standard Precision. On Accounting Schema, whatever the currency is set, precision of that currency becomes default precision. |