Document – V2 Communication System (VA048)(Mobile)

Installing and configuring communication module to make and receive calls via VA mobile app


For using communication module, first you need to install it from Market. 

In order to install this module, go to Market of ERP and search for ‘Communication System’ and install it. 

After installing the module, ‘Communication’ entry is added to ERP menu. 

 For configuring this module, first go to Provider Settings. In Provider tab, add a name for this provider and provide Account SID, Token provided by Twilio account and Application SID provided by Twilio TwiML App configured in Twilio dashboard. Select APP as Comm Channel and TWI as Library. 

Click on Mobile Call Config and make further settings.  

In this section provide Account Api Key, Account Api Secret, Android Push Credential SID (in order to receive calls on android devices) and IOS Push Credential SID (in order to receive call on IOS devices). 

This information is provided by Twilio account on its dashboard. 

Then provide all other required information. Note that the default value for Voicemail Duration is 60 seconds and for Key Press Timeout is 3 seconds. 

Next, go to Connection tab and create a connection by providing a name and purchased Twilio number. 

Note that number format should be exactly the same as purchased Twilio number with + sign and country code without any space. 

For next step, go to Call Setting in Communication menu. 

In Call Setting window, we can enable making internal calls, making outgoing calls as well as accepting incoming calls for any specific user. 

For making internal calls we have to specify provider name we made in Provider Setting window earlier.  

For making outgoing calls and accepting incoming calls we need to choose a connection we have already created in Call Connection tab which has a Twilio number associated with it. 

Also, we need to choose a call recording policy for them.  

Only for making outgoing calls we have to specify country code if we are willing to restrict this user to be able to call only that country. If we do not need to restrict the user, we just put 0 as country code.  

At this point, all configuration for this module is done and now user can install mobile app and login to the app and they are able to make and receive calls based on their configuration on the system. 

There is also another window called Call Details in which we can see logs for calls made or received by users. 

If a business partner is involved in the call and for instance that business partner is a customer, then if we go to Customer Master window and search for that customer and then on the right hand side panel click on History, we can see all details of all calls made or received by this customer. 


For this module, in order to work properly we need to add couple of dependencies in web.config file such as below: 



               <assemblyIdentity name="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" /> 

               <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 



               <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" /> 

               <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 



               <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" /> 

               <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 



Note that if you want to use this module on a server properly, the server you are using must have SSL certificate and then you have to put HTTPS url in Request Url field in Twilio dashboard. 

The format should be like below: 

https://<server url>/mobile/connect 

On this version, mobile app is working with Mobile field. So, the phone number to which you want to make call must be stored in Mobile field on ERP system, then you are able to see the mobile number on contact page of mobile app.