Filter Panel


Filter Panel of the window is introduced to apply on the fly search. By using this option user can see all the applied filters, unlike existing options (advance search and search text box). This feature allows the user to add dynamic and custom filters.  

Product Version and dependency 

Filter Panel feature is supported by the below-mentioned modules:  

  1. Vienna Advantage Framework Version- 

  2. Vienna Advantage Base Files – 


After modules are download filter option will enable on all windows automatically, this option will display the right to search text box icon, as shown in the screenshot below. 

Dynamic Filter 

The filter panel will show the following columns as a parameter (Name, Document No and Value) left side of the window after clicking flitter icon. 


We have used a sales order window for the demonstration. Filter panel on the sales order will look as shown in the below image. 

Filter panel is showing "Document No" only, table (c_order) used in the sales order window and do not have Name and Value columns. 


How to customize filter panel 

In order to achieve this feature, three columns are introduced on "Column" tab of "Table and Column" window. 

S. No 

Field Name 


Selection Column 

This checkbox is used to display the column in the filter panel. Users can mark more than one column as selection column. 

Selection Sequence 

This field is used to set order of the column to show in the filter panel. 


Show Filter Option 

If this checkbox is checked, then system will display top 5 values of that column in filter panel for selection. This checkbox will be displayed only if "Reference"  of column is one of the following: Table, Table Direct, Search, Multi Search, and List. 

Users can customize the filter panel as mentioned in below steps, 

  1. Log in with system administrator role  

  2. Open "Table and Column" window from the menu  

  3. Search for the desired table and select the same 

  4. Navigate to "Column" tab 

  5. Check "Selection Column" checkbox on all columns that you need to show in the filter panel 


In the below screenshot three columns (Target Doc Type, Customer and Invoicing Rule) are marked as selection column and selection sequence are given 0,1 and 2 respectively.   


When a user chooses any filter value, data gets refresh automatically and selected value in the filter is displayed next to the field in the filter panel. Users can remove the selected value by click on the cross button displayed with selected value in filter as shown in below screenshot. 

Once "Show Filter Option" checkbox set as true for the customer column, the filter panel will show the top five customers used in sales order along with total no of occurrence of the value. Users can filter records by entering the name in a combo box or selecting customers from the top five suggestions.  

Filter panel is showing 27 records against customer "Sky Corp", it may vary if any other filter is setup 

Custom Conditions 

Unlike dynamic filter, user does not need to do any setting for custom condition filter. Users can directly choose the column, operator, and value. On clicking add button data will get a filter on the window. Whatever the filter set up by the user, the same will display after the custom condition panel as shown in below screenshot. 

If a user selects the same column more than once for filtration, the system will add these conditions with OR operator between them. In the below screenshot, a user has selected invoicing price Immediate and After Full Order Delivery. The system will filter records in the window having invoicing rule immediate or After Full Order Delivery.  

If user select more than one fields for filter, then system will append AND condition between them. Suppose user has selected customer (Bell Stationary and Sky Corp) along with Invoicing Rule (Immediate and After Full Order Delivery) . The system will filter records in the window with below condition; 

(Customer = 'Bell Stationary' OR 'Sky Corp') AND (Invoicing Rule = 'Immediate' OR 'After Full Order Delivery'). 

Note: If any column is defined in "Dynamic Filter" same column will not show in "Custom Conditions"