
Pricelists in VIENNA Advantage are defined to maintain the commercial prices for sale to customers and prices for purchase from vendors. Pricelists can be global, customer or vendor-specific, or product-specific. The same product can be listed under different price lists with different prices.

VIENNA Advantage database comes with a pre-seeded default pricelist under name of Standard which can be overwritten.

How to Setup Pricelist

Use the Pricelist screen to define a new price list in the system.

Go to Menu > Pricing & Discounts> Pricelist

Or search for Pricelist’ in the search utility available in the menu.



The following screen appears once the system opens the Pricelist screen:


This screen has three tabs named Pricelist, Version, and Product Price.

The user clicks on the 'New Record' icon to create a new price list in the system.

All the fields highlighted in asterisk (*) are to be mandatorily filled to create Warehouse.

  • Tenant: The Tenant is automatically filled by the system.

  • Organization*: Select the Organization from the dropdown field.

  • Name*: Enter the Name of the respective warehouse.

  • Description:

  • Currency*:

  • Price Precision*:

  • Sales Pricelist:

  • Price includes Tax:

  • Enforce Price Limit:

  • Default:

The version tab of a pricelist is used to maintain different versions of the price of selected items in the respective version and the applicability of these prices is determined based on the “valid from” date specified for each version.

The following details are to be entered or selected on Version Tab to create a new version of a respective pricelist: