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DB Changes  

Screen –Asset transfer & stock to asset conversion 

NOTE - Change window type maintain into transaction. 

Screen - serial no. control  

Note - Define the parent child relationship on serial no. control screen to the following tab: Serial no. control tab 

Screen - asset 

Cost ,Cost Details, Maintenance 

Note-Define the parent child relationship on asset screen to the following tabs

titleBug Fixes

1. Define the parent child relationship on asset screen to the following tabs 


Cost Details 


2. Define the parent child relationship on serial no. control screen to the following tab 


3. Placed the check for Restricting the Actual Asset Value can't be less then 0. 

4. Included MClass of Asset Schedule Table. 

5. Handle issue of Rounding on Disposal Amount and Depreciation Write-off Amount on Asset Disposal. 

6. Handle cases of reversal on Asset Transfer for Transaction Type "Combine Asset".


1.. Handle case of Adjusted Depreciation System should add the depreciation value in the Depreciated/Amortized field on asset window. 

2. Present Value of asset field should update with (Actual value of asset- depreciated value) on Asset dep/Amort line. 

4. Handle case of remaining amount after rounded value to be added to the last schedule 

titleBug Fixes

1. When creating depreciation lines from Create Depreciation Lines button on Asset Depreciation/Amortization window, system was creating the duplicate lines for same asset. 


1. Changes made on asset group window ,bind display logic on life and month field. 

2. Change validation on asset group field of asset transfer window.

3. Mark unique for dep rule window name filed. 

03 Apr

Enhancement- Window restructuring- Create new window 

Window: VAS_APInvoice 

Tab: Invoice Line 

Field: Asset Related, Capital/Expense

Enhancement: Created new window “Asset Depreciation” 

Screen-Asset Depreciation 

Tabs- 1) Asset Depreciation 

2)Depreciation Lines 


Description: Tabs, fields, created. 

Checklist Asset Depreciation.docx


  1. Note- Window restructuring- Create new window 

Window: VAS_ProductMaster 

Tab: View transaction Details 

Field: Asset Disposal 

  1. Devops Id:5930 -(Needs to create a replica of old asset window) 

Note – Window Restructuring – Create New Window replica of Asset. 

Window- VAFAM_Asset 

Tab- Asset Register, Asset Components, Expenses, Asset Transfer, Asset Schedule, Disposal Details, life Depreciation, Additional Details, Insurance Details. 

  1. DevOps Task ID: 5781 – Enhancement done onAsset Component Form, added Product & Charge column on New Asset information pop up and Asset component grid. 

Bug Fixes: 

  1. Previously system was generating Asset Schedules for assets marked with the "Depreciated" checkbox set to True on the Asset Group. Now, it will generate schedules for assets with the "Depreciate" checkbox set to True on the Asset screen.

titleBug Fixes
  1. Added validation on Asset field on Asset Impairment /Enhancement window, System will not allow to select Disposed Asset. 

  2. On Asset Impairment/ Enhancement Screen, Product field is editable on Impairment/Enhancement Line and can be changed. System will not allow to change the product on Impairment/ Enhancement line and will be read only. 

  3. On Asset Depreciation/Amortization Screen, Handled the issue that while providing Depreciation/Amortization on tangible assets and intangible Assets, System is allowing to select "Amortization" for tangible asset and "Depreciation" for intangible asset in Depreciation/Amortization field. 

  4. Assets are not generating when user clicks on Generate asset button on Asset Form, Fixed this issue by setting the Values on Org / Warehouse  and Locator fields on the selection of Receipt Lines. 

  5. Currency Rate type is setting wrong on Asset Depreciation/Amortization screen when records are created by using Create Asset Depreciation Process, Fixed the issue by setting the Currency Rate type on the basis of Tenant rather than Organization. 

  6. When asset is created from Asset Form,  Handled the issue of asset search key sequence was not showing correct. 

  7. When assets are created through Asset Transfer screen, Changes done on Asset screen 's Expense Tab to set the Organization field value from Header (Asset Transfer) Tab.


1. Created LOV of Asset Category on Asset window 

Window: Asset 

Tab: Asset 

Field: Asset Category

Note: Above field is newly created on specified tab. 

2. To simplify the granting of access to various windows, processes, and forms for a specific role. We've enhanced the Right Groups configuration. Instead of manually granting access to individual components for a role, which can be a cumbersome process, users can now associate a right group with a role. This will automatically provide access to all the components included in the right group.

