Get Module Prefix Code
For development of any module first step is to get Module Prefix Code (MPC) from VIENNA.
Module prefix code should not be less than five character.
Suppose VAT is given module prefix code to any client. Then user create first module with prefix VAT01 and second module with prefix VAT02 and so on.
Prefix is the base for any Module in Vienna. At present there are Modules available in the Market and all with the unique prefixes. To name few of them like VAT01_ , VAHRUAE_ etc.
For development of any module first step is to get module prefix code from VIENNA. You can also choose your prefix name and send to us so that Vienna will reserve that prefix for your module and not allocate that name to any other module. Prefix is uniquely defines a module separate from other modules.
Here is a list of Tables and respective windows where prefix is require:
Window Name
| Table name
| Column
| Description
Table and Column
| AD_Table
| DB Table Name
| On creating table use prefix code + “_” for DB Table Name for example if table name is ‘TaxMaster’. Then after use prefix it became ‘VAT01_TaxMaster’. VAT is prefix unique code
System Element
| AD_Element
| DB Column Name | On creating system element use prefix code+ “_” for DB Column Name like column name is Description then it becomes VAT01_Description.
Table and Column
| AD_Column
| DB Column Name
| On creating column use prefix code + “_” for DB Column Name
| AD_Message
| Value
| On creating message use prefix code+ “_” for Value field
| AD_Reference
| Name
| On creating reference use prefix code+ “_” for name field
Window, Tab & Field
| AD_Window
| Name
| On creating window, use prefix code + “_” for window name
Report & Process
| AD_Process
| Name, Value
| Use prefix code+ “_” for name and value filed in window Report & Process
| AD_Form
| Name
| Use prefix code + “_” for Name field in F Form window
| AD_Shortcut
| Name
| Use prefix code + “_” for Shortcut name
Print Format
| AD_PrintFormat
| Name
| Use prefix code + “_” for name
Report Format
| AD_ReportFormat
| Name
| User prefix code+ “_” for name
| AD_Workflow
| Name, Value
| Use prefix code+ “_” for Name and Value
Validation Rules
| AD_Val_Rule
| Name
| Use prefix code+ “_” for Name