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 Bug Fixes

1. Window Name- Balance Aggregation 
Table Name –Fact_Accumulation 
Tab Name –Accumulation 
Column Name - Fact_Accumulation_ID 
Rename of DB Column name and name  
FACT_ACCUMULATION_ID  to Fact_Accumulation_ID 
Module Dependency 
Financial Management <> 

2. Window: Warehouse and Locators 

Tab: Locator 

Note: Changed Sequence of identifiers for columns  M_Warehouse_ID, LocatorCombination, Search Key for M_Locator Table. 

Marked Mandatory UI false for Search Key on M_Locator Table. 

3. On Tenant, Cost mandatory on completion is false and When creating a purchase order with an item type product and the price is zero then during completion of invoice [which was made with a goods receipt reference] then system was not completing the record. Now system will complete the Invoice record

 Bug Fixes

Handle issue of rounding the amount to the base currency's precision when completing a Delivery Order.

Inventory Revaluation Process:

When the Revaluation Type is set to 'Sold / Consumed' and the Consumption Type is 'Manufacturing', system should consider the Period ID over the created date when selecting a record from the 'Product Cost Period Wise' screen for revaluation.

 Bug Fixes

1. Screen: Expense Report

Tab: Time and Expense Recording

Field: Employee

Note: Updated Date for Validation on C_BPartner Column

2. Screen-Product Cost Element 

Tab- Product Cost Element

Field- Organization 

Note- Apply data validation, System will show only * organization

3. Screen– Currency

Tab – Rounding

Field Name – Currency

Table Name -C_CurrencyRounding 

Column- C_Currency_ID 

Note - Change Reference Table to Table Direct 

4. Screen-Product  

Tab name : Product Attribute

Product webstore

Webstore images

Attribute use

Product attribute images 

Note-  defined parent-child relationship 

5. Defined parent-child relationship between the tabs on Inco Term screen

6. Defined parent-child relationship between the tabs on Case Type screen

7. On vendor master window, parent-child relationship defined  between vendor tab and bank account tab

8. Blanket Purchase order window is marked transaction window.

9. Handled issue of division by zero when the Ordered Quantity is zero in the "Price Per Unit" virtual column on the Purchase Order Line.


1. Screen: Product 

Tab: Product Details 

Field: Product 

Note: Added the Product field from the Product Details Tab and marked Displayed off.


Support rounding account in posting, to run smoothly rounding of account posting one has to update Financial Management Module version <> 

 Bug Fixes

Payment Allocation Form: Filter Business Partner based on Org access to user.

 Bug Fixes

1. Work done on Generate PO From Sales Order process for restricting to select Vendor or Order. System will display message "Select either vendor or order no."

2. On Purchase/Sales Order, when User select Business Partner from Info window then system will bind the business partner location and contact from the selected record of Info window.  

3. On Invoice window: During checking the duplicate reference document no in same financial year on AP invoice, system was getting the financial year with fixed Period no (1,12). Now System will get the financial year with start date and end date of the year. 

4. System will not overwrite the Unit Price on the invoice when invoice is created with Order reference.

5. System will not create Cash Journal line when Order is of POS document type and order line having ZERO amount.

6. System will check the auto check no availability for the selected bank account and  payment method during prepare document.  

7. When Sales order is created with ZERO amount with POS document type then system will not create Payment record with ZERO amount.

8. When order is created with Invoicing rule as "After Full Order Delivery" and Invoice is created before full delivery then system will not allow to complete the invoice until order is completely delivered.

9. When Credit validation is related to 'Stop Shipment', then system will stop the shipment if SO price is greater than the difference between 'Credit limit' and 'Open balance' for the respective customer.


Enhancement: Created new process to streamline the generating recurring records for Invoices and GL Journal entries.
DB changes: Created column on Invoice, Journal and Journal Batch with the name as "Generate Recurring Record" 

Window : - Project
Tab : - Project Line
Fields: - UOM, Charge, Attribute Set Instance
Note -  The above field is newly created in the respective tab of the respective window.

Window : - Project
Tab : - Phase Line
Fields: - UOM, Charge, Attribute Set Instance
Note -  The above field is newly created in the respective tab of the respective window.

Window : - Project
Tab : - Task Line
Fields: - UOM, Charge, Attribute Set Instance
Note -  The above field is newly created in the respective tab of the respective window.

Window : - Project
Tab : - Task Line
Fields: - UOM, Charge, Attribute Set Instance
Note -  The above field is newly created in the respective tab of the respective window. 

Window : - Requisition
Tab : - Requisition Line
Fields : - Project Line
Note -  The above field is newly created in the respective tab of the respective window.

Window : - Product
Tab : - Product Details
Note : - Created one Product Details tab and fields on it. And Set Sequence of product tab.

Window – Purchase Order
Tab – PO Line
Fields – Charge, Product
Note –  Added validation in above fields in the respected window. This validation does that if the contract reference is present on the header tab then the data will come in charge and product field which will present on  line tab of Contract master window.

Window – Sales Order
Tab – Order Line
Fields – Charge, Product
Note – Added validation in above fields in the respected window. This validation does that if the contract reference is present on the header tab then the data will come in charge and product field which will present on  line tab of Contract master window.

Window –Blanket  Purchase Order
Tab – Blanket Order Line
Fields – Charge, Product
Note – Added validation in above fields in the respected window. This validation does that if the contract reference is present on the header tab then the data will come in charge and product field which will present on  line tab of Contract master window otherwise all the data will come in it from their windows.

Window – Blanket Sales Order
Tab – Blanket Order Line
Fields – Charge, Product
Note – Added validation in above fields in the respected window. This validation does that if the contract reference is present on the header tab then the data will come in charge and product field which will present on  line tab of Contract master window otherwise all the data will come in it from their windows.

Window – Invoice(Customer)
Tab – Invoice Line
Fields – Charge, Product
Note – Added validation in above fields in the respected window. This validation does that if the contract reference is present on the header tab then the data will come in charge and product field which will present on  line tab of Contract master window otherwise all the data will come in it from their windows.

Window – Invoice(Vendor)
Tab – Invoice Line
Fields – Charge, Product
Note – Added validation in above fields in the respected window. This validation does that if the contract reference is present on the header tab then the data will come in charge and product field which will present on  line tab of Contract master window otherwise all the data will come in it from their windows.

Window - RFQ 

Tab - Quantity 

Field - UOM
Note - Added Read only logic, Default logic, if the data available in charge field then the UOM field will get read only mode

Bind Callout on Project Line Field on Requisition Line tab=> "VIS.Model.CalloutRequisition.ProjectLine", 

Set Default Logic on Project Field.

Bind the Process on Create Line From Project Button On requisition tab.

Bind Callout On Contract Master window fields => Contract date, Contract start Date => VIS.Model.VAS_CalloutContract.DateDoc

 Bug Fixes

1. Work done for setting the Material Issued Checkbox true on Work Order window Spare Part tab when Inventory window record is completed after adding the lines from Create from work order.

2. System will not allow to reactivate the Profit and Loss record after close / voided status.

3. Work done on Requisition Line Tab for setting the details like Product, UOM, Attribute Instance, Charge on the selection of Project Line.

4. Work Done on Create Lines From Project button on Requisition Tab for adding the lines on Requisition line tab by fetching from Project window Project line tab.

5. On Payment Allocate tab of Payment Window: Remove manual context creation for C_Invoice_ID due to this Read only logic not working [Manual created context was not clear on new record].

6. Work done for callout on Contract Master window for checking the Contract Date and Contract start date.

7. On Product Window, Handle case of null Item Type while Validating Product.


1. Window - Variation Threshold 

Tab - Variation Threshold, Threshold range 

Note – The above window and tabs are newly created

2. Window : - Product
Tab : - Product Details
Note : - Created one Product Details tab and fields on it. And Set Sequence of product tab. 

3. Window : - Purchase order
Tab : - Purchase order
New fields : - Original Purchase Order, Order Type 

Fields – User/Contact, Invoice To Bpartner, Bill To Location, Invoice Contact, Business Partner,
Location, Campaign, Payment Term, Project, Price List, Warehouse, Payment Method, Payment Method, Priority, Representative
Note : - Added Read-Only logic on these fields on Purchase order tab. 

Tab : - PO Line 
New fields : - Original PO Line 
Note : - Adding Variation Order LOV on Target Doc Type fields   
Note : - Added Read-Only logic on Attribute Set Instance, UOM, Charge, Warehouse, Product on PO Line tab. 

4. Window : - Product  
Tab : - Product Details 
Note: - Created one Product Details tab and fields on it. And Set Sequence of product tab. 

Note: Added field sequence script for product window of product tab 

5. Window :Contract Master 
Tab: Contract Details 
Note :Contract Category info window 

6. Window – Price List 
Tab – Version , Product price 
Fields – Organization

Note – Mark Read-Only checkbox true to organization fields on Version and Product Price Tabs 

7. Window – Unit of Measure 
Tab – Conversion 
Fields – Organization

Note – Mark Read-Only checkbox true to organization fields in Conversion Tab. 

8. Window - Request 

Tab – Current Request 

Field – Is Resolved Added in Header Tab 

9. Window: Cash Journal 
Tab : Cash Journal  
Note: Marked Read only on Beginning Balance  

10. Introduced new Target Doc Type (Variation Order) on Purchase order, and implement functionality to apply limit on order amount wrt original PO

10. Copy the details from selected original Order to Current variation order 

11. Added few more columns to get detail from callout controller and copy to current variation Order 

12. Callout changes (Clear the respective fields if target doc type get changed)

13. Work done to check Vendor for Blacklisting and Suspension for a particular period if Vendor Mgt module is installed.

14. Work done to apply date check on Variation Threshold not to overlap existing range of date within same Organization.

15. Consider Treat As Discount record in Inventory Revaluation.

16. Changes done for setting equipment checkbox true on Asset tab when Equipment category is selected.

17. Work done on the product tab  After save logics when VA Material Quality Control module is installed 
1.   For inserting the data in QA parameter tab and QA Score tab on the basis of selected quality criteria on product header. 
2.   Before save logic for checking is there any record  already exist or not when changing the value in quality criteria.

18. On Payment Window: VIENNA introduce new functionality to create Payment against GL Journals. When the user select GL journal line reference either on Payment header or Allocate tab and complete the record then system will create Allocation document with the reference of Payment and GL journal Line and also mark the Allocated as true on GL journal Line. 

Module Dependency 

VA Payment Management <> 

 Bug Fixes

1. Bug fixed on Create & Invite process on RFQ, system will not create response lines for restricted Product and Product Category.

2. On Locator Window, Handle case of Locator Combination was not working (due to VAWMS module check). 

3. Resolved issue While creating Purchase Order, system updating quantity ordered under inactive locator.

4. While creating RPO line with reference of BPO line, Work done to set Trx Organization from Blanket Order Line to Release Order Line.

5. Handle issue of Quantity rounding on Release Order Line, While creating RPO line with reference of BPO line.

6. ON GRN window, resolved issue where the unit of measurement (UOM) wasn't showing up after selecting the Product on the Receipt Line tab.

7. On Complete of Requisition, Handle case of Requisition Reserve quantity in Locator based on X,Y,Z and Priority.

8. on Create PO from Sales Order process, the system was generating a purchase order with the document type "Variation Order". This issue has now been fixed.

9. Worked On Functionality to Mark the VAS_IsResolved checkbox true when Status is Close and false when the status is other than close.

10. New Quick Search created with name - Contract Category 


1. AP Invoice Window : When User create record with AP Credit memo and Treat as Discount is marked as True, then system will maintain reference of Maximum Transaction ID from Product Transaction tab of product window on Invoice Line. 

Window: AP Invoice 

Tab: Invoice Line 

Added M_Transaction_ID Column to InvoiceLine Tab and marked displayed  false. 

2. Handle Inventory Revaluation for manufactured product and Cost Variance product. For more details, click on Inventory Revaluation

Module Dependency 

Vienna Advantage Upgrade 4 <> 

3. On Matched Invoice: Handle prices in product base UOM.

4. Handle Rounding for Discount Amount field on Invoice pay Schedule

 Bug Fixes

1. Previously on order line system converts the quantity to base UOM everytime while saving the order line. Now system will do quantity conversion at the time of new record or change in quantity field. 

2. Handle price precision on discount calculation on order line on change on quantity. 


1. Generate AR Invoice from Delivery Order: When delivery order is created in other then selected sales order UOM then Price and UOM to updated accordingly on invoice line. 

2. Create Line Form on AR invoice: When lines are selected based on Delivery Order then Price and UOM to be updated accordingly on invoice line. 

3. On Request Window: Worked for updating UI message during Role transfer. 

4. Handled Inventory Revaluation for Revaluation Type=consumed/sold product. 

For more details, click on Inventory Revaluation

Module Dependency

Vienna Advantage Upgrade 4 <>

5. On Invoice, when User select Business Partner from Info window then system will bind the business partner location from the selected record of Info window.

Module Dependency 

Vienna Advantage Framework <> 


1. Create Cost Queue record with Cost element (either LIFO or FIFO) based on material policy defined on Product category. Previously system was creating cost queue for both element LIFO and FIFO.

Dependent Module

UOM Pricing <> 

2. Profit & Loss Closing window: System will update Native sequence (in Oracle or Postgres) if applicable during generation of lines.

3. On Invoice: System marked the invoice schedule as paid on invoice completion when amount is negative, and payment is not generated and linked order is of POS type. Now system will not Marked as paid such invoices. 


1. Screen-  RFQ
Tab - RFQ Line 
Field- Line Total Amount

2. Screen-  RFQ
Tab - RFQ Line Quantity 
Field- Line Amount

3. Screen– Requisition

Tab - Requisition

Field – Added new field "Calculate Budget" on Requisition header to calculate available budget based on the budget control functionality and update the same on Requisition Lines.

4. Screen– Requisition

Tab - Requisition Line

Field – Added new field "Available Budget" on Requisition Line to capture the available budget for line item.

5. Work done on Quantity Tab of RFQ, add callout and after save logic to set Total amount on line tab and RFQ header tab.

6. On RFQ Window, Changes done on Copy Line process to correct Copy Line process message and set value in Charge column on RFQ Lines..

7. Added new process to Create Vendor response data for retro RFQ responses.

8. Added Vendor Response tab on Vendor Response screen.
For more details, click on RFQ (Request For Quotation) Enhancements

9. Work done for Blanket Order Enhancement with Control Type. User will get an option to select the control type, based on which he can setup a blanket Purchase order or blanket sales order with control type price, quantity or combination of both. For more details, click on Blanket Order Enhancement

10. On RFQ Window, Work done to Invite Registered Vendors on RFQ Create & Invite Process.

11. Work done for new enhancement for Contract Management process. For more details, click on Contract Management

12. Work done on Calculate Budget process to calculate available budget and update the same on Requisition Lines. For more details, click on Purchase Requisition Enhancements

13. On Released Purchase/Sales Order, Changes done for setting value in order type filed when record created with reference of blanket purchase/sales order.

 Bug Fixes

1. On Create Lines from - UOM on AR invoice should be as per the selected reference on create lines from. 
if user created with reference of shipment then UOM should be as per shipment only and price should also be as per UOM.

2. Work done on Request window for updating result field by replacing place holder with data and also updated date next action according to system time.

 Bug Fixes

1. Handle issue on break discount calculation on Sales Order and Purchase Order windows.

2. On Request Window, Fix issue of saving double record in Request Update tab while sending notification.

3. Payment: System will not allow to complete the Payment when payment amount, write-off amount, discount amount and over-under payment is ZERO.

4. Cost Adjustment on Product Cost after Actual Invoice with respect to Available Quantity against the GRN which is linked with Invoice. Also, maintain remaining Cost Queue Quantity on Matched Invoice.

Module Dependency

Vienna Advantage Upgrade 4 <>

5. On AP Invoice Window: Handle Exception when User creates a new record on landed Cost Tab with the selection of product only.

 Bug Fixes

1. on AP Invoice, resolved the issue where the associated Purchase Order from the linked Business Partner is not visible on Create Lines From. 


1. On Completion of Material Receipt, System will update the "Product Approx Cost" on the Transaction tab of the Product window from product costs after the cost calculation of Material Receipt.

2. When the User will mark "Free Product Costs?" as true then the system will allow calculating product cost with ZERO Price.

Module Dependency

Vienna Advantage Upgrade 4 <>

UOM Pricing <> 

 Bug Fixes

1. Handle Account Date in UTC on Account Viewer


Enhancement with Inventory Revaluation:

Inventory revaluation is the adjustment of the costs of inventory to reflect changes in the product costs. These changes may be due to exchange rate movements, disrupted supply chains, obsolescence, damage or spoilage. For more details click on User Manual – Inventory Revaluation (WebView)

Module Dependency

Vienna Advantage Upgrade 4 <>


1. System provide the functionality to post the intercompany account from the "Intercompany setting" defined on accounting book. If not defined then system will pick the intercompany account from the "General Ledger" tab.

Module Dependency

Financial Management <>

 Bug Fixes

1. Handle Screen reference of GL Journal on Ledger Account Detail screen when post GL journal through GL journal form.


1. On Payment Allocation form, Implement Cash to Payment Allocation

2. Work done for Create Lines from Requisition functionality on RFQ window. System will generate the RFQ lines, Quantity and Recommended Vendor tab automatically based on the information available at the Requisition. For more details, click on RFQ (Request For Quotation) Enhancements

3. Work done to implement Document Action on RFQ window. Based on the workflow the system will execute the process at the backend which will set the Document status. The following actions are handled at the RFQ on the event of Complete button:





For more details, click on RFQ (Request For Quotation) Enhancements

4. Asset Window >Asset Tab 

(a) Created Actual In-Service Date field.

(b) Added Default logic on In-Service Date field.

Enhancement in Costing: 

1. Cost calculation for all costing method from GRN and difference price will be adjusted from the AP Invoice. 

2. AP credit memo when Treat as discount - Change in process, need to select the Original AP Invoice and Invoice Line to provide the discount. The System will validate the stock against the selected invoice line GRN and Cost Queue. Discount will be provided only on the remaining stock by validating the quantity at cost queue and accordingly system will update Total Inventory adjustment and COGS adjustment. 

3. Opening cost can be entered at Physical Inventory by entering cost price. Adjustment of product cost can be done with different cost price. Also, Freight cost revaluated. Also, correction done at physical inventory to pick the price based on selected Attribute and UOM from the Purchase Price List.

4. When Return to Vendor is linked with RMA, then the system will take impact the costs with the price available on the RMA and when we receive the AP Credit note system will adjust the difference price if have.

When Return to Vendor is independent, then the system will take impact the costs with the cost defined on the product Cost element not with the Cost Combination Price if binded.

Below modules are required to run the latest functionality of costing.

(a) VA Upgrade 4 (

(b) VA Upgrade 4 (

(c) Fixed Asset Management (

 Bug Resolution

1. On Cash Journal - When User will complete the Sales order with POS document type and the amount of order is ZERO, then system will allow to complete the Cash Journal record only when sum of amount, discount amount and write off is ZERO.

2. Changes done on Request Status window  tab for not allowing multiple record with open and final checkbox true 

3. Handled Internal server error while doing the following actions on opportunity Line tab of Opportunity window:

(a) While clicking on the New Record on Opportunity line tab 

(b) While selecting the product on Opportunity line tab 

4. On Account Viewer, in Enter Query Tab when user select any dimension value in the control then Control will display data. Previously data was not displaying in the dimension control.

5. Handle Merge Business Partner Process issue for PostgreSQL DB.


1. When user open Account Viewer through Posted Button from any transaction window where the button enabled, System provided Excel Export Button from which user can download the excel with Posting entry  

2. Changes made on Request window (Bind the callout on Resolution field to set selected Resolution text in result field). 

3. Payment Allocation form: Set AD_Org_ID value into context for loading Conversion Type which are created in selected organization. 

 Bug Fixes

1. Material Transfer->Move container form- The "To warehouse" field on the form will be available for editing if it hasn't been chosen on the window. However, if the "To warehouse" field does have a value, it will be set to read-only in the "Move Container" form.

2. On Tax Rate window, If Tax exempt checkbox is true then system will not show tax rate field and set value zero in tax rate field. 

3. On Product Window, system will not verify the Product if BOM & BOM Component data is not available. It will show message.

4. Changes for Material transfer window for showing header org on Quality control.

5. Previously, system preventing to update the metal consumption related fields (Cable Industry) on sales order record while saving order line for PostgreSQL database. Now system will update the record. 

6. Resolved the problem of the mandatory M_InOut error during the Create Package process on the Delivery Order window. 

7. Handle issue on Match PO-Receipt-Invoice of creating Extra lines in Matching tab and also increase Qty Invoiced and Qty delivered on Order Line. 

8. Handle Posting of GL Journal with assign Accounting Schema tab.
Case 1: When the Accounting Schema used in posting matches the GL journal header's accounting schema, the system will post the source amount and currency from the journal line as the source amount and currency in the ledger account detail.

Case 2: When the Posting Accounting Schema differs from the GL journal header's accounting schema, the system will post the Accounted amount from the journal line as the source amount, and the currency from the journal header will be used as the currency in the ledger account detail.



1. System allow to calculate the cost even if the price is ZERO on a sales order because during consumption cost will not be affected. 

 Bug Fixes

Provisional Invoice

1. Handle Costing when Costing Method on selected product on Provisional Invoice either "Average PO", "Last PO", and "Weighted Average PO". In this case when the difference between PO Price and the Provisional Price is ZERO then System mark the cost calculated as true.

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