This Document intends to inform the user about the Container Functionality into Manufacturing and MRP process by defining BOM and BOM Components against manufactured product in VIENNA Advantage. This document contains examples and screenshots. The purpose of creating this document is to help the user and meet all the Business's requirements during the setup time. 



Audience and Market 


End Users 

















Tenant (Client) 

Tenant is a term used to define a superset of data related to one or more organizations in a system. It is not a business entity but the name of a group that could relate to one or multiple business entities. 



For assistance related to this user manual, please contact VIENNA Advantage customer care located in the “Contact” section of 



In the Vienna Advantage application, the Application tool bar is normally visible at the top of the screen. The amount of tool items showing will vary with the type of screen that is currently presented. All the options are listed below:   


 Pallet / Container is an object used for holding or moving products. 


  • Product Container field (with Container control) is introduced on Plan, Master Demand Component Line, Production Order, Production Order Component Line, Production Execution, Production Execution Line. 

  • Product Container field also introduced on Form which open from ‘Creates Line From requisition’ button available on Requisition Windows. 



  • To enable container storage, User must run process from menu ‘Activate Product Container’. Once this process is run successfully it will perform below task. 

  • It will set ‘Y’ under ‘Value’ field of key Name ‘PRODUCT_CONTAINER_APPLICABLE’ record on ‘System Config’ window.  System Config window is only accessible to Role: System Administrator. 




  • This process will check whether all documents (Production order, Production Execution Material Receipt, return to vendor, Shipment, Customer return, Internal use, Inventory Move and Physical Inventory) in closed, Reversed or voided stage. If not, then process will stop and give the message to user accordingly and user must close or reverse all documents manually. 


  • This process will make changes on transaction tab of product. On ‘Transaction’ tab of ‘Product’ window, we have taken new field ‘Container Current Qty’. System updates this field with Current Qty from the same table (Transaction). 


  • Initially ‘Container Storage Detail’ (new tab will auto created when new framework version downloads from market which include Pallet Functionality) tab does not contain any data. Unless user run this process. Once this process is run that will pick data from ‘Storage’ tab and put data on ‘Container Storage Detail’. This tab will be used to maintain material policy of product. 


  • On Storage tab, if ‘Date Last Inventory’ is Null against product, it means no Physical Count is done against that product. Whatever value is there on storage tab, same will be set on ‘Container Storage Detail’ tab. 


  • If ‘Date Last Inventory’ is not null on storage, means we have made physical inventory for that product, In that case: 

We compare on hand qty on storage with Physical Inventory qty: (SUM of all physical records) 


When Onhand Qty > Physical Inventory Qty: then system will create two entries on container storage -  

  •  First entry with quantity equal to physical inventory qty, Material Policy date as last inventory date on storage and physical inventory checkbox true. 

  •  Second entry with quantity equal to Onhand minus physical inventory qty, Material Policy date as system date and physical inventory checkbox false. 


When Onhand Qty < Physical Inventory Qty: then system will create one entry on container storage -  

  •   Create entry with quantity equal to onhand qty on storage, Material Policy date as last inventory date on storage and physical inventory checkbox true. 




When Onhand Qty = Physical Inventory Qty: then system will create one entry on container storage -  

  •   Create entry with quantity equal to  onhand qty on storage, Material Policy date as last inventory date on storage and physical inventory checkbox true. 


  • Once product container functionality is enabled, can’t be disable. 

  • After running this process, if user don’t create any container. System will work the way it was working before, but system will start maintaining material policy. 




Product Container window is used to create the containers or pallets in system. This is optional. However, user may create Pallet / Container while receiving product from transactions window also through container control. 


   Menu Path: - Menu > Material Management>Storage Setup > Product Container 

Follow below steps to create a Product Container: 




  • On the newly opened window, click the ‘New Record’ button to create a new Product container (All the fields highlighted in asterisk (*) are mandatorily fields). 

  • The system auto fills the Tenant name in the ‘Tenant’ field. 

  • Select the relevant organization name from the ‘Organization’ dropdown. 

  • Enter the ‘Search key’. If user does not enter any value, system creates one by itself. 

  • Enter the ‘Name’ and ‘Description’

  • Check on the ‘Active’ check box that this container is active for transaction in the system. 

  • Select the ‘Warehouse’. In dropdown all active warehouses of selected organization will show. 

  • Select ‘Locator’ in dropdown.  In dropdown all active locators of selected warehouse will show.  

  • Select the ‘Parent Container’ if any. This field shows those containers, which are in selected warehouse and Locator. If user wants to assign a parent container for selected container, then need to select ‘Parent Container’ field. 

  • Enter the ‘Height’ and ‘Width’ of the product container. There is no such functional use, only for informative purpose. 

  • Click the button   to ‘Save’ the record. 


Two Product containers can’t have same search key in same tenant. 

There is callout on warehouse, if we change its value locator and parent container fields will get blank. 

There is callout on locator, if we change its value parent container fields will get blank. 

User is not allowed to change the Warehouse, Locator and Parent Container. If qty in container is not Zero. In case, user wants to change it, she/he must empty the container first. 

System does not allow deleting the container if transaction is available in the system. 



Container Control is used to select the existing container and create the new containers/ pallets in system while doing transactions. This control is available on all windows and from where we have introduced product container field. 




  • In this tree structure it shows container name and Search Key separated with underscore  

  • There is a down arrow after container name that will help to collapse and expand it’s child record. 

  • Product container of selected locator will show in this control. 

  • If users find respective container in which he/she wants to do transaction. Simply select the container and press the OK button.  

  • User can also search container by search option. All containers with matching value will be highlighted. 



  • On click on   button ‘Plus’ system will open the control showing below. 

  • Enter ‘Search Key’, if user does not select this field, then system generate the search key according to its sequence control. Enter ‘Name’, it is mandatory to select the name. 

  • Enter ‘Height’ and ‘Width’ are optional. 


  • Click the button to ‘Save’ the record. By this system creates the new container in selected warehouse and locator. New container will be created as selected container child. 

  • Click on button to ‘Cancel’ if don't want to save the record. 

On save of new container through control system checks that warehouse and locator are active or not, if not active then it gives message on save. 

On save of new container through control. It checks unique constraint (Tenant + Search Key). In case of duplicate data, record won't save. 

System will create the container in transaction organization. 

If user has selected any container and then go to create new container. Newly created container would be child of selected container. 




This is the initial setup of the MRP master configuration in VA system.  The user must create a plan for warehouse location with other necessary information for the time frame that has been chosen to run the MRP process. 

To open the Plan Screen, user can either search the Plan in the menu search utility or open the Screen using the following path:  

Menu Path: - Menu > Material requirement Planning > Plan 

To create a Plan in the VA system, the user needs to do the following: 



  • Click on ‘New Record’ . 

  • Tenant and Organization auto populates based on user role & access and user can change the organization to create organization specific record. 

  • Give the name of the plan. 

  • Select the Warehouse for which the Plan is created. Plan used to create for a Warehouse and during the execution the system will check the On-Hand Quantity, Ordered Quantity and Reserved Quantity to calculate the final Open Quantities that conclude to pick the Sales Order Quantity over Demand. 

  • Select the Implementation priority from the drop-down list as Manufacture. This represents the kind of Order would be generated by this plan Purchase Order, Production order or both. 

  • Select the name of the calendar that is created for the organization that user has selected. 

  • Period From & Period To – Plan is always for the future period and can be executed based on the period from and period to selection. 

Select period for short term because once period will be selected then it cannot be selected for another plan. So, select it for one month.  


  • Prioritize Order over Demand – This checkbox allows to conclude and compare the Open Quantities with the Demand quantity. If the Open quantity is greater than the Demand quantity, then system will consider the open quantity. 

  • Production Class – The Production class shows the document type to be used while executing the plan. The system generates the Production order using the selected production class. 

  • Select the Locator of the warehouse. 

  • Purchase Type – The purchase type shows the document type to be used while executing the plan. The system generates the Purchase order using the selected purchase type. 

  • Select that Pricelist on which user wants those costs are calculated. 

  • Consolidate Production Order – When create Production Order from Implement Plan Screen, the system will consolidate the Production order of the Semi-finished product. 

  • Consolidate PR - When create Purchase requisition/Purchase Order from Implement Plan Screen the system will consolidate the Purchase order/Purchase Requisition of raw material based on the Current vendor setup. 

  • Container Field: User can select the container from the ‘Container Controller’ by using ‘Product Container’ field. This product container field’s value further appears on the Master Demand's Component tab, and Production Order’s header tab and component Line tab, same as Plan screen, only if same Locator is defined on Work Center of the Operation. User can also change the Value of Product Container field as per requirement. 


  • Click the button   to ‘Save’ the record. 


In the context of supply chain management or business planning, forecasting customer demand for products or services is part of demand planning, and it ensures that a business can satisfy such requests in a timely manner. Master Demand is the process that helps manufacturers to plan which products and related quantities to produce during certain periods. It is proactive, driving the production process by determining what should be manufactured and what materials should be purchased. 

To open the Master Demand screen, user can either search the screen in the menu search utility or open the screen using the following path:  

Menu Path: Menu > Material requirement Planning > Master Demand. 


  • To create a Master demand in the VA system, the user needs to do the following: 

  •  Click on ‘New Record’. 

  • Tenant and Organization auto populates based on user role & access and user can change the organization to create organization specific record. 

  • Select the Plan that user has made. 

  • Give the Name of Master demand. 

  • Enter the Description for the master demand. 

  • Click the button   to ‘Save’ the record, and move to line tab. 


The user must provide the plan's requirements under this tab, including the quantity of units that need to be created. 

  • Enter or select the following information in the line tab: 

  • Click on ‘New Record’. 

  • Select the Forecast Product. 

  • Select the BOM, Routing and UOM will picks automatically. 

  • Select the Period. Period is always for the future. 

  • Enter the line quantity that is required. 

  • Enter the value of No. Of Drums and Length per Drum. 

  • After saving the line, click on ‘Copy Production Requirement’ button. 

  • Confirmation message. 

  • Click on ‘Ok’ button 

  • When the 'Copy Production Requirement' button is clicked, the data from the production resource, work centre, operation, and routing windows will be immediately fetched for the production requirements tabs for operations, components, and resources. 

  • As soon as the ‘Copy Production Requirement' button is clicked system will update Product Container field’s value on the Master Demand Component tab, same as the Plan tab of Plan screen, only if the locator on the Plan screen matches the locator of Work Center of Operation. Moreover, the user can modify the Product container value. 



An Order issued within a company to produce a specific quantity of material within a certain timeframe is known as Production Order. 

A Production order is used to define the material to be produced, plant location where production must be done, date and time of production, and quantity of goods required. A Production Order also defines which components and sequence of operations are to be used. 

BOM and routing data of the materials are copied into the production order, which determines the list of components and operational data in the order. 

To open the Production Order screen user can search ‘Production Order’ in the menu search utility or open the screen using the following path: 

Menu Path: Menu > Manufacturing > Manufacturing Transactions > Production Order. 



Steps to create a Production Order process in VA System: 

  • Users can create Production order with the reference of Sales Order. 

  • Users can create Production order manually. 

  • Users can create Production order by using Material Requirement Planning (MRP). 


Enter or select the following information in the Production Order tab: 

  • Click on ‘New Record’. 

  • In Production order screen, Tenant and Organization auto populates based on user role & access and user can change the organization to create organization specific record. 


  • Choose on the ‘Warehouse’ where production will occur and where products will be stored there after. 

  • The ‘Production type’ is by default set to "Standard," but users can choose between "Refurbished" and "Repair" depending on their needs. 

  • When choosing a ‘Production Class’, user can specify the sorts of documents and accounts that will be used for Production order. It also describes how to issue the Component Quantity against a Production Order at Production Execution.  

  • Document number will be generated by the system based on the Document type selection. 

  • Add the Manufactured Product. 

  • Enter the Production Order Quantity. 

  • BOM and Routing field comes automatically. If the user wants to edit the fields, then the user can edit it. 

  • Select the delivery locator where products will be stored. 

  • Select the Product Container from the Container Controller by using the Product Container field. 

  • The user can fill out the date and time whenever they intend to execute a production order in the "schedule date from" and "schedule date to" fields. 

  • Document date (It indicates the date of transaction) and Account Date auto populate (The Account Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion).  

  • Now, click on ‘Copy Production Requirement’ Button. 

When the 'Copy Production Requirement' button is clicked, the system will copy all the Operations, Components and Resources based on the selection of the BOM and Routing. While copying the operation the system will check the routing sequence with the selected BOM, BOM component Operation sequence number. 

The Product Container Field of Component tab will only update from the Production Order tab if the Locators on the Production order header and the Work Center of Operation are the same; if not, the Container filed will display as “NULL”. Moreover, the user can modify the Product container value as per requirement. 


In case of Production Order Created through MRP, Product Container Field’s value, on the Production Order tab, will be updated to same as user selects on the Plan tab of Plan screen, moreover, the user can modify the container Value. Also, the Product Container field ‘s value on the Component tab of Production Order screen will be fetched from the Product container field’s value of Component tab of Master Demand. Users can also change the value of the Product Container field. 


As the user clicks the document action buttons, the document's status changes from drafted to in progress to prepare to complete. Click the "Prepare" button to start the production process 


Production execution involves the execution of the various operations to produce the finished product or Semi-Finished product against the Production Order. Production execution is a process where all the operations run-in actual time as per Production Orders. Material issues to production execution to get finished product through manufacturing process. Production execution can be done partially or completely.  


To open the Production Execution screen user can search ‘Production Execution’ in the menu search utility or open the screen using the following path:  

Menu> Manufacturing > Manufacturing transaction> Production Execution. 


Fill the following information in the Production Execution header tab: 

  • Click on New Record. 

  • Tenant and Organization is auto - populated. 

  • Select the warehouse where actual production needs to be done. 

  • The system immediately updates the locator once the user enters warehouse. 

  • Choose the production order from the drop-down list that must be executed. 

  • The Transaction type field becomes active once the user chooses the production order document number. 

  • Product Container Field’s value will be fetched from Product Container Field’s value of ‘Production Order’ tab of production order screen. User can also change the product container value as per the Requirement. 



This transaction type allows user to issue the components or sub-assemblies to the production so that operation execution can start. 

  • Select Transaction Type ‘Component Issue to Production Order’

  • Document number will be generated by the system based on the Document type selection. 

  • Transaction date (It indicates the date of transaction) and Account Date auto populate (The Account Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion). 

  • Product that must be manufactured should be updated automatically. 

  • The name of the BOM that the user enters on the BOM tab of product screen will be the product version. 

  • The Batch number is represented by the Attribute Set Instance field. 


Create Component Transaction Lines 

To create component transaction lines user needs to click on ‘Create Component TXN Lines’ button.                           

  • A popup will open, and the user needs to confirm that they want to issue the components in line with the relevant Production Order or not, as illustrated below: 



  • After selecting the "OK" button, a new pop-up will display on the screen, where the user must choose the beginning operation, whose components supply type is "push". 



  • After choosing the appropriate operation, the user must input the quantity that will be used for manufacturing in the same batch. It might be both partial and complete.  

  •  After pressing the "OK" button, the system will generate lines on the "Component Transaction Lines" tab and issue components to Production Orders based on the value entered.   



  • Quantity updates in the quantity field and a message indicating generated lines at the bottom left of the production execution screen are both displayed.   


  • Now, users can check the total quantity of components on ‘Component Transaction Line’ tab. 

  • On the Component Transaction Line tab, the Product Container Field will be updated with the same value of Product Container on the Component tab of Production Order Screen, moreover, user can modify the value as per requirement. 



  • Move to Attribute tab of Production Execution  

  • Users can check the movement quantity and material policy date of the used component. 


  • Click on the ‘Complete’ button in ‘Production Execution’ tab. 

The fields named "Quantity Issued" and "Quantity Queued" on the Production Order's "Operation" tab are updated as soon as components are sent to Production. 



This transaction type can be used to carry out the operations from steps "Waiting to Process," "Process to finish," Finish to Scrap & Finish to Waiting. 

  • As soon as the first step, "Components Issued to Production," is complete, the user must create a ‘New Record’ with the transaction type "Production Order In-Progress." 

  • Tenant and Organization are set up automatically.  

  • Select the warehouse where actual production needs to be done.  

  • Select Production order from drop down list. 

  • Select Transaction Type as ‘Production Order in Progress’

  • Select Operation from. 

  • Select Step from. 

  • Select Operation to. 

  • Select Step to. 


Table showing the progression of operations and manufactured goods from the beginning to the end. 


Operation From 

Step From 

Operation To 

Step To 


Initial operation 



Initial operation 



Quantity Queued will be changed to Quantity Run and Quantity Used on the Production Order Operation Tab. 

Initial operation 



Initial operation 



Quantity Run will be changed to Quantity Assembled and Quantity used remain same on the Production Order Operation Tab. 

Initial operation 



Initial operation 



The Quantity Used remains the same, but the Quantity Assembled decreases (Quantity Assembled - Quantity Scrapped), and the Quantity Scrapped is updated. 

Initial operation 







On the Production Order Operation Tab, Quantity Assembled from initial operation will be changed to Quantity Queued for the next operation. 


The remaining steps of the procedure will now be carried out in the following order: 

  1. Waiting to Process. 

  2. Process to Finish. 

  3. Finish Scrapping. 

  4. Finish to Waiting. 


  • Document number will be generated by the system based on the Document type selection. 

  • Transaction date (It indicates the date of transaction) and Account Date auto populate (The Account Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion). 

  • A product that will be produced will be updated automatically.  

  • The name of the BOM that the user enters on the BOM tab of product screen will be the product version. 

  • Once the user enters warehouse information, the system automatically updates the locator. 

  • Attribute Set Instance field represents the Batch number. 


NOTE: The system will automatically create the ‘Transaction Type’ as a ‘Resource Usage’ after every operation finished as Cost charge type is ‘Automatic’ 



Transferring assembled product quantities to the warehouse is possible with this transaction type only. 

  • After executing all operations, the user must make a ‘New Record’ with the transaction type "Transfer Assembly to store."  

  • Organization and Tenant are automatically filled in.  

  • Choose the warehouse where the finished/semi-finished product will be stored after manufacturing.  

  • Choose the production order from the drop-down list that must be executed. 

  • Select Transaction Type ‘Transfer Assembly to Store’ 

  • Container Field will be fetched from Production order tab of Production Order screen. Moreover, user can modify the Product Container value. 

  • The ‘Quantity’ appears once ‘Transfer Assembly to Store’ has been chosen and select the Attribute set instance. 


  • Click on ‘Attribute’ button to generate Attribute. 

  • Confirmation messages appear in a popup: 


  • Click on ‘Ok’ button and notification appear shown as below in screenshot: 



  • Once user clicks the ‘Generate Attribute’ button, the system will generate the lines on the ‘Attribute’ tab. 

  • User can Verify the Material Policy and Container on which the product is manufactured. 


  • To complete this transaction, click on the ‘Complete’ button on ‘Production Execution’ tab. 



  • The Component Details tab will automatically update after the execution is completed. 


  • After executing the finished Product, go to the Production order screen and complete the record. 



Complete This Assembly Check Box: - Complete this assembly will execute all operations automatically. Operation to and step to fields update automatically in the final operation as soon as the user marks this check box as true, and it changes to read-only mode. User is unable to change operations unless this checkbox is checked. 

The system will save the record in draft stage for transaction type 'Transfer Assembly to store', when attribute group has been assigned to the final product and the complete this assembly checkbox is set to true. 

When the complete this assembly checkbox is checked and no attribute group is assigned to the finished or semi-finished product, the system saves the record in the complete stage with the transaction type 'Transfer Assembly to store'. 

Partial Assembly with Complete This Assembly Check Box: The system will give the user an error as seen in the screenshot below when the user issues the components for the partial production order quantity and performs the "transaction type" as "Production Order in Progress" with the "Complete This Assembly" checkbox marked.