UM-Service & Maintenance (Mobile App)


This document help you to understand how to use Field Service and Maintenance Mobile app.  

You can download mobile application from Google and Apple store by clicking below images .  

Google Play store 

IOS Store 




User needs to download "Mobile Service Support" Module from the VIENNA market.  So that they can get QR code to scan and login into mobile app. 


Please follow this to get more details. 



Set Lock Screen 


This screen will allow user to add a lock screen which will authenticate user before accessing the application. 


We are providing two ways of authentication: 

  • Set Pin 

  • Touch Sensor  


User can skip this if they don't want such authentication when app is accessed. 




This is main Dashboard screen, at the top of Dashboard screen user can see logged in user Profile. 


User can see Chart and Graph representation of current month pending and completed schedules. User can see previous months details also by clicking on Backward icon. 


By clicking on Browse History it will navigate to Browse History screen. 


User can see No. of Tasks for Today by clicking on it, it will navigate to the Scheduled screen. 


Service Request allow user to create new record. 


Scheduled, Assigned, Open Tasks buttons are tiled at the bottom with records count, by clicking on those it will navigate to respective screen. 



Schedule History 


Schedule History shows by default current month Total Tasks & Total Scheduled Tasks. 


User can see Tasks and their respective Schedule details with Status like Processed, Missed, Suspended.  


User can see the current month and last two month buttons by default current month will be selected. User can filter the records by selecting Months. 


Filter icon: User can filter the records based on Type of the request by using Filter icon.  



Service Request 


By clicking on add Service Request on Dashboard screen user can navigate to New Request screen. 


Following two type of Requests are available: 

  • Field Service 

  • Work Order 




Select the button which type of request you want to create and click on Next button. 


Field Service: 

Select Field Service button, on the selection of Field Service name of the screen will be changed to New Field Service and click on Next button  


2/5 New Field Service 


This is the second screen of New Field Service Request, in this screen the following fields are available: 

  • Enter Customer ID/Name 

  • Address 

  • Select Contract Reference 


User should fill the required fields and click on Next button 




3/5 New Field Service 


This is the third screen of New Field Service Request, in this screen the following fields are available: 

  • Select Asset 

  • Priority 

  • Maintenance Type 

  • Last Service 


In Last Service user can see the Last Service record details of selected Asset. By clicking on Service History user can navigate to Service History screen. Here user can see the performed Tasks list of selected Asset record. 


User should fill the required fields and click on Next button.  


4/5 New Field Service 


This is the fourth screen of New Field Service Request, in this screen the following fields are available: 

  • Problem 

  • Description 

  • Expected Date/Time 


User should fill the required fields and click on Next button 




5/5 New Field Service 

Review Request 


This is the fifth screen of New Field Service Request, it will show the review of selected details. 


User can review the selected details and user can also edit the data by clicking on respective field Edit icon. 


Click on Submit button. 

The request we created in this screen: its review. Edit button has been given in it, we can change the data we want to change. 

Then click on Submit button. 

Task Group 


In this screen user can add Task Group and their respective Tasks by clicking on +/- Task Group. 


User can search for the required record by scrolling or Searching from the Search. 


Select the Task Group and click on Done button. 

After adding the Task Group, click on TASK button to add Tasks.  


User can search for the required record by scrolling or searching from the Search. 


Select the Task and click on Done button. 






User can also add multiple Tasks by clicking add Task. 


After adding the Tasks user can delete the selected Tasks by clicking on Delete icon of that Task. 


User can also Self Assign the Task by selecting required Task. 


Click on Done button. 


In next screen User can see the successful message with created record Document No. 


By clicking on Back to Dashboard user can navigate to Dashboard screen. 


If the Task is self-assigned then that record will be available in Assigned Tasks list otherwise it will be available in Open Tasks list. 


Task is show in this screen, we can add more task when we click on plus button . We can also delete task when click on Delete icon 


When we click on Done button, a new screen will appear in which the message will appear that the request we have created has been successfully created and also appear the Document number.      

Click on Back to Dashboard button  

Same process when we will create Work Order request.   


Work Order: 


Select Work Order button, on the selection of Work Order name of the screen will be changed to New Work Order and click on Next button. 



2/5 New Work Order 


This is the second screen of New Work Order, in this screen the following fields are available: 

  • Asset 

  • Maintenance Type 

  • Maintenance Group 

  • Asset Status 

  • Last Service 


User should fill the required fields and click on Next button 



3/5 New Work Order 


This is the third screen of New Work Order, in this screen the following fields are available: 

  • Work Order 

  • Priority 


User should fill the required fields and click on Next button 



4/5 New Work Order 


This is the fourth screen of New Work Order, in this screen the following fields are available: 

  • Problem 

  • Description 

  • Downtime Start Date/Time 

  • Target Up Date/Time 



User should fill the required fields and click on Next button 



5/5 New Work Order 

Review Request 


This is the fifth screen of New Work Order, it will show the review of selected details. 


User can review the selected details and user can also edit the data by clicking on respective field Edit icon. 


Click on Submit button. 


Task Group 


In this screen user can add Task Group and their respective Tasks by clicking on +/- Task Group. 


User can search for the required record by scrolling or Searching from the Search. 


Select the Task Group and click on Done button. 


After adding the Task Group, click on TASK button to add Tasks.  


User can search for the required record by scrolling or searching from the Search. 


Select the Task and click on Done button. 




User can also add multiple Tasks by clicking add Task. 


After adding the Tasks user can delete the selected Tasks by clicking on Delete icon of that Task. 


User can also Self Assign the Task by selecting required Task. 


Click on Done button. 




In next screen User can see the successful message with created record Document No. 


By clicking on Back to Dashboard user can navigate to Dashboard screen. 


If the Task is self-assigned then that record will be available in Assigned Tasks list otherwise it will be available in Open Tasks list. 



Open Tasks 


In this screen user can see all Open Status Tasks. 

Total Tasks shows the available Open Tasks count. 


User can filter the Tasks by using AZ Filter or Filter icon. 


User can create New Request from Open Tasks screen by clicking on + icon at the bottom. 


Accept Task: If user click on "Accept Task" then that particular Task will be disappeared from Open Tasks section and available in Assigned Tasks section. 


After click on "Accept Task" Total Tasks count will be decreased by 1 

AZ Filter: 

User can sort out the records by selecting Date or Order. 



User can apply based on Type and Priority. 



Accept Task: 

If user click on arrow icon of any Task record in Open Tasks then user navigate to Accept Task screen. 

Here user can see all details of the selected Task with Accept Task button. 


If user click on  "Accept Task" then this Task record will be disappeared from Open Tasks section and available in Assigned Tasks section. 


Asset Details: 

If user click on Asset record in Accept Task screen then user will navigate to Asset Details screen with following sections: 

  • Details 

  • History 

  • Files 


In Details section user can see selected Asset details 


In History section user can see the performed Tasks list of selected Asset record 



In Files section user can see all attached files of selected Asset. 

User can attach files from Web. 


User can download the files by clicking on the particular record. 


Assigned Tasks 


In this screen user can see all Assigned Status Tasks. 

Total Tasks shows the available Assigned Tasks count. 


User can filter Tasks by using AZ Filter or Filter icon. 


User can create New Request from Assigned Tasks screen by clicking on + icon at the bottom. 


User can schedule the Task by clicking on Schedule Task. 



Assigned Details: 

If user click on arrow icon of any Task record in Assigned Tasks screen then user navigate to Accept Details screen. 


Here user can see all details of the selected Task with Schedule Task and Add Task buttons. 


Click on Schedule Task button then user navigate to Schedule Task screen. 


Click on Add Task button then user navigate to Task Group screen. 


If user click on Add Task button in Assigned Details screen then user will navigate to this screen. 


In this screen user can see the selected Task Groups and their respective selected Tasks.  


If user wants to edit or add more Task then click on +/- Task Group button. 


Schedule Task 

In this screen user see the selected Task. Remaining XX:XX hrs shows estimate time and it is highlighted with red color. 



User can schedule the Task by clicking on Add Day button. 




Click on Add Day button then Schedule will be add with date & current time by default schedule will be crate with 30 mins. 


Click on Edit icon of Schedule record then user will navigate to Select Date & Time screen.  


Select the required details and click on Done button. 

Click on again "Copy" button  of scheduled record then user navigate to Calendar. Here user can select the required dates and click on Submit. 


Scheduled records will be created with selected dates. If user create the schedules with Estimate Time then show "Remaining 00:00 hrs" in green color and Submit button will be enabled. 

Click on Delete icon to delete all added time slots. 


To delete particular time slot long press on that record then it will highlight that record and display delete icon to delete the record. 


After Schedule the Task click on Submit button. This Task record will be disappeared from here and available in Schedule screen according to the selected Scheduled Dates. 




In this screen user can see all Scheduled records based on scheduled date by default it will show current date records. 

Total Tasks shows the available Scheduled records count. 


User can create New Request from Scheduled screen by clicking on + icon at the bottom. 





Schedule Review 

Click on any WO record then user navigate to Schedule Review screen. 


Selected WO record Task details are shown at the top of the screen with Task Name, Estimate, Document No. 


User can see the Scheduled record details under this Task with following statuses: 

  • Missed 

  • Done 

  • Upcoming 

  • Selected 


User can edit the schedules by clicking on Edit button. 


Click on arrow icon in Task details or Proceed button then user will navigate to Task Details screen. 


Task Details 

In this screen user can see following 3 sections: 

  • Details 

  • Checklist 

  • Spareparts 


In Details section user can see the WO record details. 


Click on Start Task button to start the Task then timer will be shown at the top of the screen. 



If user click on Pause button then the timer will be stopped and that timer section will be turned to grey color. 


While timer is running if we close & open the App after sometime then user can see the idle time with confirmation message. If user click on Yes then idle time will be add and click on Resume button to start the timer if required. 


In Checklist section user can add checklist of the Task. 


Click on Add New Check button then user navigate to Checklist screen with following field: 

  • Title 

  • Expected Result 


After enter details click on Submit button. Created record will be available in Checklist section. 

Click on any Checklist record then it will show pop up with following: 

  • Actual Result 

  • Comment 

  • Delete button 

  • Add Photo button 

  • Submit button 


User can enter the data in Actual Result and Comment fields. 


Click on Delete button to delete the selected Checklist record. 


Click on Add Photo button  to add then the following options will be displayed: 

  • From Camera 

  • From Gallery 

  • Signature 


Click on From Camera or From Gallery options to add photo. 



Click on Signature then user navigate to Acknowledge screen. 

Here user can sign on this Signature field. 


Click on Submit button after add the signature then user navigate to Task Details screen. 

Click on the same Checklist in which Photo or Signature added, it will show the added files under Images section. 


Click on Submit button after add all required details. 


Checklist record will be processed and highlighted with blue tick if Actual Result or Image added to that checklist. 



In this screen user can see added Spareparts with Quantity from Web. 


Click on Process button after scheduled task completed then timer will be paused and user will get pop up with confirmation message. 


Click on OK then user navigate to Well Done screen. 


In this screen Task details will be displayed with following details: 

  • Created Date 

  • Target Date 

  • Estimated 

  • Worked 

  • Schedule (Created schedules for this Task) 


Selected schedule will be highlighted in Orange color. 


User can click on Yes button if all the schedules are completed or click on No button. By default No button is highlighted with red color. 

Click on ellipse icon of any record it will display Mobile number and Suspend Schedule options. 


Click on Mobile icon to start a call. 

Click on Suspend Schedule to suspend the schedule. 



Schedule Review 

Click on any FS record then user navigate to Schedule Review screen. 


Selected FS record Task details are shown at the top of the screen with Task Name, Estimate, Customer, Location, Document No. 


User can see the Scheduled record details under this Task with following statuses: 

  • Missed 

  • Done 

  • Upcoming 

  • Selected 


User can edit the schedules by clicking on Edit button. 


Click on arrow icon in Task details or Proceed button then user will navigate to Start Travel screen. 


Start Travel 

In this screen user can see the FS record details with Start Travel button. 


Click on Start Travel button then user navigate to Acknowledge Toolkit Items screen. 


Acknowledge Toolkit Items 

This screen shows the list of available Maintenance Tools and Spareparts required to complete the Task. 


Select confirmation check box and click on Start Travel button. 

Start Travel 

After click on Start Travel button in Acknowledge Toolkit Items screen then user navigate to Start Travel screen and timer will be start. 


If user click on Pause button then timer section will be turned from green color to grey color and timer will be stopped. Click on Resume button to start the timer. 


While timer is running if we close & open the App after sometime then user can see the idle time with confirmation message. If user click on Yes then idle time will be add and click on Resume button to start the timer if required. 

Click on Travel Finish button after travel complete and click on OK button in confirmation message. 


After click on OK button user navigate to Task Details screen. 


Task Details 

In this screen user can see following 3 sections: 

  • Details 

  • Checklist 

  • Spareparts 


In Details section user can see the FS record details. 


Click on Start Task button to start the Task then timer will be shown at the top of the screen. 


In Checklist section user can add checklist of the Task. 


Click on Add New Check button then user navigate to Checklist screen with following field: 

  • Title 

  • Expected Result 


After enter details click on Submit button. Created record will be available in Checklist section. 


Click on any Checklist record then it will show pop up with following: 

  • Actual Result 

  • Comment 

  • Delete button 

  • Add Photo button 

  • Submit button 


User can enter the data in Actual Result and Comment fields. 


Click on Delete button to delete the selected Checklist record. 



Click on Add Photo button  to add then the following options will be displayed: 

  • From Camera 

  • From Gallery 

  • Signature 


Click on From Camera or From Gallery options to add photo. 



Click on Signature then user navigate to Acknowledge screen. 

Here user can sign on this Signature field. 


Click on Submit button after add the signature then user navigate to Task Details screen. 


Click on the same Checklist in which Photo or Signature added, it will show the added files under Images section. 


Click on Submit button after add all required details. 


Checklist record will be processed and highlighted with blue tick if Actual Result or Image added to that checklist. 




In this screen user can see added Spareparts with Quantity from Web. 


Click on Process button after scheduled task completed then timer will be paused and user will get pop up with confirmation message. 


Click on OK then user navigate to Well Done screen. 



In this screen Task details will be displayed with following details: 

  • Created Date 

  • Expected Date 

  • Travel Time 

  • Worked 

  • Schedule (Created schedules for this Task) 


Selected schedule will be highlighted in Orange color. 


User can click on Yes button if all the schedules are completed or click on No button. By default No button is highlighted with red color. 


If Resource is not available then user will get this screen 


If Internet is not available then user will get this screen