 For detailed information about the components under different right groups, please refer to the link: 

Right Group Configuration (VAFAM)

Created right group for the tenant level.

titleBug Fixes

1. Resolved the issue of duplicate Asset Depreciation Lines for the same Asset on the Asset Depreciation/Amortization screen while generating Asset Depreciation through the Create Asset Depreciation Process. 

2. Resolved issue of ‘total no of lines generated’ message, which was showing incorrect count while creating the lines by using the Generate Lines process on Depreciation/Amortization Screen.

3. When records are created by using Create Depreciation process on Asset Depreciation/Amortization screen, system will set the value in Conversion Type field on Asset Depreciation/Amortization. 

4. On Create Asset Depreciation process, handled the scrap value issue on Create asset depreciation process.

Now, System will create the Asset Depreciation Lines for Assets also, where scrap value is not defined.

titleBug Fixes

1. System should not allow to Transfer an asset if that asset is fully depreciated or disposed. 

Screen- Asset Transfer 

Tab- Asset Transfer 


Note: Updated Dynamic Validation to not show depreciated assets. 

2. System should show the locators of selected organizations only. 

Screen- Asset 

Tab- Asset 

Field- Locators 

Note: Updated Dynamic Validation to filter locators on the bases of selected Organization. 

3. System should not copy the gross value, depreciation value, written down value, has component, is component, disposed, Depreciated, Cost Calculated, Schedules Generated checkboxes on copying the asset records. 

4. Changes done on Completion of Asset Disposal, while disposing the Insensible Assets System will dispose the Asset from Storage with Product Type Item only. 

5. Changes done for handling issue of trailing junk after numeric literal on PostgreSQL 15.

6. On Create Asset Depreciation process, handled issue of Input string was not in correct format while creating Asset Depreciation.


To simplify the granting of access to various windows, processes, and forms for a specific role. We've enhanced the Right Groups configuration. Instead of manually granting access to individual components for a role, which can be a cumbersome process, users can now associate a right group with a role. This will automatically provide access to all the components included in the right group.

This enhancement is supported by VIENNA Advantage Standard <>.

For detailed information about the components under different right groups, please refer to the link: Right Group Configuration

Created right group for the tenant level.

titleBug Fixes

1. Change window type from Maintain to Transaction.

Screen - Asset transfer, Stock to Asset Conversion

titleBug Fixes

1. Set Tab Level to specify Parent/Child linkage: 

Screen: Asset

Tab: Cost, Cost Details, Maintenance 

2. Asset Impairment/Enhancement, placed the check on completion of record for Restricting the Actual Asset Value can't be less then zero.. 

3.Handle issue of Rounding on Disposal Amount and Depreciation Write-off Amount on Asset Disposal. 

4.Handle cases of reversal on Asset Transfer for Transaction Type "Combine Asset".

titleBug Fixes

1. Handled case when Adjusted Depreciation checkbox is set to true on Asset Depreciation Line:

- System will add the depreciation value in the Depreciated/Amortized field on Asset window.

- On Screen "Asset Depreciation/Amortization -> Asset Depreciation/Amortization Line Tab", Field Name "Present Value of Asset" will be updated with actual value (Depreciated Value) of Asset.

2. On Generate Asset Schedules process, Handle case of remaining amount after rounded value to be added to the last schedule. 

titleBug Fixes

1. On Asset Group Window, Need to hide "Life Use" and "Month/Year" fields incase of Asset Type is Current or Intangible Asset.

Changes made on asset group window, bind display logic on life and month field. 

2. On Asset Transfer header and Transfer Line, need not to show the assets groups which are having Asset Type Current or Intangible Asset.

Change validation on asset group field of asset transfer window.

3. System will not allow to save multiple depreciation rules with same name.

Screen: Depreciation Rule

Tab: Depreciation Rule

Note: Marked Unique checkbox true on Name column. 

titleBug Fixes

To restrict user to select either Product or Charge.

1. Added Mandatory Logic on Asset Window>Asset tab>Product and Charge field. 

To restrict user to select either Product or Charge on Asset Transfer Line.

2. Added Display Logic on Asset Transfer Window>Asset Transfer Tab>Product and Charge field. 

3. Added Mandatory Logic on Asset Transfer Window>Asset Transfer line Tab>Product and Charge Field. 

4. Added Display Logic on Asset Transfer Window>Asset Transfer Line Tab>Product and Charge field. / 


1. Added Mandatory Logic on Asset Window>Asset tab>Product and Charge fieldUpdate Cost Detail on product Transaction tab

2. Added Display Logic on Asset Transfer Window>Asset Transfer Tab>Product and Charge field. 

3. Added Mandatory Logic on Asset Transfer Window>Asset Transfer line Tab>Product and Charge Field. 

4. Added Display Logic on Asset Transfer Window>Asset Transfer Line Tab>Product and Charge field. / 


1. Update Cost Detail on product Transaction tab. 

2. Changes done for asset dep/am window for generate line button to avoid duplicity of records. Implemented callout on selection of "Asset Service Date" to set value in "Actual In Service Date" field on Asset window.

