Enhancement in version

A new button introduced on the Import Page i.e., “Download Excel File” as shown in the screenshot below


Download button will get enabled, when user will select mapping from the dropdown or create new mapping. When user clicks on “Download Excel File” button, then excel file will be downloaded on user system with the screen name as the name of the Excel file. 

 If the mapping is already saved, which is selected in the mapping dropdown, then the user can download the Excel file by clicking on the “Download Excel File” button. However, if there are no mapping details against the selected mapping, then on clicking the “Download Excel File” button, system will prompt the error message, "Mapping not found for the selected mapping". 


NOTE: For Custom mapping – The downloaded Excel file will contain only those fields that were saved by the user, with all columns mapped earlier during the mapping process.  


"Default Mapping" functionality also introduced as an enhancement for all the screens, so that there is no requirement to do the mapping manually, as mapping will be done automatically once user download the Excel file by selecting "Default Mapping" and uploading the excel file after entering the data in respective columns of excel. Default mapping is available in the "Select Mapping" dropdown of every screen’s import functionality. 

NOTE: Before selecting any mapping from the dropdown, download and upload buttons will be disabled. After selecting the mapping, Download and Upload buttons will get enabled. 

 With the default mapping, users are no longer required to map every single field to its respective columns of excel file. This simplifies the process of mapping each field to the excel column, as this process is done automatically by the system. 

Users can now utilize the default mapping by selecting it on the import page. They just need to download the Default Mapping Excel file, enter data, upload the updated excel file back to the import page, and then click on the import button. This streamlined process facilitates the import of Excel data into the VA system. 


To utilize the "Default Mapping" functionality for importing data into the VA system, the user needs to follow these steps: 

  • Log in to the VA system using the provided credentials. 

  • Navigate to the screen where data needs to be imported from the Excel sheet. For instance, let's consider the Customer Master Screen

  • Access the Customer Master screen using the menu search utility. 

  • Go to the Right Action Panel of the Customer master screen 

  • Click on the "Import Map" action to open the import page. 

  • A new import page will open as shown in the screenshot below.  

NOTE: On the right side of the import screen (Reference: Above screenshot), the system will show all the fields in the sequence as they are displayed on the screen in edit mode (Single Row Layout mode)


  • Select the “Default Mapping” from the drop down in the ‘Select Mapping’ field. 

  • After selecting Default mapping, "Download Excel File" and "Upload Excel File" button will be enabled.  

  • Click on the "Download Excel File" button located just below the 'Select Mapping' field, as shown in the screenshot below: 

  • An Excel file named "Customer Master.xlsx" (Name of the excel file will be based on the screen name on which user opened Import Page) will be downloaded to your local system. 

  • A pop-up message will appear on the screen i.e., File downloaded successfully as shown in the screenshot below.  

  • Go to the path, which is set as download location. (In the example below it is ‘Downloads’ folder) 

  • The downloaded file is shown in the screenshot below: 




  • Now user need to enter the data in the downloaded excel file that the user wants to import into the VA system. 

  • Open the downloaded excel file. 

  • Enter data in the respective columns of excel file. 


 Below is an example of the excel file which contains sample data. 

NOTE: "TRUE" or "Y" must be mentioned in the excel sheet if the user wants to mark the active checkbox or any other checkbox as true 


After entering the data into the excel file, then user needs to follow below mentioned steps: 

  • Upload the excel file by clicking on the "Upload Excel File" icon as shown in the screenshot below 

  • A new pop-up window will open up, where user needs to navigate to the location where excel file is located after entering the data which needs to be imported and then click on the open button as shown in screenshot below. 

  • The system will load all the columns of excel file on the left-hand side of the screen, and excel columns will be mapped automatically to the fields of all tabs of the screen, as shown in the screenshot below. 

  • Now, user just needs to click on the Import button to import the excel data into the VA system. 

  • The system will start importing the data as shown in the screenshot below: 

  • After import is successfully done on the VA system, the system will show a message that ‘Import Done’ as shown in the screenshot below. 

  • Also, under the Log section, user will get individual ‘result’ of Import and also shows ‘Import Done Successfully’ message at the bottom as shown in the screenshot below: 



  • For importing the data into the VA system, user needs to mark the ‘Commit After Import’ checkbox as true and click on the import button as shown in the screenshot below: 

  • A message pops up showing the import is done successfully. 

  • Once the data is imported in the VA system then the user can go to the Customer master screen and check for the record that the user has imported. 

  • User will be able to see the imported data on the Customer Master Screen as shown in the screenshot below: 

All the data mentioned in the Excel sheet is successfully imported into the VA system, as shown in the above screenshot, and is visible on the customer master screen. 




There is a validation that if the user selects default mapping, then only the downloaded default mapping Excel file should be uploaded; if the user selects a file other than the default mapping download, then the system will display an error message i.e. “Please Select Valid Excel File” and vice versa. 


A validation has been added to the import functionality, if there is any empty row between 

the rows in the Excel sheet during the import, the system will not import the records, after the empty row. 

For example:  There is an Excel sheet displayed in the screenshot below where there is data in the first two rows, followed by empty rows numbered 4 and 5. The sequence then resume from row number 6. In this case, system will import only the data available in the first two rows, as data should not be imported after encountering an empty row, please refer below mentioned screenshots: 




New keyword added to stop excel import i.e. </EOR>. When the user utilizes </EOR> which indicate End of Row, ensuring that the Excel Import tool will not check the rows after this keyword  

**</EOR> only works in the case of first column of the row. If it is defined other than that column it will not work. ** 

For example: In the case of </EOR> in Excel, the user has inserted </EOR> into the header cell in the third row. So, after importing that Excel, the system will not fetch the data of importing the third row or other rows that are after the third row. Please refer below mentioned screenshots: