
Each and every window in the application dictionary must have at least one tab.  Tab Name Tab is use to define tab in the window. 


Most of the field Description is below: 

  • Name 

It accepts alphanumeric identifier of the entity. 

It indicates the name of an entity (record).  The name is up to 60 characters in length. 


  • Description 

Description of the record.  Description is limited to 255 characters. 


  • Comment 

The field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. This help text will appear on help window which open from Help icon in right panel on window. 


  • Active 

This indicates that record is active in the system. If this field is not checked then you can’t select this record on other windows. 

There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports. There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Account, if there are invoices for this Account record existing. You de-activate the Account and prevent that this record is used for future entries.  


  • Entity Type 

Select entity type by default it will set as User maintained. But if you want that this Column should not get affected from the download of a module from Vienna Market then mark it as Other Customization. 


  • Table 

Each Tab is linked to a database Table information. The Database Table provides the information of the table definition. Base on the database table information field will create. 

Sequence: It indicates elements ordering.  Lowest number comes first. 


  • Tab Level 

It indicates the Tab hierarchy.  Tab level is 0 means top entity, Level 1 means child of level 0, level 1 entries are dependent on level 0 tab.  Tab level 2 entries are dependent on level 1 tab and so on. 

If user will direct go to child tab without select record on parent tab then system will show the message Please Select Parent Tab First. 


  • Single Row Layout 

The Single Row Layout checkbox indicates if the default display type for this window is a single row as opposed to multi row. 


  • Advanced Tab 

It indicates that this Tab contains advanced functionality. 

The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if check box name Show Advanced Tabs enabled in Preference dialog window. 


  • Has Tree 

Window has Tree Graph. The Has Tree checkbox indicates if this tab displays a tree.  Tree related to linked table (that bind with tab) should be exist in the Tree window under the respective client in which login. The table must have column IsSummary, Name and Description column without module prefix. Now create tree in the Tree window after login in the specific client under which you see the tree.  


Open Tree Window 

Enter Name of the tree, Select Table whose record you want to see in Tree structure select type of the tree. 

Select All Nodes checkbox indicate complete tree. 

Select Default indicate this record will use as a default. 

Press button Process Now will create nodes in the tree 


  • Accounting Tab  

It Indicate that this Tab contains accounting information. 

The Accounting Tab checkbox indicates if this window contains accounting information. To display accounting information, enable checkbox Show Accounting Tabs in Preference dialog window. 


  • Order Tab 

This checkbox is use to make the order tab. On checked this column it will show two columns Order Column and Included Column.  Further check related field information. 


  • Order Column 

Column determining the order 

This column will visible if Order tab checkbox is true.  System will show all the integer type column and user have to select order column here. Selected column value will update auto when user move the column up and down from tab UI.  For example we set here SeqNo column on Field Sequence Tab. Base on the value of SeqNo field order is display on the tab. 


  • Included Column 

Column determining if a Table Column is included in Ordering 

This column will visible if Order tab checkbox is true.  System will show all the columns have reference type Yes-No.  If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering. The column value is auto update with value to ‘Y’ or ‘N’, when user moves the field from left List Box to right List Box. 


  • Translation Tab 

Indicates that tab contains translation information 

The Translation Tab checkbox indicate if a tab contains translation information. To display Translation tab, enable checkbox Show Translation Tabs in Preference dialog window. 


  • Link Column 

Link Column for Multi-Parent tables 

Link Column is help full in case where you defined multiple parent key on table column level.  Then Link Column indicates which column is used for filter the records on window/tab from the marked parents keys. Define link column only when table has more than one parent column (e.g. AD_User_Roles). 


  • Process 

 Process OR Report 

The Process field identifies a unique Process or Report for the window/tab.  That will execute after press Print Icon in the window toolbar. If no process is defined then print icon will set disable by the system.  If any process/report is defined here then on press print icon that process/report will execute. 


  • Display Logic 

 User can define here logic that will determine at runtime whether tab will enable, the result determines if the tab is actually enable.

Format := {expression} [{logic operator} {expression}] 

expression := @{context}@{relation operator}{value}  

logic operator = single pipe symbol {|},  use for logical OR  

                                  single ampersand symbol {&},  use for logical AND 

context := any global or window context  

value := strings or numbers 

relation operator  := eq{=}, gt{>}, le{<}, not{^ !}  


@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER  

Above format use two expression  

{expression}{ logic}{ expression} 

 {AD_Table_ID variable value from context is EQUAL TO 14}{OR}{Language variable value from context IS NOT GERGER} 

Above format is true if one of the expression is true. 

@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@ 


Strings may be in single quotes (optional)


  • Read Only 

Tab is read only 

The Read only indicates that toolbar button will remain disable user cannot perform any action from toolbar button. 


  • Insert Record 

The user can insert a new Record 

If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. 


  • Read Only Logic 

Logic to determine if tab is read only (applies only when tab is read-write able) 

Format := {expression} [{logic operator} {expression}] 

expression := @{context}@{relation operator}{value}  

logic operator = single pipe symbol {|},  use for logical OR  

                          single ampersand symbol {&},  use for logical AND 

context := any global or window context  

value := strings or numbers 

relation operator  := eq{=}, gt{>}, le{<}, not{^ !}  


@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER  

Above format use two expression  

{expression}{ logic}{ expression} 

 {AD_Table_ID variable value from context is EQUAL TO 14}{OR}{Language variable value from context IS NOT GERGER} 

Above format is true if one of the expression is true. 

@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@ 


Strings may be in single quotes (optional)


  • Commit Warning 

Warning displayed when saving 

Warning or information displayed when committing the record 


  • Sql WHERE 

Fully qualified SQL WHERE clause 

The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname". 


  • Sql ORDER BY 

Fully qualified ORDER BY clause 

The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection. 

If defined, the Order By replaces the default Order By clause. It should be fully qualified (i.e. "tablename.columnname"). 


  • Image 

Image or Icon (Not Supported in HTML5) 


  • Included Tab 

Included Tab in this Tab (Master Detail) 

If user wants to show the child tab record with the parent tab record then user can use this option.  You can include a Tab in a Tab.  It will look like as below.  The child tab you include in the parent tab will be visible in right side.  You can directly update and insert new record in the child tab from the respective icon.  


  • Create Fields 

Create Field from Table Column, which do not exist in the Tab yet 

Based on the table columns of this Tab, this procedure creates the missing Fields.  This button will create fields in the field tab of the “Window, Tab & Field” based on the columns of the table given in the Table field at the Tab.