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Table of Contents

Chart of Accounts Setup


Once the COA is imported, following message appears on the screen.


Use of Excel Template

Following Excel Template can be used to import chart of accounts in VA System.


‘Process Now’ button synchronizes the record on the selected table with tree if ‘All nodes’ is selected.

Document Type

Document Type in the VIENNA Advantage is defined to distinguish different business transactions.

For example, a transaction like a Customer Payment and Vendor Credit Memo is distinguished with two different document types

Document Types define the parameters, controls, and processing rules for transactional documents as well as a name to be printed on the document.

While posting a transaction, the type of document must be specified in the header section. Document numbers uniquely identify every transaction within a financial year in an organization. The number ranges can be year-dependent which means that every year new number ranges have to be maintained. There are many document types maintained in the VIENNA Advantage System such as Orders, Invoices, Shipments, GL Journals, Production, and Inventory Move along with others.

Define a new Document Type

VIENNA Advantage come with some default Document Types. But based on your localization needs you can define a new Document Type within VIENNA Advantage application.

All the fields highlighted in asterisk (*) are to be mandatorily filled to create Document Type.


Go to Menu > Company and Global Settings > Transactional Documents Setting > Document Type

Or search for Document Type’ in the search utility available in the menu itself.


The following screen appeared once the system opens the Document Type screen:


The User can click on the ‘New Record’ icon to create a new Document Type in the system.

The ‘Tenant’ is automatically filled by the system.

Select the ‘Organization’ from the dropdown field.

Enter a ‘Name’for the document type which is mandatory.

Enter a short ‘Description’ for the Document Type which is an optional. 

Enter the ‘Print Text’ for the document. It is the label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.

Enter optional ‘Document Note’ for the document. This note can be used to print on order or invoice.

Select ‘GL Category’ for document type from the dropdown list. By default, ‘Standard’ General Ledger category would show. However, that can be changed later on.

Select the ‘Document Base Type’ from the dropdown list. The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document.  Multiple document types may share a single document base type. E.g., GL Journal and GL Batch would have the same document base type as GL Journal.

Enter the optional ‘Posting Code’. Posting code is used for posting the documents. It is the search key for the Posting document type.

Select the optional ‘Posting Document Type’ from the dropdown list. Posting document is linked to post the transaction.

Check the ‘Active’ checkbox as True for the Document Type to be used. If the record is not active, it will not be available for selection.

Select the optional ‘Default’ checkbox if the user wants to make a particular record as a default value.

Select the optional ‘Release Document’ checkbox. This checkbox has to be selected in case the document type is type of order and is release order to the ‘Blanket Order’.

Select ‘Treat as the discount’ checkbox if applicable. This checkbox is only visible if the field Document Base Type is ‘AP Credit Memo (APC)’.

Select the ‘Sales Transaction’ checkbox. This checkbox has to be true in case the document is related to Sales. E.g., AR Invoice

Select ‘Return Transaction’ checkbox. This checkbox has to be true in case the document is related to the return. E.g., AR Credit Note.

Select the ‘Sales Quotation’ checkbox. This checkbox is used in case the document base type is the Sales Order.

Select the ‘Batch Document’ checkbox. This checkbox is only visible in case the Document base type is the GL Journal.

Select ‘Document is number controlled’ if the document sequence has to controlled and to be linked with sequence.

Select ‘Overwrite Sequence on Complete’ if the business wants to set a separate document number for completed documents.

Select ‘Overwrite Date on Complete’ if the business wants to update the document date at the time of completion of the transaction.

Select optional ‘Print Format’ from the dropdown list. The print format is used for Crystal reports. The print format determines how data is rendered for print. To know how to create any print format, refer the later sections of this document.

Enter the optional ‘Document Copies. The Document Copy indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated.

Select optional ‘Mail Template’ from the dropdown list. It is used for text templates for mailing.

Select optional ‘Report Format’ from the dropdown list. The report format is used for Composer and Crystal reports. To know how to create any print format, refer the later sections of this document.

Select optional ‘Tax class from the dropdown list. This checkbox is used if the user wants to specify the tax-related information according to the tax class created.

Click on icon for saving the record.

Document Sequence

Document sequence is a unique document number generated by VIENNA Advantage ERP/CRM application while saving a particular transaction such as Invoices, Debit/Credit Notes, Sales / Purchase Orders, etc. all these transactions require a document number.

Only one document sequence can be linked with a Document type however document sequence can be defined for organization Level in a single sequence record.

Create a new Document Sequence


Menu >Company and Global Settings > Transactional Document Setting > Transaction Sequence

Or Search for ‘Transaction Sequence’ in search utility available in Menu.


The following screen appeared once the system opens the Document sequence:


Complete the information as shown below to create a new Document sequence:

Open the ‘Transaction Sequence’ window. 

Add a new record on the Sequence tab.  

Enter a ‘Name’ for the transaction sequence which is mandatory.

Enter a short ‘Description’ for the transaction sequence which is an optional. 

Select the ‘Auto Numbering’ check box. The Auto Numbering checkbox indicates that the system will assign an auto-generated number. 

Enter ‘Increment’ for this Document Sequence. The Increment indicates the number to increment the last document number by to arrive at the next sequence number.

Enter ‘Current Next’ for this Document Sequence. The Current Next indicates the next number to use for this document after using the same is incremented with defined value in the increment field 

Enter a ‘Prefix’ and ‘Suffix’, if desired, for this Document Sequence. The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number.  The Suffix indicates the characters to append after the document number. 

The Organization Level indicates sequence can be defined organization-wise. If the Organization Level checkbox is checked then you will have to define the ‘Org Column’ field. Most of the tables have same Format text “AD_Org_ID”.

To see the Format text, click on the extreme Right side of the Organization column on the respective table or screen, you will get three options- Zoom, preferences, and refresh.


Click on the Preferences, you will get the following display:


Copy the column name and enter this at the Org Column so that the right effect will come in the system while defining the multiple sequences based on the organization.

The ‘Restart Sequence Every Year’ checkbox indicates that the document sequencing starts from the number defined in the field ‘Start No’ on the first day of the year. If the Restart Sequence every Year checkbox is checked then the Restart Sequence every month checkbox will show up which indicates that the document sequencing starts from the number defined in the field “Start No” on the first day of the Month.

The ‘Date Column’ indicates the date_column_name to be used for sequence handling. For example, if the user wants to restart the sales order document number every year based on the order date, then the user needs to enter the “DateOrdered” or some other date column in the Date Column field. 

User has to enter the field reference in the ‘Date Column’ Field from where the user wants to pick the date. Suppose the user has to create a document sequence for the Invoice (Vendor) window then the user will pick a date from the Invoice (Vendor) window, there are three dates in that window the user can use the Account date or some other date for sequence handling. To identify the particular field the user needs to Login with System Administrator Role.

‘Append Years as Prefix’ checkbox indicates that year should be appended before the prefix in the document number. For example; [2022PO10005] where 2022 is the year, PO is the prefix and 10005 is the document number. If Append Years as Prefix checkbox is checked then checkbox Append Month After Year will be visible which indicates that Month should be appended after the year in the document number.

‘Start No’ field indicates that starting document number for each year or If Organization Level checkbox is checked then for each organization document sequence will start with this number.

‘Maintain Separate Trx’ checkbox restricts to maintain separate transaction for document number.

If the Organization Column format is not correct. Document Sequence will accord the predefined document sequence that is defined for the transaction window. 

If Organization Level or Auto Numbering checkbox checked then Tab: “Sequence No” will be editable and the Current Next field on Tab: “Sequence No” used instead of the header tab current next field. 

If anyone from the three fields ‘Suffix/Prefix’ or ‘Append Years’ as Prefix is defined at the Sequence No. tab. then System will pick all three field values from the Sequence No tab otherwise pick information from Document Sequence Header. 

Sequence Tab will be displayed as follow:


To define the different document sequence-based on each Organization then the user needs to move on to the ‘Sequence No’tab and needs to select the Organization from the Organization drop-down.

Enter the Year in the Year & Month section.

Enter the Current Next number and define the Prefix & Suffix.


User needs to create Document Sequence carefully. As most of the transaction windows have constraints with the combination of Document No, Business Partner, and Document Type.