
The first tab is Table, all table defined in this tab. For create new table record click on New Record icon in the Tool Bar on Database Schema (“Table and Column”) screen as shown in the image below.

Most of the fields are self-explanatory, important fields are described below. 


  • DB Table Name 

The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. Provide the DB Table Name which will be unique, it will not allow you to enter the same DB table name again. If you are creating Table for the Module then create DB Table Name with Module Prefix Code.  


  • Name 

The name of an entity (record) is used as a default search option. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Table Name is different from DB Table Name. 


  • Comment 

This Field contains comment or help about an item.  This help text will appear on help window which open from Help icon in right panel on window. 


  • Active 

This indicates that record is active in the system. If this field is not checked then you can’t select this record on other windows. 

 There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports. There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Account, if there are invoices for this Account record existing. You de-activate the Account and prevent that this record is used for future entries. 


  • View 

This represent that this record entry is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. If this checkbox is selected then fields of tab bind with this table will read only. 


  • Data Access Level 

Indicates the access level required for this record. 


  • Maintain Change Log 

If selected, a log of changes will maintain according to selected value of Set Change Log List. On Set Change Log value to All, all changes are maintains include new record insert, update existing record and delete records.  On Set Change Log value to Update and Deletes, Changes maintain only for update exiting record and delete records.  If Set Change Log value to Null then no change log will maintain.  Further maintain change log setting depend on Role window. 


  • Window 

Show all  window in Dropdown here. Select window here to link with table. This will indicate Zoom Target window when zoom from dropdown control.

First system will check the Zoom Target window on field level if not found any information there then zoom to window which is set on Table level. 


  • PO Window 

Purchase Order Window, Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms 


  • Records delete able 

The Records Delete able checkbox indicates if a record can be deleted from the database. If record cannot be deleted then you have to unchecked this checkbox. 


  • High Volume 

Currently Not Supported in HTML5 


  • Entity Type 

Select entity type by default it will set as User maintained. But if you want that this Column should not get affected from the download of a module from Vienna Market then mark it as Other Customization. 


  • Create Column From DB (Button) 

If you already created database table or database view in the database then you can import it from database after enter same DB Table Name, make sure that the name provided here in DB Table Name is the same.  

If import database object is a view, Set View checkbox to True (Checked). 

If you directly create table from this window then after enter a DB Table Name, on press this button will open a popup where you have to select the Entity Type as User maintained and click OK, it’ll create 9 default columns in the Column tab, which are AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, Created, CreatedBy, Export_ID, IsActive, Updated, UpdatedBy and Primary Key (TableName_ID) of the table, these default columns are mandatory.