Installation & Setup Guide
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 What’s in this Guide
- 1.2 Preface
- 1.3 Audience
- 2 Installation Checklist
- 3 VIENNA Advantage Community Registration.
- 4 IIS & .NET Installation
- 5 Database Installation
- 5.1 Oracle
- 5.2 PostgreSQL
- 6 Download VIENNA Advantage
- 7 VIENNA Advantage Installation Sequence
- 8 VA Website Hosting in IIS
- 9 Update web.config with DB info.
- 10 Access VIENNA Advantage
- 11 Register VIENNA Advantage
- 12 About VIENNA Advantage Market
What’s in this Guide
The main scope of this document is to let the user understand the VIENNA Advantage installation process and the hosting configuration in a system. The VIENNA Advantage hosting configuration process is just like any normal software application installation in the system.
Learn how to install and configure VIENNA Advantage, web server configuration, database installation, and perform post-installation tasks.
This guide is intended for anyone interested in installing VIENNA Advantage.
To use this document, you need the following:
A supported Microsoft Windows operating system is installed and tested on your computer system or network.
Administrative privileges on the computer where you will be installing the application & database.
Knowledge of Installing & Managing RDBMS i.e., Oracle or PostgreSQL
Installation Checklist
Use checklists to review system requirements, and to plan and carry out the installation.
We recommend you use checklists as part of your installation planning process. Using a checklist ensures that your server hardware and configuration meets minimum requirements for this release and enables you to carry out a successful installation.
Server Hardware Checklist for the Installation
Use this checklist to check hardware requirements for installing VIENNA Advantage & Database.
Table 1-1 Server Hardware Checklist for VIENNA Advantage Installation
Requirement | Value |
Server Make | VIENNA Advantage can be installed on any machine running Windows OS. The Server can be a Physical Server or Virtual machine running on any cloud or VMWare environment |
System Architecture | Processor: AMD64 and Intel EM64T |
Minimum RAM | 8 Gb or above |
Minimum CPU/vCPU | On Physical Server i5 or above On VM 4 vCPU or above |
Storage | At least 50Gb |
Network connectivity | The Server connects with the internet to register the Application. Network access to the application link is required if connection to Vienna Advantage are to be made. |
Operating System Checklist for Installation
Use this checklist to check Windows OS requirements for installing VIENNA Advantage & Database.
Table 1-2 Operating System Checklist for VIENNA Advantage Installation
Requirement | Value |
Operating System General Requirements | VIENNA Advantage is supported on the following operating system versions:
Features & Database Checklist for Installation
Use this checklist to check additional software's, features & Database requirements for installation
Table 1-3 OS Features & Database Checklist for VIENNA Advantage Installation
Requirement | Value |
Web Browser | Google Chrome browser |
.NET framework | Microsoft .Net framework 4.5 or higher |
Web Server | IIS version 7.0 or higher |
Database (RDBMS) | VIENNA Advantage supports Oracle or PostgreSQL
VIENNA Advantage Community Registration.
IIS & .NET Installation
IIS 7.0 or Above is required to configure and run the VIENNA Advantage Application.
To enable IIS and the required IIS components on Windows, complete the following steps.
Open Server Manager and click Manage > Add Roles and Features. Click Next.
Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.
Select the appropriate server. The local server is selected by default. Click Next.
Enable Web Server (IIS) and click Next.
No additional features are necessary to install, so click Next.
On the Web Server Role (IIS) dialog box, click Next.
On the Select role services dialog box, verify that the web server components listed below are enabled. Click Next.
Verify that your settings are correct and click Install.
When the installation completes, click Close to exit the wizard.
Reference Link:
IIS Web Server Components
Required IIS Web Server components for hosting the VIENNA Advantage Application.
Common HTTP Features
| Application Development
Application Initialisation Management Tools
Database Installation
VIENNA Advantage framework supports 2 different RDBMS, and you can choose either of them.
Oracle 12cR2 & 19c database versions are supported.
Make sure Character set is AL32UTF8
Make sure Database deferred segmentation is False before creating new user in database to import database file. (alter system set DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION = false;)
Reference Link:
PostgreSQL 12 version is supported.
Make sure Character set is UTF8 before creating new database
Create new database and grant user permission on this database.
Reference Link:
Download VIENNA Advantage
IIS 7.0 or Above is required to configure and run VIENNA Advantage Application.
Using below link you can download VIENNA Advantage released files and database schema (Oracle or PostgreSQL).
Reference Link:
VIENNA Advantage Installation Sequence
Please follow below Sequence to setup and configure VIENNA Advantage in your environment.
Extract Application and Database dump-file
ViennaAdvantage Database Import
VIENNA Advantage website IIS Hosting instructions
Edit configuration file with database information
Access VIENNA Advantage Application.
Register VIENNA Advantage application.
Install/Update Application/Module.