3. Work done to set "Actual In Service Date" on Asset created from Asset Form, Asset Component Form and Asset Transfer window.

Module Dependency 
VIENNA Advantage Standard <> 

titleBug Fixes

1. When creating depreciation lines from Create Depreciation Lines button on Asset Depreciation/Amortization window, system was creating the duplicate lines for same asset. Now handled case of duplicity of records on Generate Lines process.

2. On Completion of Asset Transfer, Changes done for setting the capital/Expense field value on Asset Expense Tab.

3. Changes done on Generate Asset Schedules for WDV process for WDV(Written Down Value) based calculation in case of Prorata is true. 

4. Changes done for setting the capital field value on Aset Expense Tab. 5. Changed data validation on asset field of Asset transfer window, Asset Dispose window, Asset Impairment/ Enhancement window  on tab Impairment/Enhancement Line.  

6. Changes done for calculating all asset cost on not selecting organization. 

7. Callout on selection on Asset service date to set value in Actual In service date on asset window. 

8. Work done to set Actual in service date on Asset created from Asset Form, Asset Component Form, Asset Transfer. 

9. Added New Field Equipment Category on Asset Window >Expense tab Only Assets of selected organization will be displayed. 

5. On Calculate Asset Cost process, Previously system calculate the cost for the Assets of selected organization only. Now system will calculate asset cost for Assets of all organizations. 

titleEnhancementBug Fixes

1. Handled cases of entry not created on Asset Expense Tab during Asset Transfer reversal and  expense tab entry for component assetsAsset.

2. On Calculate Asset amount to set value Cost process, Calculate and update Asset amount on Asset Expense tab of Asset.

On Asset Transfer 

1. Assets should show whose cost is calculated.

2. Asset Group on On header and line should show WIP as set group only in case of transaction type is  WIP, When transaction type is WIP then system will show Asset Group where WIP is marked true.

3. In drafted stage, void option should not show.

4. On reverse of asset transfer, system will update the header asset only and Asset only and Parent-Child linkage will not break.

titleEnhancementBug Fixes

1. Marked Work In Progress updatable at column level in Asset Group Screen. 2. Work done Resolve issue to set asset disposal document number on the invoice reference field of AR invoice, While Creating the AR invoice from Asset Disposal. 

32. Work done to Set Price and Amount create entry on Asset Expense tab . 4. Work done to create entry in case of Asset Impairment/Enhancement applied on Parent/Component Asset.

3. Resolve issue to Set Price and Amount on Asset Expense tab in case of when doing Asset Impairment/Enhancement applied on Parent/Component Asset. , Stock to Asset Conversion and Asset Transfer transactions. 

titleEnhancementBug Fixes

1. Marked Work In Progress updatable at column level in Asset Group Screen.  2. Work done to create entry on Asset Expense tab in case of Asset Impairment/Enhancement applied on Parent/Component Asset. 

titleEnhancementBug Fixes

1. Work done to Set Price and Amount on Asset Expense tab when doing Asset Impairment/Enhancement, Stock to Asset Conversion and Asset Transfer transactions. /


1. Work Changes done on Calculate Asset Cost process to Create entry under Asset Expense Tab. 


1. Handled issue while generating Asset Schedules for Prospective period. 

2. Window : Asset—Expense Tab 

Table: VAFAM_Expense:

Added New Columns:  VAFAM_AstImpairEnhanceLine_ID, VAFAM_WIPToFinishedAsset_ID, VAFAM_ConversionLine_ID, VAFAM_IsAssetConversion, VAFAM_IsAssetTransfer, VAFAM_IsAstImpEnhance.

3. Work done on completion of Asset Impairment/ Enhancement, system will create a record on ‘Expense’ tab in Asset window. 

4. Work done on completion of Asset Transfer, system will create a record on ‘Expense’ tab in Asset window.

5. Work done on Completion of Stock/ Asset Conversion, system will create a record on ‘Expense’ tab in Asset window. 


1. Handled DataReader issue for Postgre DB. 

2.Done changes to show parent field data on asset window when created from Asset Component Form. 

3.Marked Insert Record checkbox to false on Depreciation/Amortization line tab under Asset Depreciation/Amortization window. 

4. Handled issue while generating Asset Schedules for Prospective period. 

5. Asset Depreciation/Amortization organization field  dropdown value change(* Organization is hided).


Rebuild the module with updated NuGet Packages to make compatible with Vienna Advantage Framework version 5.0 and above.    

Note:- This version and all future versions of this module will be compatible with Vienna Advantage Framework version 5.0 and above. If you are using Vienna Advantage Framework 4.X.X.X then, do not install this version.  

titleBug Resolved

Handle data reader issue in calculate asset cost process that arise in Postgres 

Module Dependency 

- Vienna Advantage Standard (VAS_) <> 


1. Enhancements related to Asset Impairment/Enhancement in Asset Listing Report for that  added a new column named as ''Revaluation'' 


1. CSV issue, i.e.  "printing more than one record" is resolved. 

2.Set UOM on Invoice created from Sales of Asset. 

3. Change after save logic on Asset Transfer in case of Combine Assets 

4.Work done to set Processed true on Asset Depreciation Line and Asset Transfer Line on completion. 

5. Compiled module with .NET framework version 4.8. (Application Server should have installed .net framework version 4.8) 


1. Window: Shipment/Tab: Shipment Line 

Added new fields: Asset Quantity, Asset Value, Depreciation Amount 

2. Window: AR Invoice/Tab: Invoice Line 

Added new fields: Asset Quantity 

3.Added Callout on Shipment Line on Asset field, to set value of Asset Quantity, Aset Value and Depreciation Amount. 

4. Handle Case of Shipment Line on Disposal Details on Invoice Completion  

5. Changes done on Callout on Invoice Line to get Asset details from Shipment Line. 

6. Handle case if Asset Value and Disposal details already updated from Invoice Completion. (Need to remove this process from Invoice workflow). 

7.Fixed issue of Asset Listing Report. 

8.Window: Depreciation Rule/Tab: Depreciation Rule 

Added new field: Annual Rate 

9.Work done to handle case of Remaining Life and Annual Rate based setting of Depreciation Rule 

10. Changes done on Callout on Invoice Line to set Asset details and calculate Profit/Loss 

11.Added new fields Re-Schedule Date and Re-Generate Schedule on Asset window. 

12.Changes done on Generate Asset Schedule Process for case of Prorata Schedule false on Asset Group. 

13.Changes done on Callout on Asset Transfer to calculate remaining life of Asset 

14.Added Callout on Asset Window on change of Depreciation related data. 

15.Added callout to enable Re-Generate Schedule button if Schedlues already generated and depreciation related data is changed. 

16.Changes done on Split/Combine process case when Life of Parent is true on Asset Transfer. 


1.Window/Tab: Asset Disposal/ Aset Disposal 

Added new fields "Customer", "Location", "Price List", "Currency", "Currency Type", "Tax", "Unit Sales Price", "Sale Value", "Profit/Loss" on Asset Transfer tab. 

2. Work done on Asset Disposal to Create AR Invoice. 

3.Window/Tab: Asset Transfer/ Aset Transfer

Added new fields "VAFAM_TrxType", "VAFAM_ComponentLevelDepreciation", "VAFAM_LifeofParent", "VAFAM_ComponentValue", "VAFAM_CombinedValue", "VAFAM_CreateasComponent", "VAFAM_CombinedDep" on Asset Transfer tab. 

4.Window/Tab: Asset Group/ Aset Group 

Added new fields "VAFAM_IsWIP", "VAFAM_AssetGroupLife", "VAFAM_LifeUseUnit" on Asset Transfer tab.

5.Window/Tab: Asset/ Aset 

Added new fields "VAFAM_IsWIP", "VAFAM_ParentAsset_ID", "VAFAM_Merged" on Asset Transfer tab. 

6. Work done for Asset Split/Combine through Asset Transfer window. 


1.Rate Based calculation Added on Depreciation Rule window when Straight Line depreciation selected 

2.On GenerateAssetSchedule process Added Rate based calculation when Straight Line depreciation selected 

3.Changes in CreateDepreciationLines, CreateAssetDepAmortMenu process is CostCalculated Condition is removed and added new condition check VAFAM_IsScheduleGenerated is Y 

4.Set Tab level 1 on Asset Transfer line 

5.Changes Validation on organization field on Asset window 

6.Default value 1 set for qty 

7.Display logic of Post button issue Asset Disposal 

8.Set default transaction date 

9.Show qty field on asset transfer header 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1.Added new functionality of Asset Component form. 

2.Added new Tab on Asset for Component Asset. 

3.Added new window for Component Asset records. 

4.New process created to import asset detail from excel 

5.New fields on Window Asset Transfer 

6.New functionality Asset Transfer based selected asset create functionality changed 

- Single asset from wip 

- Multiple asset from wip 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


Enhancement in Costing with LIFO and FIFO Element

Dependency Information: 

VIENNA Advantage Framework ( 

Vienna Advantage Upgrade 4 ( 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1.We have enhance the Asset Transfer Process: Now User can convert the Multi-WIP asset to One Finished Goods. 

2.Add One New Tab Asset Transfer Line. where user can select multiple WIP-Asset from Asset window which user want to convert into one Finished Asset. 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1.PostgreSQL Database Supported 

2.New UI Changes 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1. Set cost calculated checkbox true when we create new asset from create asset process. 

2. While completion of WIP finished to asset window set the value of SLM depreciation and asset gross value on original as well as on new asset. Entry on disposal details tab with negative qty and amount. 

3. Added new functionality of asset transfer 

4.Added new tab Disposal details on asset window  

5.Added new window Asset transfer 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1.Added new functionality for asset disposal/partial disposal, for more details click here 

2.Added new tab for details of disposal on Asset window. 

3.Added new functionality for Stock/Asset Conversion, for more details click here. 

4.Enhancement to update use units on asset window on completion, reversal and void of asset depreciation.

5.Set base currency, default conversion type and Type on Asset Amortization/Depreciation window while creating schedules from Generate Asset Schedule process 

6.Added Organization Parameter in Generate Asset Schedule process Added validation on Asset Group. Asset Group will come according to selected organizations. 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1.Created new dll and js with new version because there were package issue in previous version. 


1.Added new callout on Asset Group field Asset window to get Asset Type, Owned, Depreciated, Depreciation Rule from Asset Group window. 


1.Added class to class to call callouts from client side  

2.Added callout to set Amortization Template of related Asset  group on Charge Window  

3.Change query to get  SetProductCost on Emperiment/Enhancement window and moved whole query to Server Side    

4. Changes done for showing only non summary organization on Asset Form Added callout to set Amortization Template of related Asset  group on Charge Window 

5.Change query to get  SetProductCost on Emperiment/Enhancement window and moved whole query to Server Side  

6.Added a DocBaseType & DocumentType For Asset Impairment/Enhancement For posting Logics 


1. Added class to class to call callouts from client side 

2.Added callout to set Amortization Template of related Asset  group on Charge Window 

3.Change query to get  SetProductCost on Emperiment/Enhancement window and moved whole query to Server Side 

4.Commented code line added by arpit which was depreciation substracting depreciation from every asset while creating lines on asset depreciation lines 

5.Changes done for showing only non summary organization on Asset Form 

6.Added callout to set Amortization Template of related Asset  group on Charge Window 

7.Change query to get  SetProductCost on Emperiment/Enhancement window and moved whole query to Server Side 


1.Added class to class to call callouts from client side 

2. Added callout to set Amortization Template of related Asset  group on Charge Window 

3.Change query to get  SetProductCost on Emperiment/Enhancement window and moved whole query to Server Side 

4.Changes done for update schedule and and asset only on completion of doc 

5.Update Asset Gross Value in accordance with Inhancement/Emapir loss

6.Changed Asset Cost -instead of getting From Product Cost we get value of asset cost from Asset itself i.e  WrittenDownV...

7.Create Depreciation against matched Numbers of Schedules in Asset Schedules 2.Schedule must be against Product or the … 

8.Update Changes for the schedule Lines on Asset window-Tab 

9.Changes done for showing only non summary organization on Asset Form

10.Added callout to set Amortization Template of related Asset  group on Charge Window 

11.Change query to get  SetProductCost on Emperiment/Enhancement window and moved whole query to Server Side 

12.Added Asset Group on Charge window

13.Added Charge on Impairment/Enhancement Window 

14.Added Charge on Asset Window,Expense Tab,Depreciation-amortization Line, Asset Impairment/Enhancement Line

15.Added a column IsCostCalculated on Asset window 


1. Asset Form Enhancement : Create asset for product category and for multi products. 

2. Asset Form Enhancement : Need to create asset based on Product  

3.Actual Cost= Asset qty * Current cost present in Cost tab(Asset window) against Last Invoice Cost Element 

4.Handled the asset cost calculation for Material Receipt + Vendor(Invoice) documents. 

5.Qty not editable when select single product without attribute set instance. 

6.Set Product Category: when we remove product and select other product then set the selected Product Category. 

7.Apply client check on Asset Group 
