Filter Panel (New)
Previously, we had the Advanced Search and Filter Panel. In the Advanced Search, users were able to save filters, which was not possible in the Filter Panel. Now, we have enhanced the Filter Panel with new features, allowing users to save filters directly from the Filter Panel.
Product Version and Dependency
This feature is supported by Market (, Vienna Advantage Base files ( and Vienna Advantage Framework (
Enhancements in Features of Filter Panel are listed below:
Providing the option to save dynamic and custom filter conditions.
Providing the option to customize the dynamic filter for each screen.
Providing the option to filter the data based on the columns of its child tabs.
Providing the option to edit existing saved filters using the "Save As" feature and save them under a different name.
Providing the option to delete a saved filter.
Providing the option to filter the data on the basis of future date.
For more information and working of Filter Panel please follow User Manual.