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 Bug Fixes

1. Write Separate DROP VIEW and changes in System date field for VA075_MAINTENANCEWORKORDER_V, VA075_WORKSCHEDULE_V, VA075_WORKORDER_V PostgreSQL 15. 

2. Zoom also not working on Service Request Tab on Service Request  

Window: Service Request 

Tab:  Service Request 

Field: Component Asset 

Note :Bind Zoom window on this field of Equipment Master

3. Component Asset was not filtering data according to Asset

Window: Equipment Master  

Tab: Asset Component 

Field:  Component Asset 
Note: Updated Reference key of Component Asset  

4. Total Task estimate should not be copied from copy record functionality. While creating new record. 


Tab-Task group 


Field – Total Task Estimate (In Hours) 


Note: Total Task Estimate (In Hours) are getting copied. 

5. Data should be filtered as per selected Org.


Tab-Work Order 


Field – Maintenance activity 


Note:- The Data Should be come according to selection of Particular Organization. Bind Validation according when we choose particular organization on window then data should come based on that particular organization


1. Window: Maintenance Work Order 
Tab: Task Group 

Note: Data unmarked VA075_MaintenanceWorkOrder quick search and bind it on Task Group Tab Work Order field

2. Window – Maintenance work order 

Tab – Task Schedule 

Note – Applied display logic – If the data will be available in resource field then this tab will be enable otherwise it will be in disable mode. and Read only logic as per requirement.

3. Window- Work Schedule

Tab- Task 

Field- Skill


Table- VA075_ScheduleTask 

Note – Bind  ValidationVA075_SkillVal 

4. Window-Work Order


Field- Skill 


Column- C_Skill

Note-Bind Validation VA075_SkillVal

5. Window – Equipment Category 

Tab- Equipment Category 

Field-Serial no Cntrl 

Table -VA075_EquipmentCategory

Column- M_SerNoCtl_ID

Note:- Bind Validation VA075_SerialControlValiDation 

6. Bind the Callout on Fields service Req window Request date, Expected date, Actual Up time date for valid dates. 

7. Changes done for fixing the issue on WO update status for setting the status to service log. 

8. Changes done for setting the update status dropdown on Field Service req Window same as WO 

9. Worked over setting the Task group child travel time count on parent and header tab.

10. Changes done for setting the update status dropdown on Field Service req Window same as WO. 

11. Verified the working of Task performed checkbox on Task Group tab.

 Bug Fixes

1. Updated VA075_ Warehouse Validation & Updated all the tabs of field service window. 

2. Sequencing has updated for the following windows:

- Maintenance Work Schedule, Maintenance Work Order.


Screens-  Service Request 

Maintenance Work Schedule 

Maintenance Work Order 

Field Service Request 


Note – All above mentioned screens, window type change from ‘Maintain’ to 'Transaction'


Window – VA075_DowntimeReason                                Tab – Downtime Reason 

Table –VA075_DowntimeReason 

Column – VA075_ActivityType 

Note :-  Created two List of Values of VA075_ActivityType Field (Repair and Fabrication)


1. Added data validation on Equipment Master Window of Equipment Details tab  
fields : 

Equipment Class 

Equipment Application 

Maintenance Group

2. Added data validation On Counter Tab:

Counter field

3. Added new fields Task Performed on 3 windows:

Field Service Request Window>Task Tab

Work Order Tasks Window>Task Tab

Maintenance Work Order Window>Task Tab

4. Added a script related to ReadOnly Logic of Resource field on task tab >Maintenance Work Order Window. 

5. Added SQL Order By on Master windows header tab. 

6. Added Datavalidation on checklist tab of Maintenance Work Order window.

7. Added a SQL ORDER BY Script On Skill Window header tab.

8. Added a Read Only Logic on Work Order window >Task Group Tab>Task Group Field 

9. Sorted on Work Order Tasks on the basis of latest created records. 

10. Added data validation on Work Order and Work Schedule Window>Header tab>Maintenance Activity Field.

11. Work done on Before delete logics on Work Order window tabs for checking the Processed Records.

12. Work done Work Order window Task tab Process Now button for setting Task performed checkbox true.

13. Fixed the callout issue on Work Order window Task tab.


1. Added new field Material Issued on Spareparts tab of Maintenance Work Order.


1. DB changes on Maintenance Work Order Window, Service Request, Maintenance Work Order related to Copy checkbox and also changes done on  Asset  and Asset Component field. 

2. Added the check on WO window when record is Voided or Close. 


1. Header panel changes For Field Service Request Window. 

2. DB changes on Maintenance Activity window child tab. 


1. Added new fields and applied logics on  Task Confirmation, Request Confirmation, Asset Location , Use Asset Location  on Field service request, work order, document type windows. 

2. Done BI report ID changes  on MTBF Menu Report 


1. Changes done on Maintenance work schedule header tab on organization field and also on Asset field. 

Changes Description on Value Field for VA075_(Window.). 

Add Mandatory logic on warehouse, locator for VA075_WorkSchedule, VA075_WorkOrder Window. 

2. Made New replica window Equipment Master and new tabs. 

Done Field Sequence and Multi Row Sequence 

3. Added 2 fields Product and Charge on Equipment Master window. 

4. Done DB changes on Maintenance Work Schedule header tab, Equipment

Master header tab and Service Request applied Data Validation

5. Done DB Changes on Maintenance Work Schedule header tab, Services

Request Header tab, Work Order  Header Tab, Equipment Rating Window. 


1. Changes done on Maintenance Work Schedule checklist tab Restrict change. 


1. Menu Setup for service and maintenance sequencing.


1. Change done in Equipment Rating Window Active field. 


1. Rename the field on Task Group ,Maintenance Work Order, Maintenance Work Schedule ,Window 'completion notes'

2. Added Script for rename of fields for Service Request, Maintenance Work Order and Maintenance Work Schedule. 

3. Added Script for Rename of fields on Work Order tasks, Equipment Category. 

4. Added Restrict on Maintenance Work Schedule tab and field Maintenance Strategies.

5. Added Script for Restrict constraint change for windows Service Request, Maintenance Work Order, Maintenance Work Schedule, Resource 


1. Rename of fields on  Windows

(a) Maintenance Work Order,

(b) Maintenance Work Schedule,

(c) Service Request 

(d) Asset Window >Equipment Details Tab 

(e) Removed Identifier from Description field on Functional Location Window. 

2. Bind callout on Reading date, present reading, difference  fields on counter line tab. 

3. Implement code for processed button on counter line tab.

4. Implement the code for counter and counter line tabs on asset window functionality for vehicle maintenance.

5. Bind callout on VA075_counter filed in counter tab.

6. Implement callout code on counter tab for fetching the UOM value from counter window. 


1. Rename the fields of Work Order tasks Window>Task Tab 

(a) Work Schedule Field

(b) Service Request Field

(c) Asset Field

(d) Asset Component Field 

(e) Work Order No

(f) Maintenance Type 

2. Add Description and Comment on VA075_WorkSchedule(Field and Column Level).

3. Add Description and Comment on VA075_WorkOrder Window(Field and column Level).

4. Add Description and Comment on VA075_ServiceRequest Window(Field and Column Level).

5. Add Description and Comment on Work Order Tasks Window(Field and Column Level).

6. Add Description and Comment on VA075_CauseCode Window(Field and Column Level).

7. Add Description and Comment on VA075_TaskListGroup Window(Field and Column Level).

8. Add Description and Comment on VA075_DowntimeReason Window(Field and Column Level).

9. Add Description and Comment on VA075_MaintenanceGroup Window(Field and Column Level).

10. Add Description and Comment on VA075_MaintenanceStrategies Window(Field and Column Level).

11. Add Description and Comment on VA075_MaintenanceActivity Window(Field and Column Level).

12. Add Description and Comment on VA075_Priority Window(Field and Column Level).

13. Add Description and Comment on VA075_FunctionalLocation Window(Field and Column Level).

14. Add Description and Comment on VA075_ServiceTypes Window(Field and Column Level)

15. Add Description and comment on VA075_CauseCode Window (on Window level).

16. Add Description and Comment on VA075_DowntimeReason Window ( on Window level ).

17. Add Description and Comment on VA075_MaintenanceGroup Window ( on Window level ).

18 .Add Description and Comment on VA075_MaintenanceStrategies Window ( on Window level ).

19. Add Description and Comment on VA075_Priority Window ( on Window level ).

20. Add Description and Comment on VA075_TaskListGroup Window ( on Window level ).

21. Add Description and Comment on VA075_EquipmentApplication Window ( on Window level ).

22. Add Description and Comment on VA075_EquipmentCategory Window ( on Window level ).

23. Add Description and Comment on VA075_EquipmentClass Window ( on Window level ).

24. Add Description and Comment on VA075_EquipmentRating Window ( on Window level ).

25. Add Description and Comment on VA075_FunctionalLocation Window ( on Window level ).

26. Add Description and Comment on VA075_MaintenanceActivity Window ( on Window level ).

27. Add Description and Comment on VA075_ServiceTypes Window ( on Window level ).

28. Add Description and Comment on Utility Window ( on Window level ).

29. Add Description and Comment on VA075_ServiceRequest Window ( on Window level ).

30. Add Description and Comment on VA075_WorkSchedule Window ( on Window level ).

31. Add Description and Comment on VA075_WorkOrder Window ( on Window level ).

32. Add Description and Comment on Work Order Tasks Window ( on Window level ).

33. Made 2 new tabs along with the description/comments on Asset Window
(a) Counter Tab and fields on Asset Window
(b) Counter Line Tab and fields on Asset Window

34. Bind job on process column on Asset window- Counter tab.

35. Changes done for calculation downtime when asset is not selected and fix the messages in wo, ws windows.

36. Bind callout on Reading date field on counter line tab.(VA075.Model.VA075_RunTime.CounterLine)
=>Bind process on filed button Process .

37. Implement code on process for not allowing to processed record with reading if current reading is higher or any future processed record find with future date.

38. Implement code for checking the records on counter line tab for checking the future reading date or processed record reading date.

39. Implement callout code for present reading and difference filed on counter line tab ,for allowing data only in one filed from both.

40. Implement code for work order task window spare part tab for setting quantity fields data.

41. Changes done for setting the WOtaskstatus and FStaskstatus on wo and field serv req window for checking the task progress.

42. Development of new Window tab and fields
(a) Counter Window

43. Rename of fields on Windows

44. Maintenance Work Order,
Maintenance Work Schedule,
Service Request
Asset Window >Equipment Details Tab
Removed Identifier from Description field on Functional Location Window.

45. Bind callout on Reading date, present reading, difference fields on counter line tab.

46. Implement code for processed button on counter line tab.
47. Implement the code for counter and counter line tabs on asset window functionality for vehicle maintenance.

48. Bind callout on VA075_counter filed in counter tab.

49. Implement callout code on counter tab for fetching the UOM value from counter window.

50. Added new field FS Work Status on Field Service Request Window

51. Added new field WO Status on Maintenance Work Order Window

52. Rename the fields of Maintenance Work Schedule Window>Status to 'Asset Status' and Status Updated On to 'Status Updated At'

53. Filter the locator data according to Warehouse field on Work Schedule Window. 


1. Made read only Organization on Task Schedule Tab>Maintenance Work Order Window. 

2. Added Display Logic on Task Schedule Tab>Maintenance Work Order Window. 

3. Made read only Available Quantity on Spare parts tab>Maintenance Work Schedule. 


1. Added a new Print Format on Maintenance Work Order Screen for ( Maintenance Work Order Report) . The data was fetching All records. Process   is VA075_MaintenanceWorkOrderPrint

2. Added a new Print Format on Maintenance Work Schedule Screen for ( Maintenance Work Schedule Report) . In Maintenance Work Schedule window there was one Print button top of the  section . The data was fetching All records. And process attached by Maintenance Work Schedule tab . Process is  VA075_WorkSchedulePrint

3. Added a new Print Format on  Service Request Screen for ( Service Request Report) . In Service Request window there was one Print button top of the  section . The data was fetching All records. And process attached by Service Request  tab . Process is  VA075_ServiceRequestPrint 

4. Changes done for Spare part for calculating the total cost on parent tabs. 

5. Changes done for task schedule tab for inserting the record in task activity tab. 

6. Changes done for task schedule tab for updating the total cost on all tabs when record deleted 

7. Add VA075_TravelStartTime,VA075_TravelStopTime new fields in VA075_WOTaskSchedule table 

8. Added changes related update travel time on task, group and field service bases on work order task schedule. 

9. Changes done for set travel time hours based on start travel time and stop travel time on add work order task schedule screen on field service request.

10. Changes done on completion of Work Order Total cost will be calculated from spare parts and updated on all parent tabs.

11. Added a new Print Format on Maintenance Work Order Screen for ( Maintenance Work Order Report) . Update Tab query in script . Process   is VA075_MaintenanceWorkOrderPrint 

12. Rearrange Multi Row of Cause Code, Downtime Reason, Maintenance Group, Maintenance Strategies, Priority Level, Task Group, Equipment Application, Equipment Category, Equipment Class, Equipment Rating, Functional Location, Maintenance Activity, Service types, Utility 

13. Added new field "Equipment Category" on Product Category Window 

14. Added Read only logic on Locator, Warehouse field on Work order window and Maintenance work Schedule Window 

15. Made line No read only on task group window checklist tab and maintenance tools tab 

16. Made Organization Read only as according to its parent tab on Resource window.

17. Added a new Print Format on Maintenance Work Order Screen for ( Maintenance Work Order Report) . The data was fetching All records. Process   is VA075_MaintenanceWorkOrderPrint. 

18. Added a new Print Format on Maintenance Work Schedule Screen for ( Maintenance Work Schedule Report) . In Maintenance Work Schedule window there was one Print button top of the  section . The data was fetching All records. And process attached by Maintenance Work Schedule tab . Process is  VA075_WorkSchedulePrint 

19. Added a new Print Format on  Service Request Screen for ( Service Request Report) . In Service Request window there was one Print button top of the  section . The data was fetching All records. And process attached by Service Request  tab . Process is  VA075_ServiceRequestPrint.

20. Set the Field sequence of Maintenance work order>Spare parts tab

21. Line No field read only on task group window>Maintenance tools and checklist tab 

22. Added new field document status on schedule history tab of Maintenance Work Schedule Window.

23. Set the multi row sequence of Equipment Rating Window.

DB Changes

1. Made new field Color on Priority window.

2. On work order window asset and work center field read only

3. Overwrite reference of Description field to text in Skill window.

4. Added unique constraints on WO

5. After save organization field should be read only Skill Window.

6. Added unique constraints on Resource Type

7. Added process now button on Task Schedule Tab in Maintenance Work Order Window

8. Unhide Restrict issuance on Completion checkbox on document type window

9. Unhide Breakdown maintenance Checkbox on document type window.

10. Mark Next Service Date as read only field on Maintenance Work Schedule Window

11. Rename Work Schedule date- Planned Work Order Date
Show all contract in the dropdown of Contract reference field of Maintenance Work Schedule window

12. Rename Work Schedule date- Planned Work Order Date
Show all contract in the dropdown of Contract reference field of Maintenance Work Schedule window

13. Remove Field Service request from the LOV of Maintenance Type field of Maintenance Work Order

14. On Selection of Service Request on Maintenance Type field of Maintenance Work order unhide the Maintenance Work Schedule and make read only field and vice versa.

15. Mark Work Center field as Non Mandatory field on Service request & Maintenance Work Schedule Window

16. Hide Unit Price, Tax, Tax Amount, Discount, Discount % ,total amount fields from Spare parts tab of Maintenance Work Order

17. Added fields Task Description( Task) & Checklist description(Checklist tab) fields on Maintenance Work order Window

18. Hide Last Unit, Next Unit, Last Maintenance & Next Maintenance Field from Asset header.

19. Make Service request field as read only field on Maintenance Work order header

20. Change Range unit field display length to 15 in Equipment Rating Window

21. Overwrite reference of Description field to text in Work center window.

22. Function location field should be drop down instead of search field (Service Request/Work schedule

23. Unhide Color in Priority window

24. On WO Service Request/WO field should be drop down instead of search field

25. Asset Window>Utilities Tab >Done changes in Line No field added default logic and made this field read only

26. Asset Window>Asset Tab>Equipment Category field Created

27. Serial No Control Window >Serial No Control Tab>Control Basis field Added List Value

28. Service Request Window>Done change in work order status field read removed default logic

29. Added Default logic on Line Number field on Utilities tab>Asset Window

30. Added Data Validation on Equipment Genre field on Equipment Details Tab>Asset Window

31. Window : Equipment Application, E.Rating, E.Class,E.Category, Utility - Unique constraints added on value field

32. Service Request Window>Service Request Tab>Hide fields(Product, Equipment, Campaign, Complete note)

33. Maintenance Work Order Window>Work Order Tab>Hide Product Field, Sales Order, Customer, Admin notes, Campaign, Equipment

34. Maintenance Work Schedule Window>Maintenance Work Schedule Tab>Hide Product Field

35. Work Order Task Window>Work Order Task Tab>Hide Campaign Field

Add new Fields

1. Maintenance Work Order Window>Spare Parts/Services Tab>On Hand qty Field 

2. Maintenance Work Order Window>Spare Parts/Services Tab>Reserve qty Field 

3. Maintenance Work Order Window>Spare Parts/Services Tab>Ordered qty Field 

4. Maintenance Work Order Window>Spare Parts/Services Tab>Available qty Field 

5. Maintenance Work Order Window>Task Tab>New Task Description Field 

6. Maintenance Work Order Window>Task Tab>Add Task Field

Made new windows-

(a) Equipment Category,

(b) Equipment Application, 

(c) Utility,

(d) Equipment Class, 

(e) Equipment Rating 

Made new Tabs

(a) Asset window>Equipment Runtime

(b) Asset window>Utilities 

(c) Asset window>Utilities

(d) Maintenance Work Order Window> Requisitions New Tab

Code Changes: 

1. Work done on Runtime class for avoiding the same time slot in runtime tab.

2. Work done on Update status for calculating the downtime hours on maintenance work order window.

3. Work done for create lines from work order on Inventory use window

4. Created Process to update the rating on equipment details tab.

5. Created Process for invoice and Quotation generation.

6. Changes done for Task Activity for showing error if activity not found.

7. Set Reuse Checkbox same as in Work Order in Work Schedule.

8. Added task update processes for work order and field service request.

9. Changes done for task schedule tab on WO for checking un availability of days and time slot on resource window

10. Changes done for Create Task on Work Order for checking resource un-availability. 


1. Work done on Maintenance Work Order to check if Task activity exist for every task and processed.

2. Service Request - Cost/Profit Center will be Mandatory UI

3. Maintenance Work Order - Cost/Profit Center will be Mandatory UI

4. Service Request - When selected the Service Type as Mechanical then the filtered Cost/Profit Center will come in the drop-down list which are linked with the Mechanical service type at second tab.

5. Correction in Work Order Print (Missing Column name was added in Job & Report – Sql Query)

6. Change reference type to search of functional location field on Service Request, Work Schedule and Work order windows.

7. Work done for create lines from work order on Inventory use window

8. Added new field Create Lines From Work Order on Inventory Use Window > Header tab

9. Added 4 new Fields on Inventory Use Window >Inventory Use Line.

(a) Work Order

(b) Task Group 

(c) Task

(d) Line No 


1. Window Name - Service Types.

2. New Tab - Cost Center 
New Fields - LineNo, VA075_ServiceTypes_ID, Trx Organization 


1. Correction in Work order print 


1. Added columns  C_BPartner_ID, Location, C_Order_ID, C_Contract_ID, Contract validity on Work Schedule and Work Order 


1. Added Maintenance Work Order and Field Service Request references on AR Invoice window.

2. Added checkbox SM Invoice on Document Type window. 

3. Marked editable Customer and Location fields on Work Schedule. 

4. Added Validation on Contract type to show contracts based on selected Business Partner on Work Schedule. 

5. Added Generate Invoice Process  and bind it on Generate Invoice button on Work Order

6. Done change to set Consumption type while creating Internal use inventory from Maintenance Work Order 

7. Added Generate Invoice Process for Work Order and Field Service Request windows. 

8. Done changes in callout to set work center from functional location on Work Schedule and Service Request windows 

9. Removed callout from Work center column and added on Functional location on Work schedule and Service request.

10. Done change for re-activate option on Work schedule and Service request windows. 


1. Done changes to set Consumption type on Inventory Use while completing Work Order.

2. Done change in callout to set total amount on Spare part tab under Maintenance Work Order. 


1. Table : VA075_WorkOrder,VA075_ServiceRequest , VA075_WorkSchedule—Added Functional Location and Equipment fields and data validation on equipment. 

2. Added Product, ASI, UOM and Qty fields on Equipment tab under Functional Location window.

3. Changes in callout to set Service Types reference on work order from work schedule and service request.

4. Window: Functional Location

Tab : Function Location , Table : VA075_FunctionalLocation

Equipment, Table : VA075_Equipment

Added checkbox VA075_IsMaterialConsumption under Document Type window

Added VA075_ServiceTypes table and window

5. Changes in callout to set functional location and equipment fields on work order from work schedule and service request.

6. Integrate map on Field Service Request Window.

Integrate map on Field Service Request Form.

Plot marker for customer and resources. 

7. Create tab panel to show customer location map on Field service request window.

8. This version of this module is now compiled with .NET framework version 4.8. 


1. Set Cost Center at Service Request, Maintenace Work Schedule and Maintenance Work Order.

2. Fetch Cost Center from Work Center of respective Service Request and Work Schedule.

3. Window: Productio time Ticket

Tab: Activities Table:VA073_ActualHours

(a) Column:VA075_DowntimeReason_ID

(b) Message Entry: VA075_DowntimeReason

4. Set value on Product field on Maintenance Work Order window

5. Window: ServiceRequest>> Tab: ServiceRequest>>


New Columns/Fields added (Trx Organisation, Activity, Campaign, Project, User List 1, User List 2)

6. Window: WorkSchedule>> Tab: WorkSchedule>> Table:VA075_WorkSchedule:

New Columns/Fields added(Trx Organisation,Activity,Campaign,Project,User List 1,User List 2)

7. Window: Work Order>> Tab: Work Order>> Table:VA075_Work Order:

New Columns/Fields added(Trx Organisation,Activity,Campaign,Project,User List 1,User List 2) 

 Bug Fixes

1. Bug Fixes 

 Bug Fixes

1. Bug Fixes 


1. New work as per the Industry requirement.

 Bug Fixes

1. Bug Fixes

Note: On priority, this module is released for the Oracle users. This module also is marked as the private modules and are to be released only for the specific clients (SCB) using oracle DB. 

 Bug Fixes

1. Bug Fixes.


1. New work as per the Industry requirement. 


1. Plant Maintenance module captures information of equipment maintenance, breakdown analysis, and schedule maintenance task calendar for all equipment/Assets. 

Service and Maintenance module is updated with the new features into the following Windows.

(a) Cause Code - New Master window created. 

(b) Downtime Reason - New Master window created. 

(c) Maintenance Group - New Master window created.

(d) Maintenance Strategies - New Master window created. 

(e) Priority Level - New Master window created. 

(f) Task List Group - New Master window created. 

(g) Reason for Variance - New Master window created. 

(h) Service Request - New transaction window is created. 

(i ) Work Schedule - New transaction window is created. 

(j) Work Order - New transaction window is created. 

(k) Work Order Report - New Report is created. 

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