User Manual - Organization Wise Period Control


Calendar Year means each successive period of 12 months or a fiscal year in business used to post the values of transactions. 

 Accounting entries are posted in periods. To control the periods and create new years and periods, the year and period creation is required. User can create Calendar & Period as per transaction organizations. 

Vienna Advantage maintains all the possible Calendar, year and Period in the system and as per the requirement, the user can enable it in the system. The responsible can open or close any calendar, year and period as per different parameters. 

Calendar, Year and Period are used to set up the Financial Year, Non-business days and Period that the Client is going to use. 


To open the 'Calendar Year and Period' window, user can search the window in the menu search utility or open the window using the following path: 

 Menu >Global Setting> Calendar Year and Period 


On the newly opened window, click the ‘New Record’ button  to create a new record. On this header tab, user needs to fill following details for making transaction. 

It’s not compulsory to generate the new calendar always because the default calendar was prepared and the user can use that calendar to create the years. In special cases only user can create the new calendar like HR calendar is not the same as the fiscal year. 

  • User can create the multiple calendars as per different transaction organizations 

  • System should auto-fill 'Tenant'

  • Select the 'Organization' from the drop-down. 

  • Provide a 'Name' to the Calendar. 

  • Add Description (Optional) 

  • Check the ‘Active‘ CheckBox as True for the calendar to be used. 

  • Click the 'Save' icon to ‘save’ the record. 


After completing the above setup, move on to Year tab and need to set up the year. Find below the print shot: 


  • Tenant‘, 'Organization' and ’Calendar‘ Field should be filled automatically 

  • Check the ‘Active‘ CheckBox as True for the calendar to be used 

  • Describe Name of the Year and select 'Calendar Year' from the dropdown. 

  • Click on “Process Now” 

  • Select the Month from the Pop-up. The Selected Month shall be the first month of the Financial Year and the process will generate all the period automatically. Find below the print shot: 


Period Tab shall be used to define Name, Start date, end date and period type which shall be created in the system. Periods shall be automatically created in the system from the process available at the Year tab. Find below the print shot: 


  • The system shall create periods (an example can be seen in the picture above). The first month shall be the first month of the financial year. 

  • Use the Grid Toggle button  to open the selected Period in a single layout. Find below the print shot: 

  • The System shall auto-fill all the required details required to be set up in the period window. The User has the option to edit any details manually at the period tab. 

  • To open/close the selected period, click on the ‘Process Now‘ button available at the period tab and system shall open the following pop-up: 


  • User has to select the 'Organization' from the info window. When Period is in specific organization then user can only select that organization but when record is under * organization then user can select any transaction organization. 

  • Select the 'Document Base Type' from the info window against which the user wants to open/close the period. 

  • User has to select the open/close value form the dropdown of 'Period Action' field. 

By default, Process Now popup would show “Open Period”. User has the option to select any of the below options-: 

  • Open Period‘ is selected to open all the period controls which are basically the document base types. 

  • Close Period‘ is selected to close all the period controls which are basically the document base types. If period control is closed then the system will not allow the user to post the records in the system and the user has the possibility to open the period controls again in the system. 

  • Permanently Close Period‘ is selected to close all the period controls which are basically the document base types permanently. If period control is closed permanently then the system will not allow the user to post the records in the system. If the period controls are closed permanently thereafter nothing can be done using the system. 

  • <No Action>’ shall do no action on the document and it shall remain as it is. 

  • Click Ok after selecting the parameters. After clicking Ok the system will make affect for that particular organization and selected document base type. 

  • To create the period control for specific organization, click on the ‘Generate Period Control‘ button available at the period tab and system shall open the following pop-up: 

  • User has to select the 'Organization' form the info window and click Ok. 

  • System will create the specific period control for selected organization. 


Period Control 

 The Period control shall let the user to choose the Period Action for each respective Document Base Type. Find below the print shot: 


  • The System shall auto-fill all the respective fields 

  • The current Period status of the document can be seen in the ’Period Status’ field 

  • Select the Period Action from the ’Period Action’ drop-down field. 

  • Click on ’Process Now’ to complete the Process. 

Non Business Day 

Non-Business Days are used to decide the days on which the system will not let the user to process any document in the system. 

  • 'Tenant' and 'Calendar' should be autofilled. 

  • When calendar is under any transaction organization then non business day will also be in same 'Organization'. But if calendar is under * organization then user can select any organization on Non-business day tab. 

  • Check the ‘Active‘ checkbox as True for the calendar to be used. 

  • Provide a 'Name' of the Non-Business Day. 

  • The date shall be chosen in the 'Date' Field. 

  • Click the save button to ‘save’ the record. 



An organization is an entity comprising of multiple people, such as an institution or an association, that has a particular purpose. 



  • Enter the 'Search Key' for the Organization. 

  • Enter the 'Name' for the Organization. 

  • Fill the Organization description if required. 

  • Check on the Summary level if user needs to generate the folder in the tree shown in the print shot above. 

  • Save the record and move to the Organization Info tab to enter the details of the Organization. 


Organisation Info 

There is an enhancement on organization info tab. User can bind the calendar and accounting schema on this tab and set the period as per organization. 

  • 'Accounting Schema' field only shows those values against which the organization binded on assigned organization tab of accounting schema window. If there is no value then system will pick primary accounting schema. 

  • Calendar field only shows those values which are created under document organization and *  

  •  After selecting the values in these fields, system will check the period control from here for HQ organization.  

  • Functionality of calendar works as same as previous functionality. It gives first preference to Accounting schema and then check period from the selected calendar.  


Transaction Windows 

  • On Completion of transaction, the system check Calendar & Accounting schema on organization info. If there is no value found than check on tenant window.  

  • For Organization values, system compares transaction date with respective calendar period and Doc base type.  

  • If Period is open, transaction will get completed, else period close error will show. Also system check primary accounting schema bind on organization info,  if 'Automatic Period Control' is tick, then system compare transaction date with 'History Day' and 'Future Days'. 

  • When there is period field on any window and record is created under HQ organization then system will only show periods of the selected calendar on organization info tab.