Example of Process Class 

Snippet of a process class is as follows 


*Project Name   : VAT 

*Class Name     : SalaryIncrement 

*Purpose        : apply 10% increment to all employee on basic salary 

*Class Used     : SvrProcess 

*Chronological    Development 

*Raghu           03-Nov-2014 


using System; 

using System.Collections.Generic; 

using System.Data.SqlClient; 

using System.Linq; 

using System.Text; 

using System.Threading.Tasks; 

using VAdvantage.DataBase; 

using VAdvantage.Logging; 

using VAdvantage.ProcessEngine; 

using VAdvantage.SqlExec; 

using VAdvantage.Utility; 

using ViennaAdvantageSvc.Model; 


namespace VATSvc.Process 

publicclassSalaryIncrement : SvrProcess 


int _hra = 0; 

string grade = ""; 



/// Prepare - e.g., get Parameters. 


protectedoverridevoid Prepare() 


ProcessInfoParameter[] para = GetParameter(); 


foreach (ProcessInfoParameter element in para) 


String name = element.GetParameterName(); 

if (element.GetParameter() == null) 




if (name.Equals("VAT_HRA")) 

                    _hra = element.GetParameterAsInt(); 

elseif (name.Equals("VAT_EmployeeGrade")) 


                    grade = Convert.ToString(element.GetParameter()); 



                    log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name); 






/// Perrform process.       


///<returns>Message to be translated</returns> 

protectedoverridestring DoIt() 


            http://log.Info ("Increment on HRA=" + _hra); 


int amount = _hra + _hra / 100 * 10; 


//By sql query 

string sql = ""; 

string result = ""; 




                sql = "UPDATE VAT_EMPLOYEE SET vat_hra=" + amount + " WHERE VAT_EMPLOYEEGRADE='" + grade + "'"; 


int outPut = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, null); 

if (outPut > 0) 

                    result = "Record updated sucessfully"; 


                    result = "Error while saving the record"; 




catch (Exception e) 


                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); 




return result; 




If you want to add Process class in module project then you have to add this class in ‘ViennaAdvantageSvc 

A process class must inherit from SvrProcess and contain two Override functions Prepare and DoIt