Extract Application files from Archive (here we assume to "C:\Tmp\")
Move or copy Folder "C:\Tmp\VIENNA_Advantage_ERP_CRM_HTML5_4_6_3_Oracle\ViennaAdvantageHtml5_HostingFiles\ViennaAdvantage"
Webroot (here we assume "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\")
ViennaAdvantage Database Import
VA Data Import - Oracle
Please follow below steps if you are going to use Oracle Database 12cR2 or above only and not PostgreSQL.
Create VA User in Oracle
Connect to DB via SQLPLUS or SQLDeveloper with sys or system user and execute below commands.(For pluggable database change to the appropriate container first for example using Oracle 21XE: alter session set container = xepdb1)
SQL> alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
Result: Session altered.
SQL> create user USERNAME identified by PASSWORD;
Result: User created.
SQL> grant dba, connect, resource , create view to USERNAME;
Result: Grant succeeded.
SQL> alter user USERNAME default tablespace users;
Result: User altered.
Result: Connected.
2. Import Data in DB User Schema
Assuming you extracted to "C:\Temp" the oracle dump will be in "C:\Temp\VIENNA_Advantage_ERP_CRM_HTML5_4_6_3_Oracle\ViennaAdvantageHTML5_DB\vacommunity.DMP"
Open command prompt in administrator mode and execute below command to import VA Data in DB user
imp USERNAME/PASSWORD File=’DB-Dump-File-Path.dmp’ Full=Y
Note: Please change USERNAME & Password in above commands as per your requirement
VA Data Import - PostgreSQL
Please follow below steps if you are going to use PostgreSQL Version 12 only and not Oracle DB.
Create VA User in PostgreSQL
Connect to DB via PSQL or PGAdmin4 with postgres user and execute below commands.
postgres=# Create Database DBNAME;
Result: GRANT
postgres=# Exit
2. Import Data in created database
Open command prompt in administrator mode and execute below command to import VA Data in database
psql -U USERNAME DBNAME < "DB-Dump-File-Path.sql“
Note: Please change USERNAME & Password in above commands as per your requirement
VA Website Hosting in IIS
IIS Manager
Open IIS Manager to host VIENNA Advantage files in IIS server
Goto Start >> Windows Administrative Tools >> Internet Information Service (IIS)
Add VA Website in IIS
Right click on “Sites” and Select “Add Website”
Website Name & Physical Path
Site Name: Enter Name as VA-APP
Physical Path: Browse the location where Vienna Advantage downloaded application files are extracted. (Assuming you moved them to webroot use "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ViennaAdvantage")
Binding: Select type as http, and Port where you want run this website. Please make sure that port is open on firewall and accessible via internet.
Start Website: Check/Enable Start Website Immediately box
Please refer screenshot for more details and Click OK
Setup Application Pool
Click on Application Pool >> Right click on corresponding application pool (same name as website name) >> Select Advance settings.
Update Identity Settings
Update Identity settings by clicking button(…)
select Network Services under Build-in Account and Click OK.
Advanced Settings changes
Set .Net CLR Version to Framework base version to v4.0.
Set 'Enable 32-Bit Applications' to ‘False'.
Set idle time out >= 20
Click OK
Edit Website Permissions
Please verify and update below settings under Advance Setting window.
Goto Sites on Left pane
Right click on the Website and choose 'Edit Permissions’.
Give Full Control access to ‘Network Service’ and ‘IUSR’.
Click OK
Update web.config with DB info.
Goto the physical location where VIENNA Advantage application and Open web.Config file in notepad for edit.
(Assuming you moved them to webroot use "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ViennaAdvantage")
Update below highlighted entries in web.config as per your environment and Database information
Oracle DB web.config Changes
<add key="oracleConnectionString" value="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVI CE_NAME=orcl));User Id=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD" />
PostgreSQL DB web.config Changes
<add key="postgresqlConnectionString" value="Server=localhost;Port=5432;MaxPoolSize=100;SearchPath=public;User Id=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;Database= DBNAME" />
Note: In above example we have used default Port, and Service_Name or Server as per Oracle & PostgreSQL, Please update these values according to DB configuration in your environment.
Access VIENNA Advantage
Create incoming rule for port (if you want to allow on the network). Allow port you selected when adding the website through window firewall.
To access VIENNA Advantage Application please open Google Chrome Browser.
Type website url with port# in browser as below http://ipaddress:port/
VIENNA Advantage Application Login Details
System Administrator's credentials
Super username: SuperUser
Super user password: System@123
Demo Environment credentials
Demo username: IdeasIncAdmin
Demo user password: IdeasIncAdmin
Demo company name: Ideas Inc
Register VIENNA Advantage
After Successful login into VIENNA Advantage application You will be prompted to enter Key.
Enter the Market Key you have/copied from VIENNA Advantage Community Portal Dashboard, or get it by visiting
The VIENNA advantage application is now hosted successfully in the system.
About VIENNA Advantage Market