User Manual – Post Dated Check


This document helps you to understand the functionality of 'Post Dated Check' & how to use it in the Transactions & its effect on postings.  

Post Dated Check  

'Post Dated Check' is a check dated on a future date. Party generally give post dated check, as advance payment. This cheque would be cleared only when the check date arrives.  

 User can allocate order/invoices against checks as following: 

  1. Single Check against Mutiple Invoice Schedule 

  2. Multiple check against Single Invoice. 

  3. Muti Check against single Business partner 

  4. Single Check against Invoice or Order 

  • In the “Post Dated Check” window ‘Tenant’, ‘Organization’, and ‘Document No’ will be auto-populated.  

  • ‘Document type’ will be auto-populated. User can change document type.  

  • The user has to select the 'Bank Account' from the dropdown and the system will set the Currency as per the selected bank account.  

  • Select the ‘Transaction Date’ and ‘Account Date’.   

  • Select the ‘Business Partner' name from the Business Partner field which will open from the search button present with this field.   

  • The system will filter the data in 'Invoice' and 'Order' field as per the selected Document type and Business Partner.  

  • After selecting Invoice/Order, the user needs to select a payment schedule against the same, which will set the payment amount accordingly. User can fill Write off and Discount payment in the respective fields.  

  • When user selects 'Charge' from the dropdown then system will show 'Tax', 'Tax Amount' and 'Surcharge Amount' fields.  

  • User can create PDC either for Invoice/Order or for Charge. 

  • If there is data available on Allocate tab, then user can't select charge for the same PDC record. 

  • 'Tax amount' & 'Surcharge amount' will get calculated as per selected tax and available payment amount. 

  • Needs to select the 'Payment method' from the dropdown. The system will only show those payment methods, which have Payment Base Type as Check.  

  • The user has to fill the 'Check Number' and 'Check Date'. The check date should be greater than the account date.  

  • When the user marks 'Multi Invoice' checkbox true, then the system enables "Check Details" and "Allocate tab".  But if there is a value in Charge field then Allocate tab will be disabled. 


User can't create PDC payable with same check number from one bank. System validate check number on payment window also.  

Check Date should be greater than account Date. 

Check Details Tab 

When a user wants to add multiple invoice/checks against the same business partner then this tab will be used. Users can record multiple checks against a single business partner. 


  • Needs to fill the 'Check Number' and 'Check date'. The check date should be greater than the account date.  

  • Users can fill other details related to the check number.  

  • 'Check Amount' field gets auto-populated from the amount field of “Allocate” tab records. If there are multiple invoices then the system adds up the line amounts and shows values on the “Check Details” tab. When there is a data on "Allocate" tab then "Check Amount" field will be read only. 


Allocate Tab 

Allocate tab is the child tab of "Check Details" tab, the user can allocate multiple invoices against the same "Check No"

  • Needs to select the 'Invoice' from the info window. The system will filter the data as per selected Document Type, Business Partner, and Currency.  

  • The system will filter the schedule data as per the selected invoice and the user has to select the Payment schedule from the dropdown.  

  • "Amount" and "Invoice Amount" will get auto-populated as per the selected schedule.  

  • If a user has filled any value in "Write Off" and "Discount Amount" field then the system will subtract the same from the "Amount" field (Invoice Amount= Amount + Write-off Amount + Discount Amount).  

  • In case of multi invoice/multi check, amount fields (Amount, Discount Amount and Write – Off Amount) on the first tab will get sum up  

  • The user has to 'Complete' the post dated check record. The payment amount should be greater than zero to complete the record.  

  • 'Generate Payment' button helps the user to generate a payment. It only enables after once the document is complete. Payment can be generated if check date is less than or equal to the system's date.   


The system updates the PDC data (Check No, Date, Amount, etc.) on the payment window.  

All the invoice reference present on "Allocate" tab of PDC will copy on "Allocate" tab of the payment window.