User Manual - Mobile Support


This document help you to understand how to link VA Mobile app with your hosted VA Application. In the following section you will go through module dependencies, configuration step and how to login on Mobile App.  

User needs to download "Mobile Support" Module from the VIENNA market.  

Module Dependencies  

  1. Vienna Advantage Webservice should be hosted on server and connected with database that is linked with your hosted Vienna Advantage Application.  
    For webservice package, please send a support ticket or contact VIENNA Support Team on 

  2. Vienna Advantage Framework Version No: or above is required. 

  3. Document Management System Version or above is required. 

  4. Mobile Support Version No: or above is required. 

Configuration Step After Download the Module "Mobile Support" 

  1. Request to VIENNA Support Team for Access Keys if you don't have any. You will get pair of Encytped and Original key. For demo purpose you can use below keys 

Original Key (Decrypted Key): F8R4JR43k 

Encrypted Key: 833265a23f7c7d8d11848541613e47ba 

Note: The above keys are only for demo purpose. Please change the accesskey according to your environment for security reason. 

2. Login With the Role "Super Administration" in the System. 

3. Open Window System Config, as shows in below pic. 

Insert new Name key / Value pare with name if not exist -> "WEB_SERVICE_URL" 

And its Value include "URL of hosted webservice and encrypted accesskey"  

For example: "http://YourHostedWebServiceIP:Port/api/values/&key=<EncryptedAccess-key>"      

                          OR "http://DomainName/api/values/&key=<EncryptedAccess-key>" 

As shown in above pic highlighted with green colour. 

4. Original key configuration  

  • Open webconfig file from hosted Webservice application and update the value of accessKey with provided original key (decryted key) as show in below pic in Red

  • Open webconfig file from hosted Vienna Advantage Application and add below key/value pair 

<add key="useraccesskey" value="originalKeyAsProvideByVienna" />  

In appSettings area as show in below pic mark in red 

Activate Mobile Application 

After doing all the configuration please login into Vienna Application with your Role (In which do you have access of Mobile Link form otherwise contact with your tenant administrator for access to this form) 


  • Open the Form "Mobile Linking" from Menu, it will show as below 

  • Open the App in your mobile that you Installed on mobile as mentioned in the following section  "Connecting Mobile App

  • Scan the QR code from Mobile Link Form from you mobile to Login. once mobile app scan the code, connected device name will be shown in this form. 

Connecting Mobile App 


Enhancement with Version 


To run this version  

WService package Version 


 Please follow the steps mentioned below to make Push Notifications feature to work 


  1. Changes in web.config:

  a). Open web config from hosting files in IIS. 

  b). Locate the <runtime> section. 

  c). Under the <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> section, and add following tag if not already present. 


                        <assemblyIdentity name="Google.Apis" publicKeyToken="4b01fa6e34db77ab"       culture="neutral" /> 
                        <codeBase version="" href="Areas\VA074\PushNotification\Google.Apis.dll" /> 

2. Setting at User Management window

To enable push notifications to any user, "Enable Push Notification" checkbox needs to be set as true for the user to whom push notifications will be send in "User Management" window.