Enhancement for generating the Individual Financial Report PDF for multiple Organizations-

Financial Report Form Enhancement 

  1. Objective 

The primary objective of this document is to introduce a new feature that enables the generation of either multiple PDF files for different organizations or a consolidated PDF file for all the organizations. This enhancement ensures that the users can print multiple PDFs based on the organizations according to their preference and reporting requirements. 

This specific enhancement provides users with a more relevant, user-friendly, and informative representation of data in the reports. With this functionality, users can print and download the report for all legal entities without selecting the Organization each time by the user as its going to be a time consuming activity. 

  1. Enhancement Point 

2.1 Print the Financial Report PDFs for Organization (as per parameters selection) 

 In the standard Financial Report Form of the VIENNA system, previously there was no provision to generate a financial report PDFs of different organizations separately in one go.  

Earlier the system only displayed the report output with consolidated data for all the organizations.  

Now in the current version of the VIENNA system, the VA introduces a new option with a name of "Download Report PDF" on the Report parameter tab in the financial report form.  

On selecting this parameter for the report, the system displays a 'Download Report PDF' dropdown field at the time of report generation with two options (Consolidated Organization, and Organization Wise). 


To activate organization-wise feature, users are required to create a reporting hierarchy and assign organizations in the report parameter. This parameter helps the user to efficiently download financial reports for multiple organizations simultaneously. 


EXAMPLE 1: When the user selects Null in Download Report PDF parameter, the system displays consolidated data of all the organizations but does not automatically download the PDF.  (In this case, the user has to manually download the PDF from PDF icon on report output). 

Download Report PDF  

Report Output 

Automatic PDF Download 


Consolidated data of all the selected organizations in the organization parameter 

NA, manual download 


 EXAMPLE 2: When the user selects Consolidated Organization in Download Report PDF parameter, the system fetches consolidated data for all the selected organizations in the organization parameter and automatically downloads a PDF file that combines data from all the selected organizations in the organization parameter.   

  •  For instance, when two organizations (CHOrg and Nokia) are selected, the system displays consolidated data and automatically downloads a PDF report of both the organizations together.  

Download Report PDF  

Report Output 

Automatic PDF Download 

Consolidated Organization 

Consolidated data of all the selected organizations in the organization parameter (CHOrg and Nokia as per below screenshot) 

A single consolidated auto-download. 

As per consolidation organization, the automatic download is shown as below: 


EXAMPLE 3: When the user selects Organization Wise in Download Report PDF parameter, the system fetches data for all the selected organizations in the organization parameter and automatically downloads separate PDF files for all selected organizations.  

  • For instance, when two organizations (CHOrg and Nokia) are selected, the system displays data for CHOrg/ Nokia on report output and automatically downloads PDF reports for both the organizations separately.  

Download Report PDF  

Report Output 

Automatic PDF Download 

Organization wise  

Report of selected organization in the organization parameter (CHOrg and Nokia as per below screenshot) 

PDFs auto-download of all the organizations separately  

As per separate organization wise, the automatic download is shown as